Lily broule

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Wind fanned around my face as my cherry convertible raced around. We were going to be late for school but i didn't care. Hit the Quan was blaring from my speakers. My squad and I were singing along. First there is Sophie, she is an extreme hip hop dancer. She is devoted. Alicia has straight, bright red hair and icy blue eyes. She is gorgeous, she will become a model someday. Kaitlyn who is tall, tan and a swimmer. Which means that we can get close to Percy Jackson, the hottest most scrumptious and popular guy at Goode. Then there is me. I'm Sasha, I have medium length goldy brown hair. My brow eyes have honey yellow specks in them and a dash of freckles spread across my face. I am devoted to soccer. Like go Renaldo!! Now you may be thinking that we are the slutty, cheering types of girls. We're not we are humble and human.

Anyways I have the biggest crush on Percy. So I invited him to my soccer game, along with the girls and his friends. I am going to play my best and hardest and when we win, I will ask him to our schools girls ask guys dance.

Time skip

I had on a beautiful blue and purple strapless dress. It was long and flowey it also had lots of see through sparkles. Strap heels made me look way taller than I already was.

I walked into the gymnasium at our school. A few wolf whistles were heard over the thumping music. I went straight to the snack table and got some punch. I had a great view of the door so that I could see when Percy walked in. In about 15 minutes the gym doors opened. In walked the freakin sexy swimmer. Percy had on a black tuxedo and a bright green tie that accented his eyes. But he had attached to his arm an extremely pretty girl. She had long curly blonde hair, piercing gray eyes and a silver dress. I was so jealous that my soon to be boyfriend was at prom with someone else I left without claiming my crown.

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