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Last chapter !! Friendly reminder..if ya like this story, please share it with other pieces of trash and don't forget to vote and comment!! Comments make my day!! Also please don't kill me after this chapter hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahh

They reached the top of the Astronomy Tower. Panting and laying Cho's body down, they sat for a while.

"She knew what to do. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with you two..." Said Malfoy, with uncertainty.

"We could play tic-tac-toe," said Phil sarcastically. Dan was surprised by this. This was way out of character for Phil. He was usually a precious cinnamon roll who was kind to everyone. Dan made a note to ask him about that later.

Malfoy didn't reply but made to cast some protecting spells. Once he was done, he sat with the boys.

"I'm not a Death Eater, you know."

"I know," said Dan, at the same time Phil said, "Do we?"

"My father was. And he made me take the oath. My mother tried to talk him out of it, but it went through one ear out the other, you know? He made me do terrible things. I didn't want to do any of them." He sighed. Dan noticed the deep bags under his eyes, the wrinkles starting to form on his skin. Malfoy was growing older, however badly he didn't want to admit it.

"I felt so bad afterward. But I couldn't say the word no. I almost killed someone - more than once. I was sixteen. Same as you," Malfoy shuddered. "Students should not be warriors."

Dan could tell Malfoy meant the words he was saying.

"And anyway, how could I turn against my own boyfriend?"

"Wait, what?" Asked Dan.

"You dated Harry Potter!?" Shrieked Phil.

"Are you kidding me?" Said Malfoy, smirking. "Scarhead couldn't resist me..."

His crooked smile fell. "You know what his last words were to me? 'Malfoy... Draco, I love you. Sometimes.'" He was laughing, but tears were beginning to pool in his eyes. "I miss the stupid kid." He said, more to himself than anyone else.

Phil glanced at Dan. He looked at their fingers, interlaced so perfectly, and realized he loved no one more. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Dan. He wanted to wake up every morning next to him. He wanted to travel the world with him, and laugh and cry with him and never stop. He wanted to annoy him forever.

Suddenly, the shield charm was broken, and three masked Death Eaters entered. 

"You still keep those bloody masks on?" Asked Dan, immediately raising his wand and standing amongst Phil and Draco. "You lot scared, or something?" He smirked as the slaves removed their masks, some sheepishly, others angrily.

"It's three on three, kids," said the only female. 

"I'm going to have to kill Voldemort, anyway, so why don't you put your little sticks down and lead me to my godforsaken father?"

The Death Eaters glanced at one another. 

"And if you even think about laying your iniquitous hands on my boyfriend, if you so much as hurt a hair on his head, I swear to Merlin I will fucking pitch you off this tower and into tomorrow."

"Who are you threatening, Howell? Or, should I say, Riddle," said the leftmost lackey.

"Oh, fuck off and just tell me where Moldevort is."

The six wizards stood, facing each other, wands raised and indomitable. 

"This scene is going nowhere, and the author isn't quite sure how to continue the plot to finish this goddamned story, so can we please go visit my dearest daddy?" Asked Dan, breaking the fourth wall.

The Badger And The Snake; Phan/Harry Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now