Chapter 14

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Percy wanted to do something nice for Nico, he wanted to take him out for dinner somewhere. Nico was seemingly upset after Percy had his "episode." Nico wasn't mad at him, he was just upset about what he was told.

Nico couldn't believe what Percy had said at first, but when he finally processed it he began to cry. He didn't want to think about how someone could treat Percy so terribly, when all Percy is is a sweet, wonderful, caring guy. Percy had later explained that he now has extremely bad anxiety and was depressed for a while. Nico didn't let go of Percy the rest of the night.

Percy asked his mom if he and Nico could go to a cute diner that he knew Nico would love. His mom said that would be fine, as long as they got home at a reasonable time.

~Time Skip~

Nico and Percy were at the diner, Nico thought it was the cutest thing. They fell into a comfortable silence after they ordered their food, well after Percy ordered two orders of pancakes for himself and ordered a plate of french toast for Nico who claimed he wasn't hungry.

"Nico you need to eat something."

"I'm not hungry Percy." Percy could tell that Nico was lying.

"Nico, what's wrong?"

"I just don't understand... Why someone could be so cruel to you..."

"Nico it doesn't even matter that much anymore. It's over and done-"

"You are still being effected by it though Percy, it does matter."

"But it shouldn't matter that much to you Nico, I don't want you to worry about it."

"But Percy, I-" Nico looked like he was about to cry. Percy reached across the table and grabbed Nico's hand. "Percy I never want anything like that to hurt you ever again. I want to help you make the nightmares go away. I want to be here for you."

"You already are." Percy squeezed Nico's hand.

"I didn't mean to start crying." Nico chuckled lightly. Percy smiled at him, still holding Nico's hand. He squeezed his hand again.

"I don't mind. I like that you care so much."

"I've never actually cared about someone like this, it's weird."

"Have you called your mom recently?"

"No need to."


"My dad doesn't even care that I'm gone Percy. He never cared about me. My mom told me that I should just stay here for a while."

"Your mom misses you."

"She knows where I am. She knows I'm with you."

"But she doesn't know me."

"She knows enough.." Nico muttered.

"I'd like you to call your mom."

"I will tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"Percy I...."


A/N I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I Feel so terrible but I've been so busy :( I promise I will have better updates coming soon!! I give you permission to be angry with me forever. ALso sorry this is such a crappy chapter :(

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