Sixteen: I Do.

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Dan nearly jumped a foot into the air when he heard the familiar voice coming from under him.

". . . Phil?"


Phil's voice was scratchy and sore-sounding. Dan didn't care. He was just happy to hear him talk, which was a miracle in itself, having that, that monster bite him on his throat.

"Phil, how do you feel? Are you alright? Pete is on his way with McGonagall and Longbottom, they'll help you, alright? Do you want water? Aguamenti," Dan said, pointing his wand into Phil's mouth, which he had pried open moments prior.

"Oh, Phil, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm so glad Pete killed her. I'm so glad she's dead. If anyone else so much as lays a finger on you, I swear to god I will fucking rip them to shr-"

"Dan," Phil said, a little bit more firmly this time. "Please. Thank you for the water, but I'm exhausted. It's not your fault this happened. I didn't know Harley was . . . What even happened to Harley? Never mind. I'm just glad I have you here." He sighed, and closed his eyes, motionless. He couldn't really get up. Blood was starting to pool around him, like a small lagoon of misery. Dan almost started crying at the sight of the boy there, flooding in his own liquid, and there was nothing he could have done to prevent it.

"I don't care it's not my fault directly. I told 'Harley' about our . . . Date?" Phil nodded, blushing. "And so . . . Even if I'm not responsible . . . I still kind of am."

"Dan, please, not right now. Seriously. Don't feel -" Phil was cut off by his own spasmic flailing. His eyes seemed to be bulging out of their sockets, his arms trying to disconnect from his chest and his legs shaking violently. Dan gasped, momentarily shocked. Fuck, he's having a seizure. What do I do now? Wait. Maybe he's . . . Turning into a vampire. Oh god. Oh fuck. Why didn't I fucking pay attention to Twilight?! Oh my god, okay, calm down. What do you do to someone while they're having a seizure? Dan had a medical camp when he was twelve during the summer for a month. They mad mentioned something about flipping the person over.

Suddenly, Phil stopped jerking. His skin turned even paler, if that was possible. Instead of being just silky, it turned a deathly white, which made Dan want to throw up. He imagined seeing Phil in a coffin, with that same ghoulish look, bags under his eyes, no longer breathing. He couldn't bear to think about it.

Phil took a deep breath, eyes still closed. When he did open his eyes, Dan literally jumped back. Instead of being the beautiful mix of blue, green and yellow Dan so adored, they were completely black, even the part around the pupil that was supposed to be white.

Dan gasped, and he felt his heart drop.

Oh my god.





He felt completely numb. What was this creature, standing before him? This was not his best friend - okay, fine, boyfriend - before him. His significant other was the adorable, funny, quirky boy who always saw the bright side in a situation, who was innocent and hated hearing, god forbid saying, any curse word. This was not Phil. This was definitely not Phil. Dan kept telling himself this, because, what was the alternative? That this was Phil? This monster? Never.

". . . Dan." The boy had tears in his eyes, seeing Dan back away slowly.


"What? What do you mean 'don't'? Dan! Look at me!" His hoarse voice shouted, straining all he could to make himself heard. He probably shouldn't have been whispering, let alone screaming, but he was so tired and confused and broken. He felt disgusted with himself, for some reason. He had blacked out for a long while, and when he had woken up, Dan had been staring at him look he was something at the bottom of his shoe. God, what had happened? Phil was overwhelmed by how loud everything had become. He could hear the rustling of the leaves of the trees surrounding him, the chirping of forest animals a fair distance away from them and he most definitely heard when Dan breathed, "You are not the person I am in love with."

The Badger And The Snake; Phan/Harry Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now