Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter 27 

Bryce's House

While I waited for Bryce and Jill to return, I pulled out the several items out of my black backpack. My fingers hovered over the multiple gadgets and knickknacks, until they landed on my small touch screen tablet.

I pulled it closer to me and powered the tablet on. The green light flickered on and a small beep sounded. I unlocked the tablet by typing in my five digit number code. My home screen flashed to life and granted me access. I pulled up my email and scanned my inbox.

Spam. Unimportant. Spam. Spam. Spam. Hmm, not spam. I clicked on the link to open the email from old Mama.

I don't know why you haven't visited me lately and I am feeling a little unappreciated by your silence. But this email isn't to scold you to make a visit. I received a phone call three days ago from an old time friend. She told me she had a vision of a chaotic spirit intertwined in darkness and light. She said in her vision the spirit had a choice to make so save an old loved one or to save the future. Now, I don't know many spirits, but I am almost certain she is speaking about you.

Love, old Mama. 

P.S. You better visit soon.

I smiled at old Mama's letter. But I thought to myself, old Mama must be worried if she used her computer to email me. If there was one person on earth that hated technology it would be old Mama. I saved her email and continued to scroll through my email. When nothing else caught my eye, I powered off the email.

I picked up my universal cell phone and called an invoice box where contacts usually leave their reports. The timestamp indicated the call came in six hours ago. Caitlin, an Agent, began to babble:

"Hey, Dad! I know I haven't called as often as I said I would, but things have been chaotic over here. We have a new project that we are starting! It is so cool! I got to meet a real witch today! She said she was from Alaska! Any who, I am sorry I missed you, but I promise I will call you as soon as I have some free time. Alright, well I guess this is goodbye! I love you."

Another message began to play, this time the timestamp was only two hours old. Berto's raspy voice:

"Hey, I am in Cheyenne for business. I heard the most interesting thing at a club. There have been whispers that the Agents are about to make a move. I hope you know what you're doing. Please don't get yourself killed."

I clicked off the cell phone after the message ended. My mind was racing with the information Caitlin relayed to me. The new project she was talking about was probably Peter's experiments with the dead. I shiver ran down my back. Caitlin said she talked to a witch from Alaska. So the coven Peter is blackmailing is probably located in Alaska.

I closed my eyes, thinking furiously. Peter wouldn't just grab any coven, they had to be strong and his blackmail has to be pretty awful if he could strong arm a strong coven of witches. He also would have known for sure that the witches would be able to perform Black Death magic. So the blackmail could be about their previous gamble in Black Death magic? I was so consumed by my thoughts, I missed Bryce and Jill's entrance.

"What's wrong with her?" Bryce questioned her.

Jill placed the laptop in front of me and walked towards the refrigerator. She pulled out a carton of milked. Pouring the milk in a glass she popped it into the microwave for 5 seconds.

"I don't know, boss, she's been sitting like that for over an hour." replied Alec.

"She's thinking. Leave her alone." Jill said as she placed the milk in front of me. My eyes popped open and came into contact with Jill's golden glaze. "So, wanna tell me what is happening?"

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