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"Remember, the next D.A. meeting will be on Friday!" Said Professor McGonagall, walking with the duo. "We'll be discussing our strategies and lesson plans for this year, as well as the prophecy."

"Where will that be again, Minerva?" Asked an unfamiliar voice.

Dan and Phil turned to look at the source and had to glance down. They were face-to-face with a short, almost fat woman, decked in an all pink work suit. She had heels on, but they weren't doing her any favors; they highlighted how short and stubby her legs were. She could also do with some lotion. She looked like a girly toad.

"In the room of requirement, Dolores."

"Ah, yes, at what time, exactly? After or before the classes have begun?"

"Er, at seven pm. On the dot. I'll thank you gentlemen to not be late," said the professor only half-jokingly, noticing that Dan and Phil were listening. The two boys shared a knowing look.

Dolores turned to look at them. "Oh, hello, boys! I thought we'd never meet! I've heard so much about you, in particular, Daniel! Umbridge. Dolores Umbridge."

Phil gave the woman a warm smile and shook her hand. Dan was used to seeing him smile, so used to his everlasting kindness to complete, admittedly frog-like strangers, yet, every time he saw his grin, he was shocked by the real beauty of his soul. It was little details and subtleties like this that reminded Dan of how amazing Phil was. Dan was convinced he was in love with a literal ray of sunshine.

"I'm Philip. Er, Lester. It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Umbridge. I really like your dress, by the way!"

Colour rushed to the woman's chubby cheeks. "Why, thank you, Lester. It's the newest in the Celestina Warbeck collection."

Phil smiled awkwardly and muttered an "I'm sure it is." (Even when he was uncomfortable, he still managed to be charming. Damn you, you precious cinnamon roll.)

Dan smiled and attempted to be as polite as Phil, but couldn't muster the energy. He got a bad feeling about this woman but tried to not let it show. He was trying to be less judgemental of people, trying to let people redeem themselves and let go of grudges. Phil was helping him with that. Might as well start with this woman, he thought as he shook her tanned, tiny hand.

"That's a lovely necklace you're wearing," he tried.

The color drained from her cheeks almost immediately, like in a cartoon. She glanced down at her upper chest and grasped it with her hand. It was a short, gold locket. It had nothing on it but a row of three small jewels. They were pink. It looked rather old.

"T-Thank you. Daniel. My old friend gave it to me..."

Dan smiled and looked at McGonagall, his niceness wearing thing, eyes screaming, 'help me.' The older woman caught on immediately. (Bless her soul.)

"Any other questions you may have, Dolores?" She asked, in an almost strained manner.

"No, thank you, Minerva. I'll see you then!" She scuttled away, in the wrong direction. Like a crab. Short people, thought Dan. They scuttle.


On the train to Hogwarts the next day, Dan and Phil sat by themselves. Dan rested his head in Phil's lap and they took a long, well-deserved nap. They barely spoke, but they didn't have to. Dan felt like he didn't have to talk to have a conversation with Phil. They could do that with their eyes. Sometimes their hands. Dan truly enjoyed Phil's presence. Louise spasmodically said that Dan looked at Phil like he was the brightest object in the room. And to Dan, he was. He could barely keep his eyes off him. He had the most magnetic, captivating personality. He could make anyone smile if he tried hard enough. Dan couldn't bear the thought of Phil crying. Phil was the sun. And the moon. And the stars, and the planets, and asteroids and shooting stars.

He was so in love.

The Badger And The Snake; Phan/Harry Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now