Chapter Twenty-two

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Chapter 22 

Logan's Office 



"What happened to 'Sammie?'"

A roar filled the next room. The portrait of my mother and father shook. I placed my hand on top to steady it. Only, the portrait shook worst. I then realized that it was my hand shaking. I quickly slipped the hand under my desk and clutched it with my other hand.

"Sheesh, no need to break my eardrums. I am right here." Another roar filtered through the thick door. A loud crashed followed suit. "That looked expensive."

Silence. I stood up in my seat, worried. I had taken about two steps, before Braden, who was sitting next to the door, spoke out to me. "She's still breathing, Susie, so I wouldn't go in there if I were you. Hell, I am not even going to try and go in there, unless it is absolutely necessary."

"But-" I began.

"Trust me, Susie. The roars are just a scare tactic."

I sat down in my chair somewhat mollified. Just a scare tactic? Well they sure are scaring the hell out of me! And I know Logan would never hurt me. Wouldn't be able to. It would be like inflict pain on himself, except amplified, because we are...

Don't go there, girlfriend. You are through with men. Especially men like Logan. The Alpha, good-looking, so delicious...Susie! I shook my head and glanced back at the door, still worried I didn't hear anything.


"You are grounded, Samantha." Logan finally snarled. I stared at him dumbfounded. I blinked thinking I misheard him. I looked back at the glass paperweight which was shattered into a million pieces. I looked back at Logan.

"What for? You were the one who threw the paperweight! I didn't do anything!"

"What for? What for? What for?" Logan's voice began increasingly louder with each sentence, until the last one was shouted. "Samantha, you are deliberately trying my patience. And I am very close of losing control."

With that statement, me inner destructive me perked up. I decided to see if I could actually get him to lose control. "I was just asking a question. If you think you are going to ground me, then I at least need some valid reasons."

The look on Logan's face was priceless. He opened his jaw once and then snapped it shut. He opened it again and this time his words were extremely soft. "If I think I am going to ground you? Oh, Samantha child, I am grounding you. You want some 'valid reasons'? Let's start with you attacking Carla, shall we?"

I crossed my arms and sank lower into my chair. "I already told you. I didn't attack her. She had a very large spider on her head. I don't like spiders." I made sure my lips were kept in a pout, not twitching into a smile like they wanted to. I couldn't believe I said that statement twice now without laughing.

"A spider?" Logan's voice still had the extremely soft quantity to it.

"That's what I saw. A BIG spider."

"So after you slammed Carla's head with a book to squash this big spider, you didn't think it was necessary to call for help? Especially since she didn't get up?"

"I...I was scared! I didn't mean to hurt her. And besides, I thought I killed her! So, I ran away."

"You ran away? Samantha, she was still breathing anybody could see that, her chest was moving."

I sent Logan a scathing look. "Well I am sorry mister. I don't spend all my time staring at women's chest."

With that comment, Logan closed his eyes. When he opened them, his eyes were filled with anger. "You will watch what you say to me, young lady. I do not want to have to repeat myself on this." Logan's Alpha mojo flooded the room. My eye went wide as I felt his strength. The mojo made the room fill stuffy and suffocating. I lowered my eyes to my hands. Taking a deep breath I shook off the feeling and concentrated on the conversation.

"Okay so you thought you killed not only a big spider, but Carla as well. So you ran away. You ran to a party in the warehouse district." Logan closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You went to a party, by yourself in the middle of the night, to meet with an old friend?"

"Yeah! That's exactly how it went!" I wasn't blatantly lying either. I did go to a party to meet with an old friend.

"Samantha, do you understand what could have happened to a pretty little girl like yourself?" growled Logan. He didn't give me an answer. "You could have been taken advantage of! Someone could have drugged you and thrown you into the back of some van! And that would be the last time we would see you! You could have been drugged and raped. You could have been killed!" he yelled the last line. I flinched, becoming uneasy. "Samantha, I do not make rules just to torture you, I promise. I make rules for you safety and the safety of the shifters that reside in the Den. You are lucky Falkon has control of himself, because if he didn't your 'friend' Joe would have been slaughtered tonight. Shifters are very possessive animals and we all see you as ours, Samantha. You are a child and some old person had his hands on you. And you were wearing a tight and very tiny black dress!"

Logan took another pause, allowing him time to calm down. "You have lost our trust, Samantha and you disappointed me. Therefore, you have been assigned a guard. You will personally be watched by an Alpha. When you walk out of this room, I expect you to become glued to Braden's side. Your biogenetic classes have been put on hold. You will also have two weeks of kitchen duties with Sunny and Tariq. Samantha, if you step out of line one more time, I promise you will not be seeing the sun until your 18th birthday." With that Logan stood up and walked over to the door.

"Susie, I am going to need a dustpan and a trash bag. Samantha, you are dismissed." I stood up and walked to Logan and the door. Before I walked over the threshold, I looked back at Logan.

"Logan, I am-"

"Samantha, do not apologize when you don't mean it." At my startled look, he said. "Sammie, I need you to go with Braden right now." Braden appeared at my side and latched onto my upper arm. With a light tug, he pulled me out of Logan's office. I shrugged out of Braden's grip and trotted behind him. My mind though was replaying Logan's face when he told me I disappointed him. He looked pained and crestfallen. And I felt... guilty? I didn't know why, but I did feel guilty. I glanced back at Logan's office and I heard Susie say, "I told you Logan, she's nothing but a street rat. You shouldn't have expected anything else."

"I know, Susie, but I thought... I don't I thought she was becoming attached to the Den. Lucy said she was a wonderful student. She absorbed the information like a sponge."

"I know, Logan. I am sorry."

I turned my head to find Braden searching my face. In defiance I said, "What are you disappointed too?"

He shook his head sadly and replied, "When are you going to get it Samantha? We are out to get you, we're here to help you. When are you going to let us help you?"

I looked painfully into Braden's eyes, but didn't say out loud what I was thinking. You can't help me.

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