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Max came back with high Wiz following behind him. "Okay prank in action, what song are they playing now?" Max asked me looking to the stage. "Centuries, what are you guys gonna do?" I asked. "Just completely crash the show, just watch baby!" Max said and handed Wiz a mic. "You can come if you want baby." Max offered. I shook my head no, i had a bit of stage fright when it came to performing in front of twenty thousand people. "Suit yourself." Max said with a shrug and ran onto the stage with Wiz.

I heard Max start singing Centuries and doing some cool dance moves. I think Wiz was rapping but i couldn't really understand him. Patrick stopped singing and i could see him step away from the mic to laugh. The guys kept playing there instruments while they laughed. "Remember me for centuries!" I heard Max sing into his mic. I doubled over in laughter, it was a good idea getting them to prank them. I was a little shocked when i saw Joe take off his guitar and run off stage to me. "Come one stage!" He asked pleadingly. "No way Joe!" I said shocked that he would ask me something like that. "Please!" He begged. "Still no." I said crossing my arms.

He sighed. "You have left me no choice." He said and grabbed my arm and started dragging  me on stage. "Joe let go!" I yelled at him. He stopped and looked at me. "If i stop will you come on stage?" He asked me. "I, i guess so." I said reluctantly. Going on stage at my own free will was better than being dragged out. Joe smiled and his eyes lit up. "Yay, let's go!" He said and started walking on stage. I sighed and caught up to him hiding myself behind him.

I peaked out from behind him and i saw the whole crowd, twenty thousand people staring at this stage. I squeaked and hid behind Joe again, this was not a good idea. Joe grabbed his mic and started talking into it. "I brought my sister out, but she has a small case of stage fright can we get a cheer for her?!" Joe yelled into the mic. My ears had started ringing slightly from all the loud noise. I heard the crowd cheer, they cheered for me. I peaked out from behind Joe's shoulder again and waved. I heard a laugh go through the crowd then more cheering. "Ah. you guys made her feel better!" Joe said into his mic. "I'm gonna go now." I said to Joe. I didn't expect the mic to pick it up, but it did and my words echoed through the outside arena. I blushed and shuffled my feet. "Okay by Em's!" He said into the mic and the crowd cheered once more.

I got of stage breathing heavily, it wasn't that bad. I mean i was terrified out of my mind but they did cheer for me. I took a seat on an amp and waited for Max to come off stage. When centuries was done Max and Wiz waved goodbye and walked off the stage. "That was awesome, how did Joe convince you to come on stage baby?" Max asked me. "It was that or get dragged on stage, i picked going willfully." I told him. Wiz was already gone but i was okay with that, the guy always smelled like weed. "That was some good first show for this tour." Max commented watching the guys rock out on stage. "Ah, i would of preferred not to be forced on stage." I mumbled.

Abut an hour and a half later the show ended and the guys came off stage. I smiled at them as they walked off. "Good show guys, Joe i hate you." I said still with a smile plastered on my face. Patrick enveloped me in a hug getting my clothes wet from his sweat. "Patrick get off of me you're sweaty!" I squealed pushing him away. He had gripped me a bit to tight and it hurt my side, i didn't mind him being sweaty. "That's why i hugged you." He said with a sly smile. I rolled my eyes and directed my glare towards Joe. "That was not funny Joe." I said seriously referring to early this night. "Yeah but the crowd loved you." Joe told me with an innocent smile. "Still not funny Joe, not funny." I said glaring at him.

"Nah i thought it was adorable, you look adorable when you're hiding behind your brother because you have stage fright." Patrick said with a smirk. "Oh shut it Patrick, talk to the fan-girls." I said to him. "And like i already said, sugar i own it.'" Patrick replied with a pretend hair flip. "The sass just comes off of you in waves." Pete commented. "I know it's unbelievable." I said and flicked Patrick's head. He swatted away my hand and gave me a half smile.

"Okay but seriously guys go sower or change or something, you guys smell terrible." I said ushering them to their dressing room. Max had to leave to do a radio show. I didn't know why he had one booked at midnight, so i was left alone. I took a seat on the amp again and turned on my phone. I decided i had ignored Robert long enough so i opened the text. 'Listen I'm sorry for sending those texts, i was drunk.' Robert had sent me. It wasn't at all a sincere apology, he probably was mad at me for being so snappy.

'Don't apologize it was my fault, i should have just responded.' I sent him. I didn't get a response which disappointed me slightly. I got up and made my way to the guys dressing room, they should be done now since they left half an hour ago. I knocked a beat on the door and heard Andy say come in. I opened the door and walked in. "I'm gonna take a shower, are there towels in there?" I asked looking at Joe. Joe loved to play pranks and this could possibly one of them. "Don't look at me, Patrick's probably the one who wants to see you nude." Joe said holding his hands. My cheeks flushed red, i looked over to Patrick and he was blushing ruby red too. I pushed Joe of the arm resat and headed into the bathroom.

I stripped down and looked at myself in the mirror i peeled off the bandage wrapped around my torso. The cuts weren't that bad since i never went deep, i didn't want to die, just get rid of my pain. I traced a finger over one of the old white scars. I mad eye contact with myself in the mirror and i was shocked at how sad i looked. I looked away with much force and turned on the shower. I waited for it to heat up then stepped in. I hissed slightly when the hot water hit my still open cuts. I didn't really plan on washing in the shower, just standing there for ten or so minutes and letting the water cascade over my body. It was calming and i needed that right now.

About ten minutes later i heard a knock on the door. "M&M, we gotta head off soon." Joe said through the door. I sighed and turned off the water, my body immediately went cold. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I  took one last look at myself in the mirror before getting dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and into the dressing room. "Okay I'm done let's go." I said. The guys stood up and when Patrick did i jumped on his back. "Piggy back?" I asked him childishly. "I don't have a choice do i?" Patrick asked with a chuckle. "Nope." I said with a shake of my head.

Patrick made his way back to the bus with me on his back. The guys had already gotten there so they were just waiting for us. When we arrived at the steps of the bus i hopped off of Patrick's back and walked into the bus. The guys were sitting around on their phones, not really that interesting. Pete looked up. "Finally you guys are here, we can leave now." Pete said to us and almost on queue the bus started up.

"Well i'm gonna go to bed." I said and walked to my bunk. I grabbed some Pajama shorts and an over sized grey t'shirt and went to the bathroom. I got changed and headed back to my bunk. I hopped into my bunk and pulled the blanket over me. I grabbed my earphones turned on my phone and started listening to some music to help me fall asleep. The last thing i remember was someone coming into my room, kissing my forehead and whispering goodnight as i feel asleep to Yellow Submarine.




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