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I carried my suitcase to the elevator and waited for Joe. He arrived and I pressed the down button for the elevator. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, I pulled in my suitcase and stood there with Joe. "Where are you guys performing next?" I asked Joe. "Ottawa, then I think Mississauga or something." Joe answered as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. I pulled my bag out of the elevator and already I could see the swarm of fan-girls by the door. I sighed and walked up to the guys with Joe. "Yay, fan-girls." I said with fake excitement. "Hey you're not the one they're practically trying to rip the skin off of." Pete pointed out. "Yeah but still they could rip my skin off." I said.

Joe rolled his eyes and started heading towards the door where Marcus their body guard was waiting. Marcus opened the door and a bunch of screams hit my ears. I clenched my teeth and walked too the door after Joe. Joe walked out of the hotel with Marcus leading the way, I followed, then Patrick, Pete came out next, then Andy. I feel some people accidentally gripping my arms. I shrugged off their hands and continued walking staying close to Joe. I looked behind me to see if the guys were okay, they of course were. After a couple of minutes of forcefully walking through fan-girl after fan-girl we finally made it to the tour bus.

Marcus opened the bus door and Joe stepped in. I walked into the bus with relieved sigh, no more screaming fans. Patrick walked on the bus followed by Pete and last of all Andy. The driver started the bus and we drove off from the hotel. I was kinda happy that Ottawa wasn't that far away from Toronto, only a four hour drive give or take a bit. I saw Patrick head to his bed with his acoustic guitar, a thought stuck me. I got up and followed after Patrick, I think I'll take him up on that offer to teach me guitar.

I pulled opened Patrick's bunk curtain making him jump. "I think I'll take you up on that offer to teach me how to play guitar." I said and sat down on his bed. "You could've warned me, I'm not prepared to teach you." Patrick complained. "Sh, you shall teach me." I said. Patrick sighed and handed me the guitar, he position himself so he was sitting behind me showing me how to hold a guitar. The guitar was a simple black acoustic, nothing special about it. "Okay, got it?" Patrick asked me. I nodded and waited for further instructions. "Okay so this string right here is E." Patrick said directing my hand to the E string. I strummed the string with a nod. "If you can't remember which string it is it helps to know its the thinnest one out of then six." He told me. He guided my hand to the second thinnest string and is strummed it. "This is an A string." He told me. 

We continued our lesson the same way, Patrick showing me strings, me just nodding and doing what he said. About an hour later I was done with playing guitar for the day. I put the guitar down on Patrick's pillow and turned around so I could face him. "I think I'm done playing for now." I told him and started to get up. Before I could leave Patrick's bunk he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. "You know I could let you leave, but I also could tickle you." Patrick said with a devious smirk. "Patrick Vaughn Stump if you tickle me I'm going g to kill you!" I threatened. "To late!" Patrick said and started tickle my sides. I laughed at first until he grazed over on it the fresher cuts which hurt like a bitch. I held in my pain so it wouldn't look odd and pushed Patrick off.

"I said don't tickle me!" I complained. "No you said you would kill me if I tickled you." Patrick pointed out. "You a musician not a lawyer." I retorted with a frown. "Yeah but I don't know I was thinking about leaving the band to become a lawyer." Patrick joked. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my side, it still hurt. "Yeah everyone's gonna hire the old lead singer of a rock band who wears fedoras and cardigans, I probably the nicest person on earth, and isn't really threatening." I teased. "Right, everyone's gonna want me to be their lawyer, I'm glad you have hope for me." Patrick said messing up my hair.

Fix Me (Patrick Stump) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now