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I woke up in a hot sweat. I was boiling. Last night i had fallen asleep in my track pant and sweatshirt along with a heavy duvet covering me. The bus had A.C. but it wasn't cold enough for me.I threw the duvet off of me and checked the time.

"12:30!" I said shocked. I was up late really late. I swung my legs over my bunk and hurried to my bag. I grabbed some simple black shorts and a blue paisley t-shirt. I walked to the bathroom and started getting changed.

I was changed and out of the bathroom in a record time. I stood in the hall for a second as a thought struck me. The guys probably weren't even up. I face palmed at my hurried actions and walked into the lounge. I stopped to look at the scene in front of me. All the guys were awake.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Fall Out Boy?" I asked them, they were never up this 'early'.

"We killed them then ate their flesh." Pete said his tone a bit ti serious. "Nah just kidding, we were gonna go out for breakfast but that kinda turned into brunch." Pete said nodding his head towards the clock.

"And no one thought to wake me up?" I asked. "Well we were gonna wake you up but you just looked to damn adorable when you sleep." Joe teased.

I rolled my eyes and threw i paper cup i found on the table at him. Joe dodged it with a mischievous smirk. "So we going out for brunch or not?" I asked before Joe could get another word in.

"Yeah lets go guys, i'm starved!" Pete said jumping up from his seat. The guys followed after him a little less excited. I giggled and made my way over to the door, i think i'd eat an okay breakfast today.

I made it out of the bus to see we were parked in front of a cute little diner. I smiled, i used to love eating at diners. I hadn't been to a diner in while though, Robert preferred i had breakfast ready for him in the morning. I wasn't a very good cook but i was learning for Robert.

We walked into the diner and were seated almost immediately. There weren't many people considering it was kinda late, even for brunch. I was handed a menu and looked down at it. After a bit of self convincing i settled on the waffles.

The server came to take our orders and everyone said theirs. Patrick got a turkey club, Joe got eggs and bacon, Pete got pancakes, and Andy got a vegetarian wrap. (Also vegan friendly)

I sat impatiently tapping my foot again the tiled floor of the diner. "God Ems you good you look like you're experiencing a earthquake over there." Joe said.

I looked over to him, i had just noticed that i was taping a beat against the table. "Oh yeah just hungry." I said not going into any detail.

"Oh okay." Joe said, he seemed down with that answer but i could see Patrick looking at me through the corner of my eye. Patrick always seemed to know when something was up and it was kinda weird. I sighed and went back to tapping the beat quieter this time.

Soon after our food cam and i was ecstatic to be able to eat something so good. I grabbed the maple syrup and poured it onto waffles. I grabbed my knife and fork and cut off a large piece. I put the piece into my mouth and almost felt like i should be moaning because of how good it was.

I looked up to see the guys looking at me with amused faces, all but Patrick. "What they're good waffles okay." I said defensively.

Joe hook his head and ate a piece of his bacon. I shot him a glare and continued eating. It had been a long while since i ate something so good that i couldn't even control my body at this point.

It wasn't long before everyone had finished off their meals. I guess we were all pretty hungry and just didn't know it. Well i knew i was hungry so i guess they were all pretty hungry and just didn't know it. I was actually kinda sad that i had finished my waffles so soon, they were really good.

Fix Me (Patrick Stump) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now