Seven: Halloween

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"What?" gasped Louise. "You mean - you can't possibly mean -"

"I'm afraid I do, dear. And it wasn't of old age. It wasn't because of illness."

"You mean," Phil said slowly, "she was . . ."

"Professor Sprout was murdered," the nurse said gravely. The trio gasped at once. "I feel you children have a right to know. By whom, I'm not entirely sure . . ." 

Louise held her face in her hands and started crying. Dan and Phil hugged her as she sobbed. Dan hadn't liked Herbology much, but he remembered the professor as a kind woman.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the lunch period. Louise dried her face and thanked the nurse. She and Phil headed for their next period, and Dan for his, He really wished he had landed in Hufflepuff. Maybe then he would have more friends in his House. In Slytherin the only people he talked to were Marcus and Tyler, but they were more comfortable with each other than they were with him. although they were nice.

In Divination, the professor handed Dan his paper back, with a 100% written on it in red ink. Dan smiled at his paper. "Nerd," Connor whispered, smiled, as he sat down next to his much taller friend (Connor had received a 98% - after class. he would complain about the unfairness.)

At dinner that evening. Professor McGonagall asked for everyone's attention before the food magically appeared before them.

"Good evening, students." The old woman looked around the Hall wearily. "Today, a great member of our staff has passed away. Professor Sprout has died." Gasps all around the wide hall were heard, followed by quiet gossip. All of that was silenced. though when the Headmistress continued speaking. "Please hold your wands up in a moment of silence, in remembrance of a kind woman. Head of Hufflepuff house, a mother, a friend. Remember Pomona Sprout."

The Hall was completely silent for about two minutes, when the Headmistress said quite shakily, "Enjoy your meals."

But the Hall didn't get as loud as it usually was today.

About a month after the speech, in first period, a tall, lanky man was standing at the front of the greenhouses, waiting until the bell rang to introduce himself.

"Welcome, I'm professor Longbottom."

You could hear every Slytherin snicker, including Dan. The professor chuckled as well. "I guess I walked into that one, eh. Well, as of today, I will be your new Herbology teacher. Please sit down wherever you wish and turn your attention to the board."

The professor continued to teach them about magical plants that could potentially save your life one day. He spoke animatedly, and even the meanest of Slytherins couldn't find a name to throw at him other than "tallbutt." (Courtesy of Tyler.)

It was now Halloween, and the Great Hall was decorating itself with gigantic pumpkins floating around, actual bats flying near the enchanted roof, and the suits of armor trying to give students a good scare as they walked past.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts, Dan and Phil were feeling particularly festive today, so they wore matching socks with enchanted pumpkins that lit up and moved.

They sat in their usual seats next to each other - everyone knew if Dan Howell and Phil Lester were in a class together, they were always partners - and once the bell rung, Professor Carbonaries immediately said "Kindly turn yourtextbooks to page 542. Read and take notes until page 570." She said nothing more.

"All these notes are driving me insane," barely said Dan to Phil. "I might turn as crazy as this old bat." Phil snickered.

"Mr. Howell, I do not appreciate those rude, unnecessary comments on my teaching. Detention with your dear friend Mr. Lester tonight. With Hagrid."

Dan almost opened his mouth to respond, but thought better of it and kept his mouth shut. Tyler and Marcus snickered behind them when the two boys went up to the professor's desk together to receive their detention slips.

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