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We landed in Europe half an hour ago or so and were just making are way out of the airport. We were staying in a hotel for the night then in the morning we had to drive to the guys next gig. I kinda felt a little small in this whole tour, so many famous people. And here I am just little me, no meaning here. I'm okay with that though, I think I'm okay with that.

We walked out of the airport and thankfully there was no job waiting for us. Thanks Pete, for not tweeting about us landing. I heard last tour they went on Pete tweeted about landing almost every time. At least that's what I've heard from Joe.

We made our way through the crowd of people trying to catch a taxi to a black SUV. Pete called shotgun and opened the passenger door. I shook my head as Joe and Andy climbed into the back. Patrick gestured to the door and looked back to me with a cheeky grin. "M'lady." He said. I smiled a real smile, a smile that reached my eyes. Something I notice about people is their smile, anyone can move their mouth but making your eyes look happy is another story.

I nodded a thanks to Patrick and climbed in taking my seat beside Andy. The car started up and Pete chatted aimlessly to who ever the driver was. "Eh Joe who am I staying with at the hotel?" I asked him. "Patrick this time." Joe said casually. I looked over to Patrick and he shot me a flirty smile at me, this was his doing. I shook my head a tiny bit which thankfully Andy didn't notice, I've already had my fair share of people thinking I'm insane wouldn't want Andy thinking that.

I looked back to Patrick who was smiling at me charmingly. Patrick, Patrick what are you planning? I really like him but I don't wanna go that far, I'd rather have a friend than boyfriend. I don't want to lose Patrick as a friend! He's to good to lose, to nice, to, to perfect. I can't lose perfection; if perfection came knocking at your door would you dismiss it, no you would trap that shit in a jar. I don't mean I'm going to trap Patrick in a jar but you get the metaphor.

The car stopped and the guys started pilling out. Pete thanked the driver before shutting the passenger door. We were in front of a really nice looking hotel, wow i wish i was able to afford this on a daily basis. The guys could of course, the perks of being a multi-millionaire. (If you get that reference i love you.)

We walked into the hotel and Joe and Pete started dealing with the paperwork. I walked over to Patrick and raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" He asked innocently.

"Really Patrick you got Joe to let you share a room with me?" I asked with a small smile on my face. "Hey, don't blame me for all Joe knows that's what you wanted." Patrick said with a wink. "You sneaky little bastard you." I joked. "You're just a girl all the boys wanna dance with and I'm just a boy who's had to many chances." Patrick said in the most serious voice i think he could muster.

"Patrick, did you just quote your own song at a completely un-given time?" I asked him. "Maybe i did, maybe i didn't." He said and walked over to Pete and Joe who handed him two room keys. Patrick walked back to me and handed me one. "I'm just gonna lock you out of the room." I said and rushed over to the elevator.

Patrick out a noise of dismay as he followed after me quickly. "Not catching me Stump!" I yelled smashing the elevator repeatedly. The doors dinged open when the thought of my fear of riding elevators alone dawned on me. Patrick, thank his heavenly face made it time to get in. The guys weren't slow behind him leaving the elevator slightly cramped.

"Still gonna lock you out little man." I said flicking Patrick in the head. He smacked my hand away with a pout. "I'm taller than you." He reasoned. "By like three inches, which makes you a hobbit." I said.

"You're shorter than average height too!" He said crossing his arms in a mocking manner. "Only by three inches, not five and people like short girls short guys just don't get the same rep." I said with a slight eyebrow raise as if challenging him. "I- uh- well, shut up." He grumbled. I stood a little straighter as i had just one an award. Maybe i kinda did win an award, it was hard to render Patrick speechless, the few that can are taken into questioning and possibly.

Okay maybe it's not that drastic but it is kinda surprising. The rest of ride was just awkward silence; what do four men and one woman do in a an elevator together. Thankfully it was a fairly short ride to the 5th floor. When the doors opened i looked at the number on the room key. 325, okay not far from the elevator.

I bolted out of the elevator and to the room. I checked the number to make sure i had the right one ans slid the key into the lock. It clicked open and pushed the door open shutting and locking it behind me. Oh wait Emma you idiot he also has a key card, couldn't you have taken the from him before running away.

It was made apparent that Patrick was at the door when I heard a click of the lock. I squeaked and ran around like a chicken with no head trying to find a hiding place. I ended up diving under the bed for cover. Why am i so god damn immature?

Patrick jumped onto the bed and poked his head down meeting eyes with me. "What'cha doing down there Ems?" He asked a chuckle escaping his throat. "Oh you know just making friends with the native dust bunnies. You know that was Cartier's biggest mistake, making enemies with the Iroquois, it's why it took France forever to settle in Canada." I informed.

"Why are you telling me Canadian history when we come from America and at the moment are in England?" Patrick asked confusion clear on his face. "Everyone always needs a good lesson on Canadian history." I said still laying on my stomach under the bed.

"Why do you even know that?" He asked me. "Says the, "Language is my passion" nerd, i like to the history of our Canadian neighbors." I said rolling onto my back with a bit of struggle. "Are you just gonna lay down there the whole night." Patrick asked me.

"Well i still need to do my daily extracting of hair so i can clone you, so probably no." I answered. "You're cloning me." Patrick asked. Well no I wasn't cloning him, and if i could clone anyone it would be Jodelle Ferland. Like has you seen that girls face, she is just ah.

"No I'm not doing the sciency stuff just collecting your hair." I said pushing myself out from underneath the bed. "Come on you're probably smart enough to do the sciency stuff." Patrick pulling me onto the bed with him.

I giggled and shook my head. "Patrick I'm an English major for a reason." I said and grabbed the TV remote. I switched the TV stations and let it stay on the food network since nothing remotely good had come up.

I was concentrating on the woman on the TV making a souffle when i felt Patrick's hand slip around my waste and pull me into him. I was gonna ask what he was doing but decided against it; how could i turn him down when I'm a giant cuddler (I don't think that's a word.)

I sat quite stiff for a couple of minutes but let Patrick keep his hand around me. I was still regretting what i was doing, i still had Robert and i still wasn't going to leave him. The whole time I've been on this tour Patrick's been nothing but sweet. Much sweeter than Robert ever been. Much sweeter than anyone's ever been.

I eventually convinced myself to relax and laid my head down on Patrick's shoulder. I could almost feel him smiling. God Patrick how do you do this to me, just completely render me useless. Do you mean to do this, you sadistic son of a bitch. Ah, k you're probably not sadistic but you are a son of bitch.

Funny how the last thoughts you can think of someone before you fall asleep on their shoulder is how they're a sadistic son of a bitch. Also funny how i managed to do just that.


Hey so new chapter, still kinda short but a bit longer. Anyways don't be alarmed if i don't update for while or something I'm just stressed. I think i might end this book in about fifteen chapters soon. Oh and if i found out how to work it I'll also a picture of Jodelle Ferland to the Media, she's one of me celebrity crushes so i felt the need to mention her at least once.

Ren201 Out

Fix Me (Patrick Stump) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now