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Massie was woken up early by her mother. "Wake up honey!" Kendra exclaimed," the movers are going to ship everything to our new estate!"
"Well, why do they have to come so early?" Massie snapped. She was still sleepy. But either way, Massie got up and went into her bathroom. After her morning routine, Massie pulled on a pair of blue seven jeans, a white and brown stripped  Ralph Lauren blouse, and brown Jimmy Choo wedges. She wore her usual charm bracelet and put her hair in a side bun. "Is this perfect Bean?" Massie whispered to no one in particular. "Oh! Silly me, Bean isn't here anymore," Massie sadly realized. "Massie! Get the door please!" Kendra's voice screamed. "Ok!" Massie replied.
She hurried down the spiral stairs and opened the front door.
I have a feeling that this will be a very long day, Massie sighed.
* Two hours later *
Massie sighed in relief as the men left with their belongings. "Honey, after some lunch then we'll have to go to the airport," Kendra said, massaging her temples. "What about my friends? I have to say bye!" Massie stomped her foot. "Massie, you guys can text, FaceTime, call, IM, and even email each other!" Kendra rolled her eyes. "Please?" Massie begged. She instantly hated it. Massie was never one to beg but this was important. "Ok fine!" Kendra gave in," but we have to be quick!"
"Can we go to Olive Garden? I'm craving it for some reason," Massie asked. "Sure!" Kendra agreed.
The car ride to the Italian restaurant was quiet. Massie couldn't believe they were actually moving. It seemed even more real than before. "We're here!" Kendra smiled.
Once lunch was over, Kendra drove Massie over to her friends' homes. For each friend it was the same situation. They cry together, they rant, they hug, and they also sympathize Massie (which Massie hated). But for Alicia, it was different.
Once Massie reached Alicia's room, she felt weird. Alicia opened the door dresses in a pink tank top and black Victoria Secret sweatpants. Her hair was in a high ponytail. "Oh hey Mass," Alicia casually waved," I was just practicing my dance moves."
Massie clenched her fists. Didn't Alicia care about Massie moving? Or did she forget the important day?
"Well, I came here to say bye," Massie rolled her eyes. "Bye?" Alicia wrinkled her nose. "Yeah, I'm moving. Remember?" Massie glared. "Oh, I Remember now! Sorry, I just forgot," Alicia laughed. Massie felt uncomfortable. "Hey Mass, before you leave, can you tell me some good tips on how to be an alpha?" Alicia asked.
Oh the nerve of that girl! She knows I won't tell her a thing, Massie angrily thought.
"Well, I'm sorry but my plane is going to fly soon," Massie smirked.
"Text ya later," Alicia waved, literally pushing Massie out of her room.
Massie stomped outside to the Range Rover , her mood turned dark. "Ok then, time to go to the airport!" Kendra smiled. Kendra's smile turned to a frown. "Massie what's the matter?" Kendra asked, concerned.
"Nothing," Massie grumbled. She stared out the window the whole drive. Once they reached the airport, they got some Starbucks coffee and walked over to their seats.
"Please buckle up and stay seated. The plane is about to take off," a voice said from the intercom. Massie sipped her Apple-cinnamon with extra whipped cream frappé in silence.
Her stomach felt queasy as the plane began to take off. Massie felt her iPhone buzz. A text from Kristen.
K: Hey Massie! I miss u already!
M: Hey Kris, me too!
M: Wait, Dyl is texting me.
M: Wanna do a three way call?
K: What about Leesh?
M: she's so dead to me!
K: Ok :u
Massie called Kristen and Dylan. "Hey girls," Massie spoke. "Hey Mass, Bean misses you!" Dylan said. "Aw, I can hear her barking!" Massie smiled. "Hey, you gave away Bean?" Kristen asked. "Oops, I didn't tell you?"
Massie smacked her forehead.
"Nope!" Kristen laughed.
"Ok well, the snobby estate doesn't accept dogs so I gave Bean to Dyl," Massie explained. "Oh, ok,"Kristen said," I gotta go!"
"Yeah me too!" Dylan added. Massie sadly ended the call and leaned back in her chair. Soon enough, she dozed off.
