Chapter One

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Six Years Later, Scotland


The fire was beautiful. It bounced off the crumbled walls, casting an eerie orange glow into the night sky. I slowly slid the black ski cap over my face. After realigning the eye and mouth holes, I dropped silently from the tree I was hiding in. As quick as a cat and as quiet as a mouse, I navigated the large estate’s forest. Broken glass, ruined brick, ash, charred wood and burning objects littered the ground; the aftermath of four small bombs. The bombs were place in different sections of the Shifter Research Lab early that morning. Each bomb was placed with care and precision. The bombs made out of hatred, yet not touching the innocent—thirty some shifters being held in cages down in the basement of the now-destroyed mansion.

At the front of the mansion, the large oak doors remained standing; though soot marked a large portion. I slipped my backpack from my shoulder, slowly lowering it to the ground. After a few seconds of rummaging through the much needed supplies of bandages, rubbing alcohol, duck tape, black gloves, a black shirt, stolen and fake ids, cash in a variety of different currencies, multiple cell and sat phones, and other various objects, I pulled out a white spray can. Carefully, I spray painted my calling card, my symbol, the symbol of Chaos

It looks rather similar to a compass. Eight arrows pointing in the eight directs: north, south, west, east, northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest. However, the south arrow is slightly longer than the other arrows. It points down to hell, where I am most likely to end up when I die. I’ve been leaving this symbol on every lab and research facility I’ve been to

The symbol reminds the Agents and Shifters that Chaos still lives, still creates destruction, still fights for justice, still wants vengeance and there is nothing they can do about it. I have broken into the Agents strong holds, stolen invaluable information and released their precious prisoners. For almost six years, I have done nothing but create chaos

Laying another coat of paint on the symbol, I calculated the time I had to grab the information from Jill, one of my many inside associates, and relocate the freed Shifters before more Agents and policemen begin to swarm the estate. Checking to make sure the symbol was visible, I stuffed the can into the backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I raced towards the large cedar tree I instructed Bryce, the Alpha, to gather his wolf pack and meet me at

About halfway to the tree, I slowed my pace. I double checked to make sure my features and any tell tale marks were covered. Hidden under the ski cap was inky black hair. The Chaos symbol tattooed on the inside of my right wrist was hidden by a brown leather cuff bracelet. With the shifters stronger sense of smell, I used three different types of perfume hid my natural body odor. My moonlight eyes, that had a ring of lime yellow in them, were changed to muddy brown by contacts. It was necessary to hide anything that could identify me as Chaos to the shifters. My identity had to stay hidden for my safety.

Up ahead, the cedar tree became visible, as well as Bryce, but not his pack. Bryce, at 6 feet plus an inch or two and 230 of pure muscle, was a powerful shifter. Most of his muscles were located in his broad shoulders. He had dark, brown hair and silver eyes. His nose was slanted to the left as if it was broken repeatedly. His cheek bones winged out, emphasizing his large eyes. His cleft chin had a smudge of dirt. Just like any Alpha, Bryce was incredibly good looking. One hundred percent pure male, pure deliciousness.

Bryce was casually leaning against the tree. I scanned the area for the rest of the shifters, but didn’t see any. So the pack was either hiding deeper in the forest or they ran for freedom instead of waiting for me. Hopefully it wasn’t the latter. I strolled towards Bryce, my hand resting on my handy TMP .9mm submachine. A Two-tone nickel slide pistol, nicknamed Cruella, loaded with homemade sliver coated bullets. I meant business and the gun conveyed the message quite clearly.

Bryce turned his bald head in my direction, his whole body ready to spring into action. “Is that you, Chaos?” Bruce asked, his Gaelic almost lost in his thick burr.

“Aye, it is Chaos. Where is the rest of your pack, Bryce? I told you to be ready to move when I came for you.” I responded in Gaelic.

“They’re around,” was the reply.

“Then let’s go. Agents should be here any moment and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to get captured by Agents.” I turned to walk to the cliff. A hand curled around my upper arm, forcing me to stop. I stared at the hand for a moment, and then gradually raised my gaze to Bryce’s face. My eyes collided with his silver stare.

“Release me.”

“No. Tell me where we are going.” Bryce’s voice was laced with steel, the voice of an Alpha. His face looked like it was carved in stone. I tugged gently on my arm, just testing his strength, which I have to admit was pretty darn strong. After a few moments of silence, Bryce focused his Alpha essence on me.

Alpha essence, or alpha mojo, as I liked to call it, allows an alpha to calm a pack, to unite a pack, to stop dissention within a pack, or—like now—to make a pack member answer the Alpha. Shifter hierarchy was filled with confusing stipulations and customs. Most predatory packs often fought among each other to determine dominance. Alpha essence gave the Alphas an edge in controlling the violent members of the pack without being physically dominate.

“Chaos, answer me. Where are we going?”

His mojo was pretty strong, stronger than most pack Alphas I’ve rescued. But not the strongest I’ve witnessed or had used against me. “Bryce, I think you’re a little confused on how this rescue works. See, I break you out of your cells. You go to the location I give you to meet me at. Then you follow me to the end destination point. Not once did I say you were allowed to touch me or question me. Release me and let’s go. Now,” I unsnapped Cruella’s gun holster for added effect, “don’t make me ask you again.”

Bryce and I stared at each other for a few more seconds before he released his hold. I took a step closer, never taking my eyes off him. “I understand, Bryce. I really do. You don’t know me. No one knows me. You have to do what’s best for your pack. You’re Alpha. Cool. I swear to you, I will not allow you or your pack to become recaptured. But don’t think it is because I have a heart. Or I care. It’s because I have a score to settle with the Agents and releasing you is the best way to get even.” I snapped Cruella’s holster and spun on my heels, giving Bryce my back and an insult. Turning your back on a shifter meant that you don’t consider them a threat.

I start walking to the cliff once more, throwing, “You better decide if you are gonna follow me or not, because you have 3 minutes before more Agents arrive and I will leave you and your pack here without hesitation,” over my shoulder. I sauntered over to another cedar tree.

This cedar tree had several ropes—ones that I placed there early this morning—tied around its trunk. I double checked the knots, making sure they could hold the weight of a shifter. Confirming that the harnesses were on securely, I pulled on the straps. I looked over to where Bryce was last located and saw nothing. Oh, well. This wouldn’t be the first time I left a pack or pride of shifters during a rescue. Stubborn Alphas. As I walked towards the end of the cliff, I heard my name. I looked up and saw Bryce with his pack. I smiled inwardly.

“Yeah?” I asked innocently, like I had no clue why he would want me. Sometimes I couldn’t help but pull the metaphorical tiger’s tail.

“What do you need us to do?” Bryce asked, grimacing as if he swallowed a spoonful of cinnamon.

I pointed to the tree, “Grab a harness. We’re going cliff diving!”

I helped a few adult shifters into their harness. Each shifter watched me closely, as in any moment I was going to attack them. I didn’t let the wariness offend me. I mean if I were them, I’d watch me closely too. The stories that are told about me are pretty scary, if not true. I turned to Bryce getting ready to instruct him further, when sirens filled the night air.

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