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Massie Block sighed as the bell rang, ending the day. All day she had to endure Olivia making fun of her because Massie was sitting with Sarah and Gordon (Mark was sick, according to Sarah). Massie had tried her best to throw comebacks but no one cared. They were all on Olivia's side. Massie gathered her belongings, handbag, and school bag before running into the girl's bathroom. She used it but before Massie could flush, she heard clacking of heels and voices.
Massie froze. It was Olivia, Wendy, and Courtney. The trio chattered a little and applied make-up, while also laughing.
It was then when the girls were talking about "things they hate" that it happened.
"You know who I hate? Massie Block," Olivia threw her golden blonde hair over her shoulder.
Massie stiffened.
"Well, why? I mean, what about the other losers? Why do you only hate Massie?" Wendy frowned.
"I hate Massie because I have a feeling she's up to something. Something that has to do with me," was Olivia's reply.
"Look Olivia, don't be such a buzzkill," Courtney sighed, fluffing up her bob.
"Buzzkill? Can your words get any worse?" Olivia rose a waxed brow.
"See, that's what we're talking about!" Wendy sighed.
"What are you talking about? How I'm helping to not embarrass you?" Olivia shook her head.
"No, Olivia. We want to say this as nice as we can, but..." Courtney's voice trailed off.
"But what?" Olivia tapped Marc Jacobs heel.
"But we want to rule the school," Wendy finished.
"You guys are soooooo funny!" Olivia laughed hard. She laughed so hard, she snorted and tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Anyways, where were we? Oh yeah, we're ditching you and we are going to rule the school!"
Massie's eyes widened.
Now I have a chance to be alpha if Olivia's clique is all broken up!
"W-w-what? Excuse me?" Olivia stammered. For once, she was weak.
"You're excused!" Courtney sniffed.
"Why are you guys doing this? I mean, we were friends since...forever!" Olivia threw her hands up into the air.
"Well, we don't like the way you criticize everyone. We even think Massie Block could be a way better alpha!"
That's cause I am an alpha! Massie thought. Maybe I should leave, but then, they would know I'm in here!
"What? Seriously??? Rashie Block?" Olivia leaned on the wall.
"Yeah, starting from now on, we're alphas!" Courtney smiled smugly.
"Well, starting from now, I'll have to tell everyone that you borrow my clothes," Olivia smirked.
"Oh yeah, well we'll tell everyone that you have a crush on Mark Hirsh!" Wendy smiled.
"Ok then, we will see who everyone believes," Olivia stood up straighter,"remember, everyone knows I'm the alpha!"
"Ok fine, we won't try to take over!" Courtney gave up.
"That's what I thought!" Olivia winked, before walking out of the bathroom, the two wannabes right behind her.
Massie flushed and rushed out of the bathroom, dazed. I can blackmail Olivia into letting me be in her clique. Then I will take over! Massie smiled.
She knew a secret. Olivia had a crush on Mark Hirsh, but then, why does she bully him? Maybe it's because Mark is a computer geek, Massie thought.
"Going somewhere?"
Massie quickly looked up to see Olivia, arms crossed against her chest, leaning on the hallway wall.
"Oh, yeah but I don't think it's any of your business," Massie smiled as sweetly as possible.
"Wanna know what's not your business? My secrets!" It was Olivia's turn to smile.
"Y-y-you knew?" Massie stammered, shocked.
"Of course! Who wouldn't see those "killer", not my words, Jimmy Choo heels?" Olivia glared," so, we made up that  fight you saw just because we knew a stalker was spying on us!"
"Why would I want to stalk you? I have better things to do," Massie tried to play it cool.
"Well, just so you know, the whole school will hear about how you tried to stalk me," Olivia smiled evilly," unless you pay me back!"
"What do I have to do?" Massie sighed. It revolted her, giving up so easily. "Let me think. Oh! You can't tell a soul what you saw," Olivia said.
"Well, if it was fake fight, then why do you care so much?" Massie challenged.
"Oh Massie, you'll never understand! Why don't you keep your nose in your own stinking business. Anyways, do we have a deal or not?" Olivia shook her buttery waves.
"Deal," Massie sighed.
Olivia straightened up and leaned closer to Massie.
"BTW, if anyone finds about this, then you're so dead to me!"
Olivia hissed. "Wait, wasn't I already dead to you?" Massie asked, but Olivia was already gone.
Massie stood there, feeling like a bucket of trash. "I'll never be popular. Not even beta," Massie whispered to herself.
"Why would anyone want to be popular, much less, a beta?"
Massie jumped at the sound of Sarah Hirsh's voice.
"What are you doing here?" Massie spat.
"I saw what happened between Olivia and you," Sarah began.
"You did?"
"Yeah! Come on Mass. Why do you even want to hang out with her" Sarah sighed," am I already not your friend?"
"Whatever. It's not even a big deal! Olivia and I were just...just...just...uh..kidding. Yeah! Kidding!" Massie lied.
"Come on Massie. I'm not dumb." Was all Sarah said before spinning around on the heels of her red converse sneakers.
Massie took a deep breath and walked back home.
She tried hard not to day dream while doing her homework. She tried hard not to think about how she was a LBR.
Once done with her homework, Massie checked her email.
From: ActorHarvey
Hello Massie. I've seen your previous email and I would like to consider you. If the cast like your taste in clothes, you're in. Come meet the cast and see our rehearsal tomorrow at 3:15! Hope to see you there,
🎊🎉 sincerely,
Mr. Harvey
Massie smiled widely. "Yes! I got the part!" Massie smiled," and I'm pretty sure the cast will ah-dore me! So I have nothing to worry about!"
Just then, Massie's phone buzzed.
"Hey Arabella!" Massie greeted.
"Hey Mass. Have you seen the New York Times headline?"
"I'll take that as a no. If you didn't see it, then hurry up and look at it now!"
"Okay," Massie shrugged.
She ran down the stairs and greeted her mom, who was in the living room.
"Hey mom, have you seen the newspaper?" Massie asked.
"Yeah, it's on the coffee table," Kendra smiled.
"'Kay thanks!"
Massie's eyes widened when she saw the headlines.
"Surfer found unconscious on the beach. He had two red punch hole marks in his neck. What is this? Is this a new vampire craze?" Massie read the bold headlines.
She quickly ran upstairs and grabbed her phone (Arabella as still in the call and was waiting for Massie). "Arabella! It's happened again," Massie said.
"I know. And that's why you, Massie Block, need to solve this mystery" Arabella said simply.
"Arabella, who should I go to if I found out who the Dark One is?" Massie asked.
"The vampire committee," Arabella explained.
"Kay, thanks!" Massie tried to smile. She ended the call and slumped in her bed.
I'm so stressed! I need to make sure the play runs smoothly, to become the most popular girl, and to save New York (and possibly the world).
Massie didn't know, but she fell asleep on her bed, millions of thoughts rushing through her head.
I have so much I want to say! First of all, I'm really sorry. I know I promised to update as much as I can, but I have so much homework. Second of all, I'm really sorry if this chapter didn't make sense. I was rushing through it so I can have at least an update for you. I'm really, really, really, sorry. But thank you for reading! Please comment! Also, vote if you actually liked it!
- Kitty

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