Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

"Samantha, wake up." A rough hand shook me. "Samantha." I jolted upwards, breathing heavily. I saw a pair of eerily light blue eyes staring at me. Braden.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm feeling fine. Brilliant, in fact." I hastily ran my fingers through my knotty, bed head hair. I closed my eyes letting the remnants of the dream, of Bones face, fade away.

"Really? Because if I was a betting man, I would have put all I was worth on you having a nightmare."

I surveyed my surroundings, trying unsuccessfully, to gather myself together. "Well good thing you aren't a betting man." I gave him a weak smile. Braden took my crappy smile in stride.

"Well, Logan would like you to join the family for breakfast in the kitchen."

"Breakfast? Wait?! Aren't you suppose to be gone trying to salvage some shitty server or something?" I questioned, distinctly remembering Logan saying Kade and Braden were leaving. The last thing I remember was Logan saying he would be right back...

"Kade and I just returned about an hour ago. And the family has breakfast everyday at 7:45. It is currently 7:30; I'd get a move on it if you want to be on time." Braden announced. He strolled over to the window and opened the blinds, allowing bright sunlight to flood my room. When he saw I was still sitting in bed, he clapped his hands. "Chop, chop!"

"Okay," I muttered and began to lie back down.

Braden growled, "Now" and yanked the blankets away when my head hit the pillows. I made an inhuman sound and rolled out of bed. I dragged my feet to the bathroom. After a few minutes of banging around the bathroom, I emerged with clean teeth and clothes.


I grunted a noncommittal sound to Braden. Stumbling behind Braden, we walked downstairs to the first floor to get to the kitchen. Braden grabbed a plate and handed me another. I barely glanced at the pancakes. I looked at him, "Coffee?"

"Yeah, over there on the counter." I shoved my plate unceremoniously into Braden's and headed to the counter. I poured a cup of coffee and drank it black. Draining the cup in three gulps, I began to feel a little more human. Morning person, I am not.

I heard the chatter of voices in the other room where yesterday's breakfast party took place. With the coffee pot in one hand and the mug in the other, I strolled into the room. The room vastly differed today from yesterday. Yesterday there were multiple tables with benches. Today there was only one table with chairs. The buffet table which contained the food was gone as well. The sliding glass doors were closed, but the curtains were pulled open allowing the sunlight to illuminate the room.

Logan was sitting at the head of the table with Braden sitting at his right. Next to Braden sat Derek, then Derek's daughter Tracee. A petite blonde hair, blue eyed beauty sat across Derek. A tiny mini-Tracee sat in her lap. The blonde must be Derek's mate, Lucy, and the little one, Lilly, their youngest daughter.

Kade sat on Lucy's left. The only other seat open was next to Logan's left. Braden glanced at me and shook his head in disgust. I plopped down in my seat. Still grumpy, I poured another cup of coffee. I curled my fingers around the mug and smelled the delicious drug.

"Good morning, Sammie," greeted Logan.

I glared at him grumbling something that sounded like, "I'm not here." Logan raised an eyebrow, "Not a morning person?" I ignored Logan and drew my knees towards my chest, resting my heels on the edge of my chair.

"Mom," whispered a soft voice. Lucy finished her conversation with Kade and glanced down at Lilly. "Yes, sweetie?"

The little girl giggled. "Look at her." She pointed at me. "She's gots funny hair." Lucy smiled an indulgent smile and lowered Lilly's hand.

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