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The show went really well so the guys had decided to go out for drinks. Okay well by guys i meant Pete, Joe, Patrick, Max, Wiz, and Hoodie while me and Andy sat in the corner watching them do ridiculous stuff. Sometimes being straight edge with Andy sucked, but oh the things i remembered were great for black mail.

The bus arrived at the club and the guys pilled out. Me and Andy stayed behind letting the savages out. "God men and their alcohol." I said with a shake of my head. "I don't get it either." Andy agreed.

Patrick never really drank that much but today was kind of an exception. By the time me and Andy walked into the club the guys were already on their first round of shots. I scrunched my nose up in disgust, it smelled like sweat, puke, and alcohol. The lights were flashing and the D.J. was playing an incoherent tune but that didn't stop anyone from grinding against each other.

I really hope Pete doesn't do anything he'll regret. He has a baby on the way wouldn't want to sleep with another woman. I followed Andy to a table away from most of crowd. I sat down and sighed the table wasn't very nice and the booth had probably been puked on but it was better than standing.

"I really hate clubs, i think I've already had twelve people grab my butt." I said to Andy over the music. "Don't worry if anyone tries anything i'll make sure they don't ever come back to this club." Andy said. I laughed at the fact Andy wasn't even a violent guy. He did look pretty scary though I'll give him that.

I looked over to the guys who were on their second round of shots and Wiz, Max, Hoodie, and Joe had some beer. God they are gonna be wasted by the end of this, Wiz is probably gonna be stoned and Joe might return to some old habits for a little bit. Well i think me and Andy will have some story's to tell.

"Eh Andy go get me some water." I said to Andy. "I dunno are you sure you're good alone?" Andy asked. "Yeah, yeah i'll be fine." I said and waved Andy off to get the water.

I sat waiting patiently at the table. Andy was taking a pretty long time. I wonder what's keeping him, it's probably just because it's a war zone on the dance floor. I saw Patrick stumbling over to me, oh god Patrick please don't do anything we'll both regret.

"Hey babe why don't you have a drink?" Patrick asked me in a slurred voice. "We've been here for ten minutes Patrick how are you already fucking drunk?" I asked him. "I'm not drunk i'm perfectly fine." Patrick pouted as he slumped down into the seat beside me.

"Patrick you smell like tequila, get away!" I said and lightly pushed him. "Come on, just give me a kiss first." Patrick said trying to get at my lips. I pushed him away and he wobbled a bit barely managing to stay on the chair. "But i wanna kiss!" Patrick whined like a child. I shook my head at him.

I could see Pete making his way over to us. "Hey why don't you go ask Pete for a kiss?" I asked him in a sweet voice. "But i don't like Pete, i like you!" Patrick said and pulled me into his side. He wrapped an arm around my waste and nuzzled his head in my shoulder.

He really did smell like vodka and a bit of beer and maybe some whiskey. "Hey Patrick, if you go to Pete and kiss him you may just get your kiss." I said to him in a seductive tone. Patrick's eyes lit up, he stood up and started stumbling over to Pete.

From my chair i could see Patrick grabbing Pete's face and kissing him. I took this as my queue to stand up and leave. I started to make my way across the dance floor, which was not easy.

When i got to the door i texted Andy saying i was going back to the bus. I opened the door and sighed in relief when i got out into the fresh air. "Shit i really hate clubs." I muttered and walked over to the bus. I tugged on the handle only to have it not open. Oh yeah the guys locked it.

Fix Me (Patrick Stump) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now