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Massie Block twirled a lock of brown hair on her fingers, nervously. She re-glossed with a pumpkin spice flavored Glossipgirl lipgloss, and smoothed out her outfit. Massie was wearing brown open toed Jimmy Choo heeled boots, a light beige mini Calvin Klein skirt, black leggings underneath the skirt, a black cardigan over a light beige sparkly camisole, and a light beige hairband over Massie's head. Massie's hair was in a bun and she had a light beige Burberry handbag in her tight grip. Massie completed the look with her signature charm bracelet.
"Hey Mass!" Massie spun around to find Sarah Hirsh, in the long green gown.
"Do I look okay?" Sarah motioned to her outfit.
"Yeah, but you need some more lip gloss!" Massie said.
"Alright I'll go get some!"
Massie watched Sarah hurry to the makeup closet.
I can't believe this many people are coming to watch a school play, Massie surveyed the crowd, by peeking out from behind the curtains.
"Massie! I need you check out everyone's outfits to make sure they have everything!" Mr. Harvey called out to her.
This reminded Massie of the mission she was on. To stop the Dark One.
Could she do it? Massie stopped thinking and just walked around, making sure everything was fine.
Mark and Gordon were in the sound booth, with headphones over their ears. Wendy stood backstage, trying to solve actors' problems and getting ready to raise the curtains. Mr. Harvey stood there grinning widely, showing his abnormally pointy teeth.
Massie shuddered and headed backstage.
Just then, music started and the curtains raised.
The play started going out well.
Before Massie knew it, it was time to change the music for scene two.
Suddenly, a Rihanna song burst from the speakers, making the audience laugh. Wendy rushed to the sound booth. "What's going on?" Wendy frowned. "I need to use the bathroom! Here, take my headphones!" Mark handed his pair of headphones to Wendy and rushed off. He winked at Massie, as he took off. Sarah came into backstage. "Massie, can I borrow a needle?" She asked. "Yeah sure, fine," Massie shrugged.
Sarah pricked herself with the needle and a drop of dark, red blood rolled down her finger, smoothly. Mr. Harvey just walked into the room.
Yes, everything is going right, according to the plan! Gordon and Wendy can't hear anything backstage, and Sarah pricked herself, in order to get Mr. Harvey to bat shift. Perfect!
Massie snapped out of her thoughts, enough to witness Mr. Harvey bat shifting and flying at Sarah. Sarah squealed and tried to hide behind the table. Oh no! This wasn't part of the plan!, Massie thought. I need to bat shift. I know I'm not good at it but I've got to try. For Sarah's sake.
Massie closed her eyes and concentrated hard, her fists clenched, her eyebrows drawn together.
Suddenly, Massie felt herself get lighter, something heavy on her back. Her vision blurred before clearing up. Massie zipped up in front of Sarah's face, facing the other bat.
"Mr. Harvey! It's me Massie! Stop this at once!" Massie shouted in her squeaky bat voice. The shock was enough to to make Mr. Harvey shift back. Massie smiled. She had done it! But her victory was over when Mr. Harvey tried to bat shift again. Massie shifted out of her form.
"What do we do now?" Sarah whispered.
Massie was glad to see the whole vampire committee, including Miranda Hirsh. Mark had done it!
He had bat shifted and flown off to find the committee for help. And luckily, he came in time.
"Arabella? You came?!" Massie rose her brows in surprise," I thought you were busy at fashion week!"
"I know but this is an emergency. More important than a fashion emergency," Arabella smiled," I knew you could bat shift Massie! You just need to believe in yourself."
"Thanks Arabella!" Massie hugged her tight, almost forgetting that there was a Dark One in the room with her.
"Mr. Harvey, we command you to shift back to human. NOW," Miranda Hirsh ordered. Mr. Harvey shifted back, unable to disobey Miranda.
"Are you a Dark One?"
"Yes I am!"
"Were you always a Dark One?"
"No, a group of Dark Ones corrupted me!"
"Did you attack the surfer? The janitor? And Olivia?"
"Yes, yes, and yes!"
By now, Mr. Harvey was crying.
"Please, give me a chance!" He pleaded.
"Sorry, you attacked my daughter!" Miranda glared, and with no mercy she said," take him away!"
After that, the play went on without a hitch, no one aware of the drama that had just happened back stage.
Once the play was over, Massie and her friends gathered around the punch table.
"This is a nice after party!" Sarah smiled.
"Yeah and we don't have to worry about Dark Ones for now!" Massie sipped her fruit punch.
"Yeah but we have something else to worry about!" Sarah pointed. Massie's eyes followed Sarah's finger and saw she was pointing at Olivia and her clique, heading their way.
