Class five

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To all those in Texas; I cannot even start to understand how terrifying and awful your situation must be. I will keep you in my heart.


Annabeth was in the middle of grading her classes tests when the alarms went off. She looked up at the confused faces of her grade four students, they were so young and innocent. Calmly, she stood up and cleared her voice, "Okay everyone, this is an alarm that we have practiced before. Nothing new. If you would please, calmly and quietly, follow me. Last person please shut off the lights and close the door,"

One by one the children stood and followed her out of the class. All the other teachers had parades of elementary students trailing after them and soon the hallways were crowded. The hurricane alarms still blaring.

Just outside pf the school was a bunker sort of thing that could hold the entirety of the school's students and staff inside. The walls were lined with tins of food and blankets. A whole area was sectioned off for water. The kids were led single file outside and back into the shelter. A small staircase led into the ground for added protection from nature's fiery claws.

When everyone had been loaded inside and the teachers did role call to ensure the whereabouts of every child, the doors were shut and bolted. Outside the wind thrashed and rain pelted down, creating a maelstrom of noise. A cacophony of harsh noises filled the still air. A fallen tree. Outside, destruction was reigning down. They were lucky to have made it inside without injuries or losses. The alarms now sounded distant against the hollow echoing of disaster.

The air was stagnant with fear and Annabeth was distraught. What happened to Percy? Was he safe? He was coming to pick Annabeth up from work seeing as the day was almost finished. With nothing to calm her worries, Annabeth focused on calming her students. She passed out blankets and assured their comfort.

She did not know how long the storm continued, only that it got progressively worse and the kids were drooping with exhaustion. None of the faculty was tired, they being too strung with worry. A few kids even fell asleep, even with the noise pelting them from outside.

A long time passed and the fear had heightened to a major level. The storm showed no signs of letting up. By then the students were homesick. sniffles and muffled sobs broke through the quiet air. Not a word had been said since they had shit themselves away, and that could have been a while day earlier.

Annabeth conferred with her colleagues and they decided to pass around cantines of food. Soon spirits were lifted with a feeing of fullness and comfort. Annabeth still worried and she desperately needed something to do.

She could do this. Percy would be fine. They had survived much worse. They would be okay.

Annabeth grabbed a book from the small collection of pastimes and started reading softly. A few students who surrounded her perked up at the sound of her voice. They grasped onto her desperately as a way of lessening their fear. Time passed yet again and her voice picked up. It rang softly across the room and soon everyone was rapt with awe. They hung onto her every word.

No one noticed when the noises stopped until voices pierced the air. Screams, names.

"Henry, HENRY!"

"My poor girl. Sasha where are you?"


The principal waded his way through to the door and unlatched the bolt with a groan. Relief flooded the ranks and tears of joy were being shed. When the doors had been opened, the kids streamed out to find their loved ones. Screams of joy, relief and love rang about, but they did nothing to mask the destruction of the area.

Trees were lying everywhere and green leaves blanketed the ground in a carpet like way. Cars were parked hazardously near the school, some half destroyed and a miracle to be working. The school had toppled over at one side and had huge tree limbs through its windows. As far as the eye could see, everything was destroyed.

Suddenly arms engulfed Annabeth's shaking form. She gripped his strong arms and cried softly into his shoulder.

"Oh Perce, I was so worried. Are you okay? How long had it been?" she asked him.

Ge shook his head and calmed her, " Oh Wise Girl, I love you,"

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