Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14 

Logan's Office 


The phone rang out, breaking my consintration. I made my move, trapping Kade's queen with my castle. I leaned back in my chair, tipping the front legs off the ground and grabbed the phone.


"This is Albearo," came the scruffy voice. "Remember that deal you offered?" I sat forward in my chair and signaled Kade to get Derek.

"Yeah, I remember the offer. Why?" The offer I spoke of was sanctuary for Albearo in exchange for everything he knew about the Agents; such as his contacts, where labs are located, the latest experiment he was funding, etc.

"Is it still on the table?"

"Why are you interested in the deal now, Albearo?"

"Things are getting hot for me. Is the deal still on the table? If not tell me now, so I can try and contact Chaos."

I laughed out loud at that statement. "You don't think Chaos will actually protect you, do you? She'll kill you ruthlessly, all while smiling."

"I have something she might want. Besides, she takes her word seriously."

"You haven't forgotten about her vow to demolish everyone who is or is associated with the Agents, have you? Of how about her view on turncoats? You're only option is me."

"So the deal is still on?"

I put the phone on mute and then switched it to speaker as Kade reentered the room with Derek right behind him. I looked at Derek, "What do you think?"

"Take the bastard, but change the deal."

I nodded my head in agreement. I unmated the phone just as Albearo threatened to go to Chaos. "Albearo, I told you, Chaos would eat you alive for fun. The offer is on the table-"

"I'll take it!"squealed Albearo, the desperation in his voice noticeable. My lion snickered, Hi a weak fool. I couldn't have agreed more. I smiled allowing my teeth to show.

"However, the offer isn't the same."

"What?!" shouted Albearo.

"You give us everything as we said before, but instead of sanctuary, you go to jail for five years."

A taut silence came over the line. After a couple of moments, Albearo suggested he'd think about the new offer.

"No, this is the final deal. You take it or you don't. No second chances. Hang up the phone before you decide and you will be considered enemy number one to the Shifters. I will have a warrant for your arrest and shifters hunting you in a heartbeat. Either way, I will have you and your information." Kade grabbed a notepad from my desk and wrote in big, blocky letters:


I nodded my head towards the door, telling him to go and start the paperwork. "Now or never, Albearo. What's it going to be?"

An earblistering curse filtered through the phone. Albearo admitted defeat and concurred to our demands. Before he hung up I asked him. "On a show of good faith, what information do you think would be able to get Chaos' attention?"

"I know where her Bones is," Albearo answered creptically. The line went dead. I buzzed Susie and informed her about the situation with Albearo. "Send out Extraction team Delta. Albearo will be outside Bahookie Bar in three hours. Have Markus Waganer trail Albearo. I want constant visual on him. Then I want Cabin Twenty isolated, bugged and secured for his arrival. No one but secured personel is allowed up to Cabin Twenty, understood?"

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