Solangelo on Ice

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(AU solengelo Yuri on ice. I have never seen the show so things will definitely be different)

(Nico POV)

My feet glided smoothly on the ice. Each arcing swoop and booming gesture exiting me even more. I was performing the ice skating solo that Will Solace did, gaining him gold in the olympics and the number one spot for best figure skater in the world. He was amazing, the best of the best. My skating would never compare, but I still tried.

The rink was closing for the night and I had mere minutes before I had to leave. A couple other people were packing their things and getting ready to leave. I let my movements engulf me, taking all of my attention. The cool air radiating off of the ice kept my skin cool and my heart at a reasonable pace. This is what I loved.

My whole life revolved around figure skating, until last year. I was doing well, too amateur skater and moving onto the big stuff. I was slowly making my way up the ranks. At my last competition I went in confident. I was suave and confident, an air of superiority floated around me. My routine was difficult, supposed to push me to the breaking point. I had practiced minimally due to my confidence, I mean, I had mastered the triple back axle jump.

When it came time to perform, I was flawless and confident nearing the jump. I whirled around and jumped in the air. I cane crashing down and received a big ego bruising. I had failed. The judges didn't give me enough points to even place in the top three. After that I had gone home and given up on my dreams. I still skated for fun, but never seriously.

Today, as I jumped and spun, skated beautifully, I finally felt at home again. Little did I know things would change drastically.

Back in my dorm room, I changed into my pyjamas and jumped in bed. I slept dreamless for the first time in forever, a sort of peaceful cloak over me.

I woke up to my phone ringing. Who could it be at three in the morning? I grumpily answered, "What?," I snapped.

"Hello, my name is William Solace and-"

"What!" I screeched. Holy Hera! My idol was calling me. But what for? Who cares? I was on the phone with Will Solace.

"As I was saying," he continued as though I hadn't interrupted him, "I saw your video online and I would like to help you get back in the business. You have talent and potential. Let me help,"

I was speechless, "Umm, what video?" I didn't have a video. Quickly I pulled up youtube on my computer and the first thing I saw was an overnight viral video. Me.

It was a video taken of me doing Will's routine beautifully. Millions of people had already seen it. I was flabbergasted. Holy Hades! 

"Yes of course. I would love your help," I quickly said. I couldn't pass up this opportunity and I wanted desperately to be a figure skater again. This was my life. The most important thing to me was skating, and I needed to do it for the rest if my life.

"Great," he said, "I am already on a plane in my way to you. Long Island, right?"

"Ya," I whispered. My heart beat rapidly andI was short of breath. This was a dream come true.


A few days later I was at the mall with Will. He had arrived here a half a day after he phoned me. He said that I needed new gear and offered to take me shopping. We were in the skate section of a store looking at very expensive skates.

"Only the best for my prodigy," he had said. Once we finished buying the supplies we went straight to work.

For the morning of the next few weeks we worked on form and toning. It was arduous work. I held different stances for half an hour each without movement. In the afternoons, we went to the rink and practiced skating. Speed work, air work and leg work I missed lots of schooling, but I was dedicated to my skating. I took little to no breaks and we started meal planning. Every part of my day was spent training one way or another. But I loved it. This was one of the best things about skating. I loved every aspect about figure skating. I live for skating.

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