"Nice job acting, Sarah. I thought the play would've been a disaster without me but I guess it went okay," Olivia spoke," and for you Massie. You were a great wardrobe enthusiast. Nice job!"
"Yeah, you guys were like...ah-mazing!" Wendy and Courtney gushed.
"Thanks," Sarah and Massie eyed the girls. Why were they being so nice? What happened to "ew loser alert" or "Rashie Block"?
"Hey Massie, wanna come to my exclusive party. I'm only inviting the cute guys and the cool kids. It's very, very exclusive. I'm sorry I judged you before," Olivia ever so casually asked Massie. Massie noticed that she out a lot of emphasis on the word, exclusive.
"What about Sarah?" Massie asked.
"If you'd like she can come too," Olivia said.
"It's okay. You can go. This is what you have been dreaming of since day one in New York," Sarah said. Massie could tell the sad tone in her voice.
" thanks," Massie surprised herself by saying it.
"What? You're missing out a great deal! Are you sure?" Courtney asked.
"Yeah, I'm good," Massie repeated.
"Come on girls!" Olivia sashayed away, as Courtney and Wendy scrambled after her.
"Wow, I thought you would say yes," Sarah exclaimed.
"Maybe you judged me too early," Massie said, slyly.
Sarah smiled sheepishly.
"Honey, you were great!"
Massie spun around to find her mother, Kendra, standing there.
"Mom? I thought you were busy!" Massie gaped.
"I know but I wouldn't miss it in the world if my daughter was in a play," Kendra smiled.
"Thanks mom," Massie smiled back.
"You know, I have a good friend named Miranda, and we're neighbors. She wants to take you and her two children out for dinner," Kendra smiled," and I said yes!"
"Thank you mom! This is Sarah Hirsh. Miranda is her mother!" Massie pointed.
"I have to leave for work. Miranda will drop you off at home," Kendra explained," oh and nice to meet you Sarah!" She kissed Massie on the forehead before rushing out of the school.
"Yay! I'd rather have dinner with your family than ever go to a party thrown by Olivia," Massie confessed.
"Hey guys," Mark walked up to the girls, which made Massie blush.
"I heard you're coming with us for dinner," Mark smiled," do you want to go to the Burger Joint? It's the best burger place for miles!"
"Sure," Massie shrugged.
"We'll pick you up in thirty minutes so you can shower and stuff," Sarah said.
"'Kay," Massie smiled.
I need to find the perfect outfit!
Massie checked herself out in her house mirrors. She wanted a causal yet fashionable enough outfit to take to dinner.
That's why she was wearing a:
A vanilla colored blazer, a navy blouse underneath, navy wedges, silver charm necklace, and dark blue seven jeans with encrusted diamonds in it. She clutched a vanilla colored Calvin Klein handbag in her hands and she had her brunette hair in loose curls. Massie quickly re glossed with a vanilla milkshake flavored Glossipgirl lip gloss.
Massie rushed to the front door and was greeted by Mark.
"You look nice," Mark smiled warmly,"ready to go?"
Massie tried to smile but she was nervous. I think I like Mark, Massie thought. She gave him a sideway glance. He was dressed pretty good for a nerd. Mark had a light blue beanie on his soft, brown curls, a white and black striped long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans, and a pair of black Converse All-Stars on his feet.
Massie entered the car, feeling all eyes on her.
"You smell nice," Sarah complimented.
"Uh, it's just Chanel no. 9," Massie said, weirded out.
Whateves. I know I'll have fun! Massie thought as she buckled herself and got ready for the ride.
Massie snorted as she covered her mouth. They had reached the fast food place a long time ago and were having fun. The burgers were delicious and the milkshakes melted on your tongues.
Sarah was in the middle of telling her about how she had embarrassed Olivia once.
"You know, Olivia and I used to be besties," Sarah said all of a sudden.
"You were?" Massie was taken back with surprise.
"Yeah. Once middle school rolled in, she decided to be the cool kid and ditch me for those two wannabes," Sarah bit her lip.
"Wow, such good friends they are," Massie said, sarcasm evident in her voice.
"Let's enjoy our time, please?" Sarah sighed.
And just like that the bad mood that had developed over the girls disappeared into the atmosphere.
Once Massie was dropped off at her home, she couldn't help but grin widely. This was the most fun she's had for years.
"I guess I have made real friends," Massie smiled to herself.
*one hour later*
Massie was in her pajamas. She had taken a shower and was writing her state of union.
State of Union
In Out
Fast food Restaurants
Having fun Fancy parties
Being yourself Being a phony
Hey guys! I know you're probably angry at me for not updating for so long. I'm really sorry. I tried my best with this chapter to make it as long as possible. This story is coming to an end. I might right a sequel, since this story was ah-mazing. Please read, comment, and vote.
- Kitty

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