Chapter Four

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Chapter 4 

Bahookie Bar

I ordered another round of Early Burn. I've been at the bar for nearly two hours and still nothing. No sign of any Agents. Absolutely nothing. I leaned against the bar, allowing the bartender to get a full show.

After I was sure I had is undivided attention, I real casually look around the room. After scanning the entire place, I let out a sigh and hung my head. Too easy, too easy. Exactly as I thought, the bartender took my bait.

"You okay?"

I looked up and made a little pouty face. "Yeah, I'm fine, I guess."

"You sure, cause you look a little sad."

"Well, I was just hoping he-uh, I mean, I could find someone."

The bartender nodded his head like he understood my problem. "Oh, got stood, now did you?"

"No, no! I was just hoping a certain someone would be here tonight. I needed to talk to him. I heard he comes here quite often." I stared into my drink, as if it held all my answers. After a second, I threw the liquid back and slammed the drink on the bar.

"Comes here quite often, eh? What's his name?" the bartender grabbed my empty glass and began to clean it.

"Oh! Maybe you know him!" I chirped happily. "His name is Ruddy Albearo."

The bartender head snapped up when I said the name. He glanced at me sharply. I pretended to not notice his interest. "So, do you know him?"

As he fiddled with his lip ring, he answered, "Yeah, I know Ruddy."

And now carefully real in your catch, Chaos! "Oh, goody! Well...You see... I need to see him. I am a, uh, good, uh, friend of his. If you know what I mean." I whispered.

The bartender looked me up and down. And then again, in new perceptive. A knowing glint crawled into his eyes, and he smirked knowingly. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me more about Ruddy's whereabouts. "Great! So can you tell me where he is?"

"He usually doesn't arrive for another twenty minutes or so," came the curt reply.

"Fantastic! Well I'm just gonna go clean myself up. See ya!" I pushed my way through the crowd and towards the bathroom. I closed the girl's bathroom door behind me and locked it. I checked each stall, making sure no one was inside. I went to the mirror and checked my make-up, which was still good. I doused myself with some more vanilla perfume; never know if I might bump into a shifter. Then I opened my little wristlet and pulled out a tiny black bug and a microchip. I bent down to the cabinets and retrieved the laptop I stuffed there. Opening the laptop, I pulled up my latest information on one Ruddy Albearo.

Ruddy Albearo was born on August 6, 1964. He weighs about 273 pounds. His face is pudgy with round dough like cheeks. He has a double chin and two missing teeth. He has black beady eyes with a large nose. His hair was slicked back with hair gel in an Elvis-type hair style, which in my opinion looks awful on him. Some gray streaks were beginning to show in his brown hair. Ruddy dressed excessively, wearing the latest fashion and the flashiest jewelry. He's a banker.

For the Agents, he's just a feeder, someone who feeds money into the Agents projects or training. Feeders are usually hot shots that think they are the shit. They believe that the Seats, kinda like the government of the Agents, are within their grasp. The sad thing is that the Agents don't give a shit about them; they only care about the money. Feeders don't usually last long. They somehow have a miracle bankruptcy or they take a large financial hit. Gee, I wonder who's doing that...

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