Chapter 12

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Nico was afraid to ask Percy. He was afraid of the answer, and he was afraid of what could happen. He wasn't sure where they were in their relationship. They had shared multiple kisses, they had shared a bed and cuddled, Percy would hug him from behind when Nico would be up having a cup of coffee or orange juice, but Nico wasn't sure if those things meant that they were no longer "just friends" or not.  He was scared that if they were to move up a step in their relationship that things would go wrong, Percy would hate him, and he would have to leave. He was scared that that kind of relationship with Percy could ruin everything, that it could take away the best thing in his life. 

Nico also wanted to know who the person was that was on the phone with Percy the other night. He couldn't hear what the person was saying but he could hear what Percy had said, and that was all he needed to hear. He didn't want to hear all of the things that were said. 

"Nico? You've been lying in bed all day." Percy came over and sat down next to Nico on the bed. 

"Hm? Sorry I was just, thinking I guess." 

"Neeks, are you alright?" Percy made Nico look at him. Nico looked away for a second before nodding. "What's wrong?" 

"I-It's nothing." Nico could feel his hands begin to shake slightly, he could feel his heartbeat increase as he tried to avoid having to ask Percy about them. 

"Nico, please." Nico shook his head. "Nico, tell me. Now." Nico let out a heavy sigh.

"Just, w-what are we? W-What's going on with 'us'  ?" Nico didn't really want to look at Percy, but he did anyway. Percy's expression was a mixture of confusion and amusement. 

"Well, I like the idea of us together. As long as you like that idea too." Nico looked up at Percy again and then over to the wall. 

"I-" Nico couldn't even think of anything to say. He was relieved that Percy wanted there to be something more than just a friendship, but he was terrified at the same time. 

What if I fuck this up. 

"Neeks?" Percy grabbed Nico's hand and squeezed it lightly. 

"I-I'm just scared." 

"Why?" The look on Percy's face no longer held any trace of amusement, just complete confusion. 

"I just-I feel like it could ruin everything. If something goes wrong. I wouldn't be able to handle myself if I messed anything up with you Percy. I-You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." 

Percy sat and thought for a minute. 

"What if we just take it slow? We don't rush anything, we make sure that we are both okay with things, we make sure that neither of us has a problem with anything that's going on. We just try and make it a healthy relationship."

"But you can't just say that you're going to have a healthy relationship with someone." 

"Nico, I promise that I won't hurt you, that I won't leave you, and that I will always be here for you. No matter what. If you aren't comfortable with that kind of relationship yet then that's fine, but I'll always be here when you are ready." Nico looked at his hands for a moment. 

"I-I think I could be willing to try." Nico sat up. 

"I'm serious Neeks, I can wait until you're ready for a relationship." Nico shook his head. 

"I have to start somewhere. I have to try." He placed a light kiss on Percy's lips. 

I need to stop being so scared.  


A/N SOoooooooo things will be happening in this soon >:) I hope you liked this chapter and I am very sorry that one this is so short and two that I haven't updated in a while, I have been very very busy lately and school is starting up soon and ugh :( making me sad. ANYWHO please comment what you think, tell me about your day, just talk to me cuz I'm lonely lol #Idon'treallyhavefriendsanymore.... 

Comment, vote, enjoy :D 

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