Massie was being shaken awake by her mother. "Honey, we are there," Kendra squealed. "How long have I been asleep?" Massie asked. "Five hours! Our plane is nonstop so we got there a lot more quicker than I would've thought," Kendra smiled," let's go get our luggage!"
Once Massie and Kendra got their luggage, they hailed a taxi to their estate in which everything was already set up at. The Range Rover, to Massie's delight, was sitting on the driveway. "Home sweet home," Kendra winked.
The estate was more bigger than Massie's old home. "Honey, I have a surprise for you!" Kendra grinned.
She led Massie to a huge room. The room had windows on the ceiling and a huge window with a balcony. The room also had a white canopy bed with a white rug and lavender decorations. Massie's furniture was placed in the perfect spots and her new room had an even bigger bathroom in it. "Wow!" Massie breathed," thanks mom!"
"Honey, I'm giving you three opportunities to use," Kendra said," Its because you lost three things: your home, your friends, and your dog."
"Thanks mom!" Massie cried out hugging her mom tight. "You've already used up one of them which is this room," Kendra explained. "Thanks again mom," Massie grinned,"I'll have to unpack!"
Massie's head swam with the thoughts of what she would ask for. She stood up and wiped her brow when she was done  unpacking her wardrobe.
"Mom!" Massie screamed at the top of her lungs. "Yes honey?!" Kendra said, rushing to Massie. "I finally know what I want to ask you!" Massie squealed. "What?" Kendra asked.
"Can we go to the beach? School starts after tomorrow and I want to look my best. I need to get a nice tan!" Massie whooshed out in one breath.
"But honey, it's New York. There is a beach an hour away, though. I'll take you tomorrow," Kendra said," because I'm too tired to go today!"
"That's fine!" Massie nodded.
She ran up to her room and pulled out her iPhone.
M: Kris, what time is is for you?
Massie waited for two minutes before shutting the phone off.
K: Sorry for the late reply. BTW, it's 3:30.
M: Oh it's 6:30 for us.
K: That means New York is ahead by three hours.
M: So, is Alicia doing a good job?
K: Haven't you heard? She ditched Dylan and I for a bunch of other dancers in her dance class.
M: Dancers?????
K: You know, the weird girls who wear leotards under their clothes.
M: Ew, personally they're worse than LBRs
K: I know, so me and Dylan hang out together.
M: This is what I was afraid of. My clique is all broken up.
K: Bye, I have to go!
M: Wait!!
M: Kris?
M: I guess she's gone.
Massie shut off her phone and threw herself on her bed. "Ugh!" Massie groaned.
She lied still on her bed, angrily thinking about how Alicia broke her promise. "I will not let Alicia get the better of me!" Massie growled. She walked down for dinner but she'd lost her appetite. "Honey, you've got to eat," Kendra said.
"I know but my teeth hurt," Massie complained. She wasn't lying. Her teeth were really hurting her (it felt as if Massie was growing new teeth).
"Okay, but still," Kendra smiled sweetly. Massie choked down some dinner. "Mom, can I go for a walk?" Massie begged. "Alright, and fetch the mail while you're at it!" Kendra replied.
Massie hurried out, wearing a black hoodie over her brown hair, a black T-shirt, and black jeans. Who says you have to be fashionable if no one knows you yet? Massie shrugged. She walked over to the mailbox and pulled out a few bills and magazines.
However, one letter caught Massie's eye. "It's me?!" Massie gasped. It could be the girls who already miss me but then again, we have phones, Massie thought quickly.
She hurried into the living room, handed her mother the letters, and ran off to her room clutching her letter.
Massie quickly opened it and read the following words:
Dear Massie Block,
We have been informed that you have had some changes in your body. Are your teeth hurting? Is your skin pale for some reason? Is your skin cold to the touch?
Massie stopped right there. Those were all real symptoms she was experiencing lately. Anyways, how'd this person know? Were they stalking her? Massie resumed her reading.
Anyways, we are going to reveal a secret to you. Never let anyone else read the letter that has been addressed to you. You are a vampire. Please meet us in Central Park at 7:30. We will explain things, and give you an assistant to help you with your questions. We will also give you a book that answers all your questions.
Good day to you,
The Vampire Committee 💐
Massie wanted to burst out laughing right then and there. Could these pranksters really think they could try to fool the poor, unsuspecting new girl?
