3 Steps forward, 2 Steps back.

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Diggy's POV

"Dan.... Digg... Daniel!" Selena yells breaking me out of my trance. "Oh, sorry." I say pulling her tighter against me. She smiles and looks back at the kids. "I remember waking up that next morning terrified that you saw me half naked." She continues. I wonder if she knows that I kissed her. "Half naked? You should be terrified if I see you completely naked while your pregnant, 'cause you know I'll tear that a-" "You won't be tearing nothing up except your hand, so chill." She says cutting me off with an attitude. I laugh and all of a sudden flashes of lights surround us. Paparazzi. "When did she get out of the hospital Diggy?" One of the photographers ask. "I heard you cheated on Diggy, is that true Selena?" Another one asks. I grab Selena's hand and walk to the car ignoring them. We get in and I start driving off. 

"Is this how it's going to be from now on?" Selena asks. "Yeah, everything we do they'll want pictures and lie about everything." I respond. We sat in silence listening to Bad by Wale play softly on the speakers. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pull it out answering it.

Diggy: Hello?

???: You'd stay away from Selena if you know what's good for you.

Diggy: Who the hell is this?

???: Keep fucking with what's mine, and you'll find out. 

He hangs up and I check the caller ID seeing that it was private. I put my phone in the cup holder and clutch the steering wheel nervously. "Who was that?" Selena asks. "I don't know." I respond. I'm not going to tell her what he said because it'll stress her out again, and we're just now ending drama. We don't need anymore in our relationship. "Oh okay. Can you drop me off at Rogers? Daisha wanted me to help her unpack." She asks. "Uhh, sure. But if anything happens, call me okay?" I say worryingly. "Dan, nothings goi-" "Okay?" I say again cutting her off. "Okay." She responds with a confused expression. I get onto the highway beginning to drive to Rogers house, but I keep looking in the rear-view mirrors eyeing a car that's been following me for the past ten minutes.

"I don't wanna give you the wrong impression, I need love and affection, and I hope I'm not sounding too desperate, I need love and affection." Selena sings as I pull into Rogers driveway. "Thank you baby." Selena says leaning in and kissing my lips softly. "When do you want me to pick you up?" I ask as she pulls away. "I'll call you when we're finished." She says opening the car door. "Wait." I say making her turn around. I look into her eyes and lean in kissing her again. She pulls away and looks at me confused. "Is something going on?" She asks. "No, I just love you so much and won't let anything happen to you." I respond. "I love you too... Bye." She says grabbing her phone and wallet and she steps out of the car and walks to the front door. I watch her walk inside then I start driving home. I have a feeling Khalil is up to this. 

Selena's POV

"Dan was acting reallly weird in the car after someone called him." I tell Daisha as we walk upstairs. "Weird how?" She responds. We walk into their bedroom and I say, "He said if anything happens to me call him, and he said he won't let anything happen to me. It's like he's hiding something." She opens a box and slides it across the wood floor towards me. "He's probably not used to you being away from him or something. Don't sweat about it, