Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter 33

Shifters’ Den, inside the mansion


After I climbed out of the communication shed, I hurriedly scrambled over to the mansion. I was actually surprised I hadn’t been spotted or stopped by any shifter yet. I silently crossed myself, hoping my luck would stay true until I could reach the secret room where Braden stashed me that one night.

I saw a group of kitchen workers carrying in large boxes. Without a second thought, I grabbed a box and hauled it inside the mansion. I followed the lanky kid in front of me to the storage room. The kid turned around and grabbed the box from me.

“Here, let me help.” He said.

I didn’t thank him for his generosity, I just dashed out of the room and quickly up the back set of stairs. I got lost once and had to back track. I pushed the portrait to the side and pressed on the wall, exactly like Braden, except nothing happened. I pushed the wall harder this time and still the door didn’t open. In a fit of frustration, I pulled my foot backwards and kicked the wall.

“Ow!” I cried, hopping on one foot with the offended foot in my hands. I screwed my eyes shut as I waited for the pain. When I opened my eyes, I noticed the wall was no longer in front of me. I snorted, how typical. I limped slash hobbled into the room and flung the door shut behind me.

Without wasting time I striped myself of the soiled clothes and tugged the plain pink summer dress over top of my head. I finger combed my wig into the correct position. I dug into my backpack and pulled out a small fragrance bottle. Two squirts of the pleasant smelling vanilla coated my skin. I glanced over my outfit to make sure nothing inappropriate hung out.

Satistified with my appearance, I rearmed myself with my throwing knifes. I had two knifes strapped to my outer thighs. I slipped two long metal chop-sticks into my hair. The chop-sticks acted as decoration, but they had deadly points and came in handy if I was ever in a tight spot. I slipped another knife into the side of my right leather over-the-knee riding boots.

I gathered my gear and threw the backpack back onto my shoulder. I opened the secret door easily this time and crept back down stairs. I stuffed my backpack into one of the many closet doors. However, I tucked the microchip into my bra, not wanting to leave the information lying around for anyone to discover.

In the ballroom, I heard the soft tinkling of voices and once in a while the loud boom of laughter. I casually brushed off imaginary lint from my dress and glided into the room. I walked over to the buffet table and grabbed a tiny hors d'oeuvre. I elegantly placed the treat into my mouth and was immediately greeted with the rough texture of pumpernickel bread and the smooth texture of smoked trout. The mix was incredible and I silently praised Sunny on her culinary genius.

A waiter walked by and offered me a chute of champagne. I politely declined the offer and scanned the crowd, searching for anything suspicious. I spotted Braden in a deep conversation with several government officials. Derek and Falkon were standing by the door, their eyes scanning the crowd as well. Logan was shaking hands with the Vice President and the President of the United States casually introduced his wife to Susie, Logan’s assistant.

Nothing out of the ordinary presented itself, but my eyes continued to search the crowd, my gut telling me something was wrong here. I was about to push aside my worry, when I finally spotted him. The bastard was staring at me with a smug smile on his beautiful mug. His full lips stretched wider and he mouthed the words ‘hello, darling.’

His shaggy blonde hair was combed back and out of his eyes. His plain grey eyes slowly lowered, taking in my appearance. When his eyes reached mine again, they were alight with desire and lust. I held off the shiver that wanted to shake my body. Disgust clawed at my stomach; tighten the muscles and making me want to throw up.

However, I braved a smiled and lipped back. “Hello, Peter.”



I watched as the little bitch, that has cost me so much, spotted me. I smiled softly to myself. She was going to regret ever crossing me. I turned slowly on my feet and began to head to the exit of the mansion. Chaos’ eyes tracked my movement to the door. She began to discreetly follow me. As soon as I reached the door I gently jogged down the steps. I looked over to my left and saw Henieker waiting for me. With the twitch of my two fingers, Henieker came running over to me.

“Yes, dad?” he sing-songed.

“I want you to go fetch Bones. Chaos and Bones are due for a reunion.”

Henieker’s lips curled into a wicked smile. His eyes light up with disturbed happiness. He nodded his head and dashed off in a different direction. I watched him run and disappear from sight. I shook my head and allowed myself a small smile. Everything was going according to plan.



I listened to the hustle and bustle around the kitchen with a small sense of pride. This was my domain, my area of expertise. I continued to knead the dough with my hands. The smooth rhythm easily soothing my frazzled nerves. Today was a big day and I didn’t want to disappoint Logan with mediocre food.

I reached under the kitchen counter to grab more flour when I felt an odd container. I dusted my hands off on my apron and crouched down. My eyes widen in horror. A large cylinder filled, my nose told, large amounts of explosives. My heart stuttered and then began to beat double time. My eyes scanned the container for any indications of a timer. I didn’t find anything, but I did find a few strands of hair. I pulled the purple locks to my nose and inhaled. My heart silently broke as I smelled the regular fragrance of Samantha. My eyes opened and I slowly walked out to find someone, trying not to attract attention.

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