Chapter Thirty

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Chapter 30 

Peter's Secret Lab

I cocked my head to the right. Then I cocked my head to the left. I squinted one eye and scrunched my nose up. Nope, the view still didn't change. All what I saw was tree after tree. According the satellite images on my DroidX, a large facility should be sitting directly in front of me. I glanced back at my phone and double checked my coordinates.

Confused, I squinted the other eye. When that didn't work I shut both eyes and rapidly opened them. Nothing changed. Hmm, I had no clue how Peter managed to conceal his newly built laboratory, but I had to admit, he hid it very well. I picked up a smooth rock and began to pass it back and forth with my hands. Left, right. Left, right. I had to think. Where was the lab. I had to think.

I kept tossing the rock from my left hand to my right. Then from my right hand to my left. Back and forth. I couldn't stand still any longer so I cocked my arm back and launched the rock at the largest tree in front of me. Instead of hearing the dull thunk of stone hitting tree bark, I heard the crystal clear shattering of glass. I stood staring at the tree in amazement as shards of glass began to fall down from the tree and litter the ground.

Hmm, I guess I found out how Peter hid his lab. The sound of shouts reverberated in my head, informing me to the fact that, even though I discovered where Peter's lab was, I also alerted the guards that something was lurking outside. I quickly retraced my steps back to the large tree and began to hurriedly climb its branches.

I sat in the tree as I assessed the new situation. Peter, clever man, used several large mirrors to surround his lab. So a passerby would not notice the large lab, but a reflection of trees. The angle of the mirrors allows the reflections to show the trees, but not the passerby. As soon as the coast was clear, I scaled down the tree and headed towards Peter's lab.

I expelled a large breath of air, and began the trek back towards, Peter's lab. I hid behind a large bushel of bushes and listened to the conversation taking place in front of me. Two large bodies, Peter's external guards, were gathered around the broken mirror. The one man was crouched down gently exaiming the broken glass, while the other man stood around complaining.

"It was probably some stupid bird. It has happened before." He muttered, kicking at a clump of dirt.

"Yeah, well I just want to make sure. I, for one, enjoy having my balls attached to my body. But, hey, if you don't want them, that's your problem."

The man standing grunted a response, but I ignored him. My eye tracked the movement of the other man. His hand methodically searched each piece of glass, searching for any sign of foul play. After a moment, he stood and brushed his hands off on his thighs. He lifted a walkie-talkie up to his lips. "Hey, this is Richard. I don't see any signs of suspicion, but I would tell everyone to keep a sharp eye." He tucked the walkie-talkie back into his pocket and moved off further into the forest.

I checked the area making sure the cost was clear. I shot out of my hiding spot and began my journey in breaking into Peter's lab.


I was able to sneak around the lab without getting caught so far. As soon as I snuck my way into the lab, I found the nearest closet and raided it. Nothing really usual came out of my raid, until I found the shower room. Two set of spare clothes were lying around. I snagged one pair and changed. Twice I had scares that I was going to be noticed, but so far my luck held. I was just rounding the corner when someone shouted, "Hey! Newbie. Come here."

I glanced up and down the hall, hoping the person wasn't speaking to me. Sadly, my luck just ran out. I tucked my chin into my chest and hunched my shoulders. The voice rang out again. "I said come here!"

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