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Massie smiled to herself. Life was good. She made real friends, proved to herself that she didn't have to be a fraud, and defeated the Dark One.
Massie was enjoying her first day of winter break. There were snowflakes swirling around. The snow looked so beautiful. I can't believe California never snows, Massie smiled. She was drinking the last pumpkin spice latte given out by Starbucks (only because she paid them extra!). "Honey, I have good news for you!" Kendra walked into the room just as Massie drained the latte. "What? Is it really good?" Massie asked.
"Yes! Remember how I tried to replace everything you lost when we moved? Yeah well, I replaced your room, I gave you the day at the beach, but you never got to use your last wish! So you know what I did? I bought us two plane tickets back to California. You deserve to see your old friends again," Kendra clapped. Massie's reaction however was completely different.
"What? Eh Ma Gawd!" Massie fanned her face. "I know!" Kendra squealed. She hugged Massie.
"Get packing!" Kendra said.
"Mom, are we staying there? Forever?" Massie asked, worried.
"No sweetie, it's just for the three week winter break," Kendra explained.
"Oh," was all Massie said.
Massie hurried to her room, almost lifeless. All she could think of was one thing: Alicia and Dylan, Alicia and Dylan, Alicia and Dylan.
"Things will be fine. You'll see Kristen, um...you'll see Bean (if you're lucky), and I'll have fun back at home," Massie whispered to herself. She needed all the reinforcement she could get.
Massie grabbed her iPhone and called Sarah.
"Hey Mass!" Sarah's voice was hard to hear. There were children crying and Mark trying to sing a lullaby in the background.
"Um, where are you?" Massie scrunched up her nose.
"Babysitting at my aunt's house," Sarah sighed.
"Anyways, I have major news," Massie inspected her nails.
"Spill!" Sarah said.
"Ok so you know how I told you about everything. Yeah well, Alicia? You know her right? Well I have to move back to California for a vacation," Massie said. Just saying those words made her head throb with anger.
"Don't worry, there's got to be someway-" Sarah began but was interrupted.
"Don't say that! There is no way! Either way, I have to see her again. And did I tell you she lives in my old mansion?!" That did it for Massie. She was breathing heavily and clutched her phone so tight, her knuckles turned white.
"Well, bye Massie. I have some diapers to change," Sarah said quickly before she ended the call.
Massie stared at the blank screen.
She'd never thought she'd say this but New York was her home.
I'm going to destroy Alicia, one way or another, Massie bit her lip.
Hey guys. This was the last chapter of the book and it is finally complete. You saw what I did there right? Cliffhanger! But relax because I'm writing a book two! I don't know what to call it though so if you have any great eye-catching titles, please comment them. Always read, vote comment. And share if you really like it! Thx guys for making this story happen. Especially for all my voters and readers. Even if you don't comment, I still appreciate you actually clicking the read button. Thx.
- Kitty

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