Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter 29 

Shifters' Den 


I shut the door with an audible click. I huffed out a large breath of air and tried to contain my confusion. I didn't understand why Samantha would lie to us. I didn't understand how Chaos could so callously fool around with people's lives. I didn't understand a lot of things, but hopefully Braden will be able to get some answers.

I walked out of the basement and headed over towards my office. I had to start preparing for the President's visit to Shifters' Den. I needed to show him that the shifters still need money. That the shifters were making progress, but there was still so much to do to be able to achieve our ultimate goal, equality.

I pushed open my office door and padded over to my desk. I was still standing in front of my desk, shifting through papers when Kade and Derek both entered my office. I ignored them until I finished reading the latest statement from Iago, my finance director. Our money flow was doing better than last year, which was an improvement. But Iago said he still thinks we could receive more.

Kade's voice filled my quiet office. "I found several houses, all in the same neighborhood, being bought by one Bryce Kelly. Here's the information." Kade placed the papers down on the desk and then I heard his feet wander away.

I turned around to see Kade staring at my bookcase. The kid was always nabbing a new book to read. I looked over at Derek who was wearing a grim expression. I withheld the sigh that wanted to escape. Something else was wrong. I just couldn't win lately.


"Logan, Kade was able to track down who Junior sent the message to. Her name is Shay Longert. I picked her up yesterday, she was outside of Colorado, waiting in an abandon cabin."

"Okay, where is she?"

"She's in the medical ward at the moment. I'm having Doctor Monto check her out." Derek sighed. He took two steps forward and then spun around and paced over to my door. He walked back and forth as he continued to explain the situation. I slowly lowered myself into my chair in disbelief. Kade stop scanning my bookcase and tracked Derek with his forest green eyes, surprise sketched onto his face.

Braden stormed into my office, his face scrunched in anger. I was about to ask him what was wrong, but Derek's voice became more agitated and I let it go for the moment. But soon Braden's anger transferred into rage as he heard Derek's story.

As soon as Derek closed his mouth, Braden exploded. "I don't believe you! She's lying to your face. This Shay girl, she has to be lying."

Derek shook his head. "Braden, I couldn't detect a lie. Unless she learned how to trick shifters, she didn't lie."

Braden advanced, his magic leaking out into the room. "I'm telling you she's lying. I don't believe Samantha would do such a thing."

Derek, not one to back down, stepped forward as well. Kade slowly inched his way out from the bookcase and out into the open space. He repositioned himself into a defensive stance, just in case he had to defend himself against two full grown male shifters. Derek's magic was released to counter Braden's. I opened my mouth to diffuse the situation, but Derek snarled. "Samantha isn't real. She's just some made up person Chaos uses to dick around with people."

I quickly stood up, my chair falling over due to the sudden movement. I quickly flooded the room with my magic. I did not need my shifters fighting now. My voice filled the room, "Braden and Derek, both of you back down now."

My magic was able to cut through both Derek's and Braden's magic easily, like a warm knife through butter. Derek and Braden began to stare at each other, neither making a move to back down. Kade, ever the peacemaker, slid in-between them. Derek locked eye contact with Kade and nodded his head. Derek growled yanking his magic back into him and then he began his pacing again.

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