Ten: The Whomping Willow

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Three years.

It had been three years since Dan had told Phil - jokingly, he kept telling himself, any fool could see he was just joking - that he hated him. It was quite the opposite. Dan had had a fondness for Phil ever since the beginning of first year. Why couldn't Phil see Dan was sorry? Why didn't they talk anymore? Without Phil there to keep him happy, Dan felt empty. Dan felt like there was no happiness left in his world. And in a way, there wasn't. Phil was Dan's happiness.

In Phil's absence, Dan had made friends with a Gryffindor boy named Chris with big eyes and a smile to match. Chris was always goofy and funny, but he wasn't Phil. Chris was always hanging out with a Ravenclaw boy named PJ. Dan liked Peej just a little more than Chris, because PJ was genuinely funny and always saw the bright side to a situation. Chris was dripping with sarcasm. Really, it depended on how Dan felt that day on who he hung out with.

In the middle of Dan's now fourth year, snow began to fall and spread over the once green grounds. PJ and Chris liked to have snowball fights and build snowmen and snow fortresses, et cetera. "We come from the North," PJ explained to Dan one day.

But they could never make Dan happy the way Phil always did. Dan just wanted to hold his hand, one more time, to feel safe and happy.

It wasn't like Phil hadn't missed Dan, either.

Phil deeply regretted letting that one comment get to him. He just couldn't handle feeling that Dan didn't feel the same way. Phil had had a crush on Dan since the day they met. Phil, even through his three years of "ignoring," always snuck glances at the dark haired Slytherin.

Little did he know, the pale Slytherin was doing the same thing.


Phil couldn't believe how attractive Dan was when he was annoyed (which was most of the time.) All he wanted was to apologize, so they could be friends again. But obviously Dan didn't like him back, and he didn't want him in his life again. So why should he bother? Not like Dan would need him. Phil considered himself to be quite worthless; he was ugly, too nice, not funny in the right way and awkward. Why would Dan want me?

One morning in mid-December, well before Christmas, Phil decided to write a letter to his mum and dad. He hadn't done that in ages! How could he have forgotten? He went up the steep steps to the owlery alone - he was quite alone these days, despite being popular among those who knew him. It was like he could flip a switch and be Mr. Personality. But once he was by himself, he was indescribably sad. He needed Dan. He only felt like himself when he was around the brown eyed boy. He didn't know what it was about him. He just needed him.

"Think of the devil," Phil muttered to himself as he stepped in the Owlery and who should he stumble upon but Mr. Howell himself. Dan had his back turned - it seemed as though he was writing a letter in quite a hurry - and Phil took the opportunity to fix his messy bed hair (it was 9 am), push up his glasses (he hadn't bothered to put his contacts in yet), and straighten his shirt (which he had literally rolled out of bed in.) He took a deep breath, and said quietly, "Hey, Dan."

Dan jumped, and Phil chuckled slightly. When he turned around, Phil was not ready. He found himself looking up at possibly the most gorgeous fourteen year old boy he had ever laid his four eyes on.

Dan had curly morning hair, and his face was red when he turned to look at his old best friend. "Hi," he breathed, although it was just the two of them.

"Listen, Dan, I'm so sorry for first year. I overreacted completely and I wish we could have been friends longer. I've felt terribly sad since you left and I just . . ." He took a deep breath. "Will you give me another chance? Because I can't take not talking to you. You're my best friend."

Dan was shocked. It was Dan who said he hated Phil . . . Why was he apologizing? Phil's extremely sincere apology, and how he still considered Dan his closest friend - even after three years of no contact - blew Dan's mind. He had never heard someone sound so sorry. Dan nodded fervently.

"Of course I'll give you another chance, goofball. You're my best friend."

Phil's smile rivalled the Sun. "Thanks, Dan," he said happily, rushing forward to hug the other.

They stood there embracing until it felt almost awkward, except it wasn't, because both were overjoyed they were on speaking terms again. They chatted, sitting on a ledge in the Owlery that was probably supposed to hold a window, but didn't. Phil swung his legs off the tower, like he was in a stationary swing. Phil looked out the the scenic morning before them, it still being sort of early, and Dan took the opportunity to look his friend over.

He still had those wide, fascinating, blue/green/yellow eyes and radiant smile. His hair was a bit different, shaved around the bottom but with longer hair in his eyes. Dan had told him that Muggles called this "fringe." Phil loved it and used the new word whenever possible. Phil was so attractive. His looks, personality and kindness combined - did Phil know how amazing he was?

Phil noticed Dan staring and blushed, but continued talking all the same. Their hands touched in the middle of them, Dan on the left listening and Phil on the right chatting, mostly to himself. It was Saturday, so they had all day to talk. But we probably shouldn't, Dan thought. Someone could walk in any moment and ruin this whole thing.

Phil finished ranting about how beautiful every thing on planet Earth was, and looked at Dan. He giggled and put his head in the nook of the other boy's neck. Phil felt the blood run to where his face was and decided maybe he shouldn't have done that. He moved to remove his head, but Dan said, "No, it's okay." Phil smiled and leaned his head on the other's shoulder.

"I'm glad we're friends again."

There it was again. That word. Friends. Of course, Dan was overjoyed to be talking with Phil again, but he felt like he wanted to be more than friends

. . . Maybe.

Wouldn't that ruin their friendship?


If they broke up . . . Dan couldn't even imagine.

Dan would say he was in the friend zone, but he didn't believe in such a thing. Phil owed him nothing, especially not a relationship if Phil wasn't interested.

Dan seemed to have been lost in thought. "Dan? Hey. Welcome back. Let's head down to the Lake."

So they did, walking hand in hand like they did so often all those years ago.

And it wasn't awkward. At least not for Phil. Dan was, of course, oozing with sexual tension, blushingly, but Phil didn't notice. Phil decided to do his homework right then, when they sat together underneath a large tree with long branches sticking out in every direction. Phil leaned his head on Dan's shoulder again, but this time he was interrupted - by a large branch, swinging up then coming down on them.

"Run, Phil!" shouted Dan, who wasn't as coordinated or quick and got hit on the shoulder by the humongous tree limb.

"Ow ow ow," he muttered, picking up Phil's stuff as quickly as he could and running. Suddenly, another large branch came down on him and knocked him over.

"Oh, god," said Phil, taking out his wand. Just as another limb was about to attack Dan, he heard Phil say, "Arresto momentum!" The branch, inches from Dan's branch immediately halted and seemed to have frozen in time. Dan ran back to Phil and handed the now dirty sheet of paper and quill to his friend. Phil laughed, then asked, "You okay, Dan? You can really take a beating, can't you? That branch came down pretty hard. Will it hurt to hug?" Dan shook his head quickly. "No no no, it won't." Phil blushed and smiled.


A/N: heyo friendos. about to update chapter eleven!! this chapter was really fluffy. thanks to amaz1ngphil for editing - loren xx

The Badger And The Snake; Phan/Harry Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now