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I was shaken awake by two hands. I almost lashed out and punched the person who had touched me until I remembered it was Patrick. Well I would feel bad about punching Patrick in the face it's not the worst thing I could do to him. I mean i have punched Patrick before, and Joe, and Pete, not Andy though. Andy is a pretty un-punchable person, he's also kind of scary sometimes, like no one would punch him.

"Bhat do wou want Pwatrick?" I mumbled into the pillow that my face was pressed into. "We gotta make it to the stadium for sound check, it's already 9 o'clock in the morning, we have to be at the stadium by ten." Patrick told me still holding me in his arms. I fell asleep like this didn't i; it was a good way to sleep.

It took me probably a good twenty seconds to register that if i didn't get up now the guys would either be late for sound check or they would leave me behind. Probably the latter of the two. So i grudgingly pulled myself out of Patrick's arm; missing the comfort of his arms and sleep in general. I stood up and walked over to my suitcase. Clothes, clothes; I needed clean clothes. Damn I should of done laundry when we got to the hotel I only have a couple of outfits left. I managed to find a black tan top, a red plaid throw over, and some black ripped jeans. I didn't have time to shower or really make my hair look good so I threw on a black beanie.

Just because I had no time for hair didn't mean makeup was out of the question. Makeup is never out of the question. I grabbed my supplies and rushed to the bathroom. I first put on some makeup primer then covered my whole face and neck in foundation. Now it was time for concealer and powder. Concealer was really important to me, it covered the thing I call a face; it covered the blemish. I do finished that and moved onto my eyes. I spent some time on my eyeliner making moderately sized wings on each eye then putting on some mascara. I was practically down now just needed to apply some nude lip gloss and we're out of here. 

I rushed out of the bathroom and shot a crooked smile Patrick's way." I can work miracles in fifteen minutes." I said a sly smirk replacing the crooked smile. "Yeah and so can a fortune teller, probably, i think." Patrick replied with the most lame comeback I've ever heard in my life. 

"You didn't even try with that one; but to make you feel better I'll pretend it was an amazing come back." I said in a sweet sing-song voice.

"Always there to boost my confidence." Patrick said sarcastically. I flashed him a silly smile and opened the door to walk out. "Whoa wait a minute I haven't changed!" Patrick said and hopped off the bed in a hurry. "Well then why are you trying to make me wait in the room, do you want me to watch?" I asked in a fake seductive tone.

"W-what no! No go, go away!" Patrick said his voice filled with embarrassment. I could imagine he flustered face burning beat red. I waved cutely at home before exiting the hotel room. Ah I love that stupid fedora wearing man.

I waited by the door for him to finish. When he came out he was wearing a white shirt with a black cardigan, a leather jacket, and some black skinny jeans. His signature fedora was messily placed on his head like he rushed to get dressed and he was wearing some random black and white sneakers. 

"Do you wear those sneakers everyday?" I asked him teasingly. "They are very comfortable sneakers, thank you very much." Patrick said dismissively. I smiled and pushed him over. "Stop being so mean to me." I said a s my phone made a dinging sound.

My eyes flashed with  mixture of confusion and far. I had no friends and if the guys were asking where we were the would definitely text Patrick. That meant the only person left that could have texted me at this time would be Robert. It's been almost a month since i talked to him last; I'm still getting over the fact that him hurting me wasn't my fault.

I dug my phone out of my pocket and looked at the notifications. To my great surprise it was Robert (note the sarcasm). "Robert?" Patrick asked, he could clearly see the worry on my face. I nodded and opened my texts.

"Why haven't you talked to me in a month?" Is what it read. 

I was ready to start my emotional healing; i couldn't do that unless i left Robert though. I just didn't know how to do it, I'm to scared now to talk to him in personal and i don't know if i have the heart to break up with him through text. The thing is want to leave him now, for Patrick, for myself; I just don't want to leave for Patrick. That's the thing, you might assume that Patrick is making me leave him; he isn't, no i want to leave him now. I finally noticed how wrong our relationship was, makes me hate myself a little bit for not noticing but i did.

Well i think i should say it makes me hate myself a little more. You can't hate yourself a just a little  when you already hate yourself quite a lot. That's not how life works, if it was i would love to live.

"You don't have to respond to it you don't want to." Patrick said resting a a careful hand on my shoulder. I shook my head in defiance  and started writing out a reply.

"You aren't worth my time anymore." I wrote down a simple reply and honestly i hope it hurt him. 

I didn't wanna see  his response; like i said, he isn't wroth my time. 

I turned to Patrick and flashed him a weak but triumphant smile. "Nothing i couldn't handle." I said and glanced towards the ground. I was going to do it, i would break up with him; via it be by text or in person.

"If you ever want to talk I'm always here." Patrick said to me. I always know he's there for me, but other things to worry about.

"I'm fine, really." I said seriously. We finally made it over to the elevator and got in, we were pretty late for breakfast now.

I saw Patrick glancing down at his phone. "The guys said we have no time to order breakfast so we'll have to pick some up on the drive there, that okay with you?" He asked me 'Yeah anythings good for me." I answered.

What was i thinking telling Robert off like that?                                              

What had i done?


Oh my god I'm still a live. Yeah shits been pretty tough, i might update you guys on what happened two or so weeks ago but probably not. Anyways so i updated, I am so sorry I've been so busy and my anxiety has gotten a lot worse. But i got it up. I've been working on this for probably two months, a story of 1165 for two months. Sorry if i don't updat again for a whl and as always.

Ren201 Out

Fix Me (Patrick Stump) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now