Air conditioning

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I remember when I first met Annabeth's boyfriend, Percy. He was attractive and funny, basically the best someone could ask for. It was last summer. Annabeth and I had stayed at our uni dorm for a few weeks into break. Annabeth said she needed to stay and finish an extra course she was taking and I had no where else to go. Anyways, we were inside lazing around in the heat. Our air conditioner broke, and sweltering heat took its place. I'm pretty sure that was the hottest summer known to mankind.

"Oh my God! I think I'm dying. Even with all these fans it is still like a sauna!" I complained. Annabeth let out a meager laugh. Actually putting energy into anything turned painful due to the heat.

"Yeah I know. I wish we had something to distract us. Oh I have an idea," Annabeth grinned cheekily and whipped out her phone. "Sarah can you fill up a big tub with water please?"

I will admit, i was extremely confused. Were we going to have an indoor pool? Annabeth started to furiously type into her phone. I did as she said and filled the biggest tub I could find with water. By the time I had dragged the bucket back to where Annabeth was, I had generated enough sweat to full up the tub.

"Now we wait,"

"For what? Annabeth what are we doing?" she ignored me, which is not a nice thing to do to your roommate that does laundry. We waited for what seemed a thousand years. Finally I heard a knock on the door. Annabeth jumped up and walked to the door. When she opened it I seriously thought it was an angel ready to take us to heaven because we died from the heat.

"Sarah, this is my boyfriend, Percy," Annabeth said. She seemed unfazed by my mouth hanging open or the fact that I fell off of my chair in surprise, "Well, Seaweed Brain. It is very hot in here and I know you recently found out you could do the thing," now I was confused.

"What thing?"

Percy laughed, "Are you sure Wise Girl? Your roommate is a mortal, she would freak out!"

"Hey! I may be mortal but-- Wait, you're not mortal?" They both looked at me sheepishly. I did not know what was going on, and I was half sure it was a mirage due to the inferno outside.

"Well the cat is out of the bag now, go ahead Percy,"

This next part gets real crazy, so brace yourself. Percy bent over the water jug and concentrated really hard. I knew he was concentrating because his face turned puce and he started shaking slightly. Finally, after I was starting to think he wouldn't do anything (and let's face it. What could he do? It was water), he did something. Oh Percy did something so tremendous and amazing and cool and amazing and great. He froze the water.

I layer of frost slowly crept across the surface of the water ever so subtly. When the water had frozen into a block of ice he leaned back and smiled.

"Anna, I did it. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do it again,"

I sat there dumbstruck. Magic. This dude was frickin' Harry Potter! Oh Lord! When I thought it could not get any better, the ice block flew into the air, wobbling slightly, and soared towards the window. Our window was open and letting in a dry, hot, sticky breeze. When the ice block landed on the window sill, our whole room started to cool down. The cold of the ice was being pushed around our room with the wind. I wanted to cry. First Harry Potter is real and then our room is cold. Amazing. That is all a person could ever ask for.

"Wow, my hero! Thank you Harry Potter!" I smiled and jumped victoriously. A thought suddenly came to mind, "Won't it melt? How did you do that? Wow?"

"It will not melt. I am a demigod, half Greek God half human. The ice will not melt because I do not want it too and Wow!" Percy replied.

He was not human. That must be why he called me mortal. Wow. For the rest of the day we laughed and played games. I made a new friend that day, Percy. I will always remember that day and my roommate and her boyfriend. Years later, on my death bed, I think back to that moment and how happy I was. A world that is and forever will be my secret, exists. I have never told a single person what happened on that day. Percy and Annabeth, the magical duo.

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