Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter 31 

Shifters' Den 


A pungent smell filtered throughout the playground. It swirled around the younger children laughing and playing without a care. Their laughter rang out and their mirth and merriment danced around the jungle gym. The children laughed and shrieked during a game of tag. Their shrill voices shout whoever is 'it.' But the pungent smell lingers. I twitch my two fingers to indicate team Ginyu to move out.

A state of cold calm settled over me an hour ago when I first smelled the stench of rotten fish and death. Tracee wanted to play with her new friend, Tucker. So, I took Tracee, Lily, and Tucker to the playground. That's when I smelled the stench. I remember quickly dialing Falkon and informed him of the danger. Falkon quickly assembled Ginyu and the search began. They crawled all over the Den. Picking up the smell here and there, but never finding the source.

Tracee screamed in delight as she successfully tagged Tucker. Tucker was a young wolf two years older than Tracee's five years. He had sandy blonde hair and sea green eyes. Tucker paused in shock as Tracee made her escape to the slide, which was currently 'base.' My eyes tracked Tracee and Lily who was desperately trying to keep up. A small smile cracked through my iciness. Love swelled and bubbled over as the two most precious people in my world smiled.

Falkon stepped up to me, not saying anything thing. Tracee spotted Falkon and changed course. Lily's tiny form followed suit.

"Uncle Falkon! Did you come to play wifh me?" Tracee asked as she launched herself at him. Falkon bent down and swiped her out of the air and throw her up to her shoulders. Lily's smile wobbled as she realized Falkon couldn't hold her too. I hid my smile and scooped her up.

Falkon reached over and chucked Lily's chin. "I'm sorry princesses, but I can't play with you guys today."

Tracee ignored Falkon and began to babble on about all the games they could play. Lily soon joined in, shyly adding a suggestion. Lily was always looking for Tracee's approval. Falkon pulled Tracee of his shoulders and settled her on the ground. He gently ruffled her hair as he interrupted her tirade.

"Sorry, pumpkin. But it seems as if someone else wants to play with you." Falkon indicated to Tucker who was standing just outside of our presence. Tracee followed Falkon's hand and squealed, "He's my best friend, Uncle Falkon. C'mon, Lily."

Tracee speed off towards Tucker and I released a squirming Lily. Lily's tiny legs tried to catch up to Tracee, but she was still several feet behind Tracee. Falkon chuckled. "Just wait until she's a teenager, Derek. She'll be a heartbreaker."

I closed my eyes and groaned, "I still have several years before I have to worry about boys Falkon."

Falkon was still chucking as he said, "Oh, I can't wait. It will be pure enjoyment as you growl at everyone."

I sent Falkon a glare and muttered, "I can't wait until you have a girl of your own. I am looking forward to payback." I sagely glanced at Falkon, informing him, "Karma's a bitch. Don't forget that old buddy."

Falkon's face slowly slid into a serious manner. "Ginyu hasn't been able to find anything." I nodded my head, already expecting this answer. My eyes filtered back to the playground and landed on Lily. She was running towards Tucker, her tiny face screw up in concentration. Tucker was running around, slowing his speed to allow Lily to catch him. Lily was close to tagging Tucker, when Tucker came to a grinding halt. He sniffed the air and took a cautious step backwards, his eyes scanning the trees near the playground.

Falkon and I became still sniffing the air, trying to discover what Tucker was smelling. Tucker took another step back before he turned around and snagged Lily's body into his arms. He began running back towards the playground, tiny snarls slipping out of his mouth. Lily was thrashing trying to get out of his arms, still thinking it was a game. As soon as Tucker grabbed Lily, I began running towards him, the cold calmness returning, and Falkon sounded the alarm. Tucker was close to the jungle gym when a hideous beast barreled out of the trees. Tucker glanced behind him and changed direction, heading to a small entrance into the jungle gym. Tucker pushed Lily into the hole and followed in after her.

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