Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26 

Outside of Samantha's house

"Yada, yada, yada. Grumble, grumble, grumble. Yap, yap, yap." I muttered under my breath cursedly.

Alec gave me a strange look, as if he was questioning my sanity. But I didn't blame him; many people asked me on a general basis if my head was screwed on correctly. Actually no, I do blame him, but only for this once instance.

"What was that?" His sweet Spanish accent flowed over me, washing out the night sounds for a moment.

"That was me imitating you. Now, for the umpteenth time, shut your muzzle, dog." I whispered-yelled. For the past twenty-six minutes, Alec would not stop pestering, asking me question after question.

"Well if you told me what we were doing, sitting in a tree and watching a house, I would stop talking. I feel like a peeping tom."

I ignored him, as I have been doing all night. Even though, it didn't work, much to my chagrin. I lifted the binoculars and pressed them to my face. My eyes and the help of night vision I swept the grounds of my house. I held back a sigh and slowly let my eyes drift to Alec. Maybe it was a mistake bringing him, but I needed someone ignorant enough to give into my demands. I slipped my cell phone out and dialed 'S. White Home.'

From my spot in the tree, I hear the faint ringing noise. With the binoculars still attached to my eyes, I watched closely. Tracking the shadow's for the faintest movement. Nothing. The answering machine picked up.

"Hi? Helloooo? Speak up I can't hear you! Oh, that's because I'm not here, silly me. Anyway, you know what to do after the beep, hopefully. BEEEEEP"

I took a deep breath and spoke into the phone, altering my voice slightly. "Hey Chaos?! I need help...I, I think Peter...oh shit, I gotta go." I hit the end button and slipped my cell phone back into my pocket. There was still no hint of movement. Damn, they either just ignored the message or they aren't there yet. Okay, time for plan B.

I whipped my head back to Alec, who was yet again staring at me. "Okay, so you want to know what we are doing?" I asked, not really caring if he wanted to know or not, but he nodded. "So, we are watching that house to make sure, absolutely sure, no one is inside or around the house."

I tilted my head to the one side, hearing my bones crack. I repeated the gestured to the other side. I began cracking my knuckles as I continued my explanation. "Since I usually have one of my super ninjas with me when I do this and at the moment all I have is you, we are going to have to tweak the routine a little. Not much admittedly, but enough."

Alec held up a hand stopping me mid-rant. "Super ninjas?"

"Yeah, I understand, you're jealous. Who isn't jealous of my super ninjas? But at the moment they aren't the cause for concern, you are. Okay, so see that pretty house their? As I said, I need to make sure it's absolutely uninhabited by people and slash or shifters. You'll be able to do this by simply walking down and using your shifter senses. Okay?"

Alec reluctantly nodded his head. "Anything else?"

I closed my eyes trying to sort through the chaotic emotions. I was pissed-off, annoyed, aggravated, ticked-off, angry, frustrated, and panicky. A pinch of guilt for deceiving the Alphas lay somewhere inside the emotions, even if it was buried deep down. I tried to clear my mind, but it wasn't happening, not until I burned Samantha White and had the laptop.

"No, no. Not that I can remember." I started to shoo him off when a thought came to me. "Oh, and try to be casual about it. And when you return, come back a different and longer route, okay? Okay, good now go."

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