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I awoke on something squishy and soft-ish. I was still laying on Patrick's thigh in the lounge part of bus. I looked around, practically everyone was sleeping in the lounge, except for Andy who probably went to his bunk. I had to stifle a laugh when i saw Pete's head on Joe's shoulder, Pete's mouth was open and some of Joe's Joe-fro was getting into his mouth. I carefully lifted my head off of Patrick's leg, i grabbed my phone to check the time. 10:42, was what it read. Damn this is late for me, i went to bed late, and woke up late. Robert wouldn't be happy, but he's not here, so i don't worry about making him angry.

I got up and walked to my bags. I picked them up and moved them towards the bunk i was sleeping in. I went through my clothes for something to wear and ended picking out a sleeveless plaid boyfriend tee and some ripped jeans. I went to the bathroom to change, because frankly i didn't know when they were gonna wake up and i didN't want the guys seeing me half naked. I changed quickly, avoiding looking at cuts.

I walked out and into the kitchen, i put a single piece of bread in the toaster. I leaned against the counter and watched the guys sleep. The toast popped out of the toaster making a spring noise. I didn't expect Pete to jump up from Joe's shoulder, i didn't know he was a light sleeper or anything. Him jumping caused Joe to wake up. "Jesus fucking Christ Pete, you scared the shit out of me!" Joe yelled. Which caused Patrick to blink open his eyes sleepily, i could also hear Andy fumbling with his bunk curtain. All that over a piece a toast.

"What happened, i heard a noise?!" Pete said looking around frantically. "My toast pooped." I spoke up laughing. "You woke me up over toast!" Joe yelled at Pete. "Uh, um." Pete stuttered looking scared for his life. Joe tackled Pete to the ground and they started to wrestle around. I spread some butter on my bread and sat beside Patrick. "Men." I said to him as i took a bite of my toast. Patrick rolled his eyes and looked over to me. 'You're not going to eat anything else?" He asked confused. I gulped down the dry piece of toast, it crossed my mind to tell Patrick that i was on a diet but like most people he would say it was not healthy. "If i eat to much in the morning i get nauseous." I lied. Patrick shrugged and walked to the kitchen to probably grab some cereal.

Andy walked into the lounge area not fazed by Pete and Joe wrestling on the floor. He went into the kitchen to get some food. Patrick walked back into the lounge holding a bowl of cereal, how did i know? He took his seat beside me just as i finished off my cereal. Pete and Joe had stopped wrestling and Pete had turned on his phone. "10:50, wow we're up early." Pete mumbled to himself. "This is early for you guys, i wake up at like 8:00." I say to Pete with a laugh. Patrick looked at me with eye's the size of the moon. "What kind of person wakes up at that time?" He asked with disbelief.  "Someone who actually has to be into work early." I giggled.

I worked as an editor at a publishing company, my days were spent fixing spelling errors, grammar, taking out things they didn't need, changing character names, and making sure they didn't use anything copyrighted. It could quite boring but i always loved reading and writing, and worker for a publisher gave me better chance of getting published. Robert thought i had stupid dreams for believing that i could get anything published, he was probably right. Dreams were something I kept close to me, I just couldn't seem to shake any of them out of my head.

I got up and grabbed my phone and earbuds. "Whoa, wait, you have world renowned band in front of you and your putting in earphones?" Joe asked me with a frown. I flashed him an innocent smile. "I'm just gonna listen to you guys, on my phone." I said and before Joe could speak up I put my earbuds in. I turned on Coldplay Fix You and started updated my twitter. 'First day of tour with Fall Out Boy!' I tweeted, I know I only had followers because of Joe but I didn't mind. I also knew that I would get a lot of hate, things like 'you don't deserve to be there!' or 'I would actually be grateful to be Joe Trohman's sister!' I didn't mind that either though.

Fix Me (Patrick Stump) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now