Well, the pranksters have met their match. Massie gave a quick glance at the letter. Something about it didn't seem like a joke. Massie stared. Should I go? No, I shouldn't! You know what they say, curiousity killed the cat. Massie's thoughts argued with each other for a while before she finally made up her mind.
"Mom!" Massie hollered. "I'm in the kitchen!" Kendra replied.
Massie hurried into the kitchen. "Mom, I'm going out for a long walk. I'll be back by 8:00," Massie told her mom.
"Honey, I don't think you should go out for a walk that long," Kendra shook her head," I mean, it's 7:15 right now! That's basically forty-five minutes and I don't want you lost!"
"Mom I'm not third grader anymore!" Massie rolled her eyes," I'll be fine!"
And before her mother could argue any further and say no, Massie was out the front door.
Brr, it's cold, Massie thought as she hugged herself. The wind was whistling  and a cold breeze nearly lifted Massie's hoodie. Maybe this is a bad idea, Massie shivered. The night was cool and dark. After minutes of walking, Massie finally reached her destination.
She found a group of hooded people sitting in a perfect rows of ten. Massie found an empty seat and sat. She looked around.
"Hello, I'm Miranda Hirsh, the president of the Vampire Committee. I love to make our young vampires to feel safe. Anyhow, today is the day you officially become a vampire. You will have cold skin, fangs, and will not appear in cameras but you will appear in mirrors," the hooded person in the front spoke.
This is all weird but very real, Massie realized. She sat still, not even breathing.
"We will all stand up, read a pledge, and then sit down. After that pledge, you are all considered real vampires," Miranda explained kindly. This prank is starting to get scary, Massie thought. She pulled her hood on tighter. Imagine if the Pretty Committee saw her like this. Especially Alicia. They would've laughed at her.
Massie felt like running away but she was stuck. Everyone here was weird and she was part of it now. I hate this stupid prank, Massie kicked her feet on the ground. Massie was suddenly aware of everyone standing up so she did too. They repeated some pledge after Miranda and after that they sat down again. "Okay young vampires, I will let your vampire assistants pass out books to you. Your personal assistant will answer most of your questions and advise you," Miranda said.
As soon as she spoke, many different hooded people came to other scared twelve year olds like Massie. Massie tensed as a hooded person approached her. "Hello, I'm Arabella! I'm your assistant and here's my number. Call or text if you need anything. I have your address, so I'll text you if I wanna drop by! We're gonna be friends. Also, here's your book. It answers everything you need!" The hooded figure spoke.
Massie rolled her eyes at the friends part. I so can't be friends with a loser, Massie panicked. She took a step back away from Arabella, and grabbed the thick book from Arabella. "Is it ok if I stop by tomorrow?" Arabella asked. "Nope, sorry! I've got plans," Massie said quickly. "Oh ok," Arabella laughed.
Massie reached into her jean's pockets but before she could pull out her iPhone thunder shook the ground.
"Meetings over!" Miranda clapped.
Suddenly, it started to rain. Hard.
Massie ran all the way home and by the time she reached home, she was soaking wet.
A very angry Kendra answered the door.
"Honey, I've been worried sick! It's 8:15 You promised me you'd be home by 8:00!" Kendra hugged Massie tight.
"Sorry mom," Massie gripped the book and the scrap of paper that had Arabella's number on it, tight.
Imagine if her mother saw them, what would Massie do?
"Bye mom gotta shower,"'Massie quickly raced upstairs to her room. Massie showered with her favorite cinnamon and brown sugar body wash. Once Massie put on her body lotion that smelled like apple-cinnamon, she pulled on her white tank top that had black polka dots and matching black soft pants (otherwise known as her pajamas). Massie pulled out her diary and wrote her state of union before she  fell asleep.
            State of Union
   In                                     Out
Vampires                    Normal
Dancers                           PC
Alicia                             Massie
Hey guys. So, this was a crazy chapter. Do you guys think that Massie is a vampire? Do you think this is all just a prank? And what does that book say? Who is Arabella really? All this mind blowing questions will hopefully be answered in the next chapter. If you love it, please vote and comment. Please, your opinions are important to me. Thank you.
- Kitty

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