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Massie woke up early the next morning. She felt weird and woozy. Massie remembered the night before. Am I a vampire? Massie questioned. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. If I'm a vampire, at least I appear in the mirror, Massie thought. She quickly brushed her teeth, combed her thick brunette hair, and dressed. Massie wore a black and white plaid dress up to her knees, long dark purple socks that reached up to her shin, black and white striped Prada wedges, a black designer watch, a purple Gucci handbag. Massie also wore a black with diamonds necklace and her usual charm bracelet. She walked down for breakfast, unable to contain her excitement. I'm going to the beach, Massie laughed. "Why so happy?" Kendra smiled. It was the first time she'd seen Massie smile in a long time.
"Oh, because we're going to the beach after breakfast," Massie smiled.
She ate her K cereal quickly. Once Massie was dressed in a designer glittery black swimsuit set and black sunglasses, She went into the car with Kendra. Massie called the pretty committee.
"Hey girls," Massie smiled," what's up?"
"Oh nothing, except for the fact that Alicia is hanging out with us again,"
Dylan muttered.
"Why?" Massie asked, feeling a surge of anger. "When we told her that Massie knew what she's done, she ditched the dancers and came back to us," Kristen piped in. "Ugh, what a loser!" Massie rolled her eyes," anyways I'm going to the beach!"
"Oh, lucky, it's raining outside and we are eating popcorn, s'mores, and are watching movies," Dylan said. "Call ya later."
"Ok, bye," Massie sighed. She ended the call quickly and thought about how she wished she could be with the girls.
Once they've reached the beach, Massie excitedly sat in a lounge chair. She relaxed with her shades on, and sipping a strawberry banana smoothie from Jamba Juice. So this is what life really feels like, Massie thought happily. She closed her eyes and imagined herself with the Pretty Committee, having fun, not a care in the world.
Massie was pushed out of those daydreams when someone cleared their voice. She lifted her sunglasses eve so slightly and gasped a little. There was the most cutest boy Massie has ever seen. He had blue deep eyes like the ocean, light brown wavy hair that was messy, very, very, pale skin, and a small very light scatter of freckles. The boy was wearing an oversized yellow T-shirt that read "Go HHMS Bears!"
Maske sat up straighter. "Can you wait a sec?" Massie said quickly. She whipped out her phone and FaceTimed all four of the Pretty Committee.
"Hey girls! As you can see I'm at the beach and I just met a cute and totally hawt boy! You can even see our flawless conversation," Massie smiled. She wanted to see Alicia's jealous face.
Massie set her phone down and angled it so the Pretty Committee could see the boy.
"Hey there," Massie batted her eyelashes. "Um hi? Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to say you have a very bad sunburn!" The boy said shyly.
"What? Excuse me, but I'm having a nice tan!" Massie rolled her eyes. Why was this guy so annoying?
"I'm sorry but I think you should go see the lifeguard," the boy pointed out.
"Shoo, you're blocking my sun!" Massie glared. "Sorry," the boy shrugged before walking away.
"Way to go Mass!"
Massie furrowed her brows confused. Where'd Alicia's ugly voice come from?
It was then that Massie remembered her friends were watching her. She blushed furiously. "Um, that was...weird," Dylan struggled to find the right words to say. "How is that conversation flawless?" Alicia rose a brow. Massie scowled.
"Well, the boy was pretty cute," Kristen said quickly.
"Yeah, but your conversation? Totally ugly!" Alicia insulted Massie.
"And by the ways, you have a really bad sunburn," Alicia smirked.
Massie quickly ended the FaceTime.
I need revenge on Alicia, she thought angrily. Massie pulled out her compact mirror. Her fingers hurt because they were red and blistered. She stared in horror at her reflection.
"Eh Ma Gawd!" Massie moaned. She pulled out her iPhone (Ouch!), and called her mother.
"Mom, where are you?" Massie asked. "I'm at a nearby grocery store," was Kendra's reply.
"Well can you pick me up, ASAP?" Massie frowned. "Sure!" Kendra said. Then the phone went silent.
Massie turned her phone off (Ouch!), picked up her magazine (Ouch!), and walked all the way to the Range Rover (Double Ouch!).
"Massie honey-" Kendra began but was cut off by Massie.
"Don't ask, just..don't ask!" Massie crossed her arms across her chest.
Massie's wet hair was in a high pony tail. She had just taken a cold shower and was trying to make the blisters and red skin cool down. Her head was hurting like crazy and she was tired.
Massie's eyes caught something. A scrap of paper. She found a number written on it. Arabella's number, Massie remembered.
She quickly dialed the number. Arabella picked up at the second ring.
"Um, who's this?" A voice said.
"It's me, Massie," she said.
"Oh, can I come over instead?"
"Ok then, leave the window open."
"You'll see!"
Then Arabella hung up.
Massie did as she was told.
Five minutes later, a bat tried to fly into Massie's room, through the window.
"Guh-ross!" Massie squealed. She tried to shut the window but the bat as already circling in her room. "Curse this high ceiling!" Massie fumed. The bat was staying where it was and that was that. Now what would Massie tell Kendra?
Massie shut the window and sat in her bed. The bat wins against The Massie Block, Massie thought.
Suddenly, the bat lowered itself on the ground before transforming. It transformed into a young women, about in her 20s. She had wavy red hair that reached her waist, beautiful brown eyes, red lips, and was wearing a Prada Jean jacket, a cashmere tank top from Chanel, and peach colored Marc Jacobs  pumps.
"Hey Massie, it's me, Arabella!" The person waved.
"Woah, y-y-you were just a b-b-bat!" Massie's eyes widened.
"Vampires can bat shift," Arabella smiled kindly," didn't you read the book?"
"Nope, I was busy having a tan but then I got this ugly sunburn," Massie pointed to her skin.
"Didn't you put on sunscreen?" Arabella shook her head, sending her beautiful red hair flying.
"I did, I put on SPF.15!" Massie rolled her eyes.
"SPF.15? Honey, you're supposed to wear SPF.75!" Arabella grinned," you're a vampire now. Your skin is extra sensitive!"
"Ok, anyways, I wanted to know more about vampires," Massie spoke low.
"Why are you so quiet?" Arabella asked.
"Because, my mom doesn't know you are in the house," Massie rolled her eyes.
"Ok then. Well firstly, you are a vampire because your Great-great grandmother was one. Also, have you been lately having headaches? That's because you need to drink blood. Vampires do that but if you are squeamish like me, then drink Sanga after every meal. Sanga is a delicious drink that tastes like vanilla, whipped cream, milk, and caramel mixed in all together," Arabella said in one breath," here, I have one for you before the supply I ordered for you ships in!"
Massie gingerly took the drink, this better taste good, Massie thought.
She instantly fell in love with the drink right after she sipped it. In no time, Massie was bouncing with energy.
"So, tell me a bit about yourself," Arabella smiled.
"Well, I was the most popular girl in a school at California. I was so happy, with all of our money, friends, and my dog, Bean."
Massie closed her eyes sadly.
"Then my father died. My mom tried to raise me with her job but then she lost that too. My mom is lucky enough to have found a job in Manhattan, New York. I had to pack up, say goodbye to my friends, lose my status of alpha to one of my former friends. She is so selfish and rude. Anyways, this estate had to be snobby about Bean, so I had to give her away to one of my other friends, Dylan."   Massie took a deep breath. She tried hard not to mention Bean because it was still hard for her to let go.
"I'm so sorry," Arabella hugged Massie.
Massie recoiled slightly at her touch.
"No need. I don't really care," Massie shrugged.
She was trying to cover up all her feelings without letting Arabella know she was hurt.
"Massie, we've all got to care sometimes. That's what makes people strong: our emotions. Without them, we'd just be like animals," Arabella whispered.
"As I was saying, I decided to get a great tan so I could become the most popular girl in my new school," Massie finished," now you tell me about yourself!"
"Well, I'm an only child, and I'm one of the people who help put together fashion week," Arabella smiled.
"What? Fashion Week? EH MA GAWD!" Massie's eyes widened.
"Yup, and i do have a fashion sense. Just cause you're a vampire, doesn't mean you can't be fashionable," Arabella shrugged.
"Oh no my mom," Massie warned.
"I'll try to stop by as much as often," Arabella winked before turning into a bat. Massie quickly opened the window and Arabella zipped out.
Kendra entered the room just as Massie shut the window.
"Honey, I got you some clothes," Kendra indicated to a shopping bag.
"Clothes?" Massie's brows raised.
"Yeah, like some baggy sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt,"
Kendra smiled."What? That's such a big fashion don't! Massie groaned. "Honey, your body will be aching the whole day if you wear those tight fashionable clothes," Kendra argued.
"All right, fine!"
She quickly took the ugly clothes, and closed the door after her mother.
"Today wasn't all that bad," Massie smiled," at least I made a possible friend!"   Then Massie pulled out her diary to write in her state of union.
                State of Union
     In                                         Out
Sunburns                               Tans
Arabella                                   PC
Sanga                                 Starbucks

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