Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter 28 

Shifters' Den

I stuffed the purple strand back up and under the ambiguous blonde colored wig. After a quick check in the mirror, I hopped out of the truck's front seat and swung around to the back. Trudging to the doors with oversized boots was quite difficult, but not impossible. The back doors were already opened and Charlie was pulling out the boxes.

About two hours ago I strolled into Meats and Delivery Inc. I walked into the manager's office and demanded a job. After a lot of huffing and puffing, the manager caved and gave me a job. Coincidently, Shifters' Den was to have a delivery from Meats and Delivery Inc. I, unnoticed, switched around the scheduling so that I would end up on the delivery truck.

I helped Charlie pull out the boxes and stack them one on top on another. When no more boxes could fit on the utility dolly, I pushed the dolly forward and maneuvered it into the garage. Twenty-eight boxes later, Charlie and I were finished unloading and were climbing back into the large truck. The two shifters who were watching us and the truck followed the trucks slow descent to the iron gates. As soon as the truck cleared the entrance, the gate began to close.

A mile down the road, I told Charlie to stop the truck. His foot slammed on the break and he turned around to look at me. I patted the pockets of my jumper in a frantic motion. "Shit, shit, shit..." I muttered.

"What?" asked Charlie in a bored tone.

"I think I dropped my phone back at the den. Shit!" I squawked in mild-panic.

"Well, I ain't turning the truck around. We've 'nther appointmen' at three. Soo you are outta luck, l'ttle girl."

"The delivery is at Jacksons' Stadium right?"

Charlie nodded his head.

"Okay, well I'll just jump out and run back to Shifters' Den. I'll meet you at the Stadium, okay?"

"Whatev'r. But if you're late, I'm tellin the boss." grumbled Charlie.

"Okay!" I pulled open the door to the truck and slide out. My feet crunched on the gravel and I began my light jog down the road. The truck's engine started and it continued its noisy trek down the road, vanishing out of sight. Once the truck was gone, I stopped my jog and ripped off the large boots. I kept the wig on, but I stripped out of the required uniform for the deliveries, a large non descriptive jean jumper. Underneath the jumper I had on my mission spandex outfit on. A black sports bra covered by my black bodysuit, complete with a large belt strapped to my waist. The belt contained my important gadgets.

I veered off to the left, into the woods. I followed the same route I usually use when I break into the Den. The southside had one small access point that hasn't been discovered. Digging around the wall, I found the hole hidden by the large oak tree. I easily crawled under the wall, but before I dashed off, I recovered the hole. Satisfied with my handiwork, I brushed off my hands.

I cautiously scanned the trees around me. I needed to get into Kade's office. I remembered seeing papers on his desk that indicated Cole was the traitor. I made my way over to the communication shed under the cover of the dense forest. I looked to my left and then I looked to my right. I repeated this motion several times before I dashed out into the open space and over to the com. shed. The ventilation system was my best chance of getting into Kade's office without notice.

I pulled a tiny screwdriver out of my belt and unscrewed the screws. The screws popped out easily and I lifted the vent's covering wide enough for my body to fit through. With me inside the ventilation ducks, I carefully pulled the covering back into place. I replaced the screwdriver for a tiny flashlight. Flicking the flashlight on, I took stock of my position. Not really knowing where I was going, I began to crawl forward, trying to be as silent as possible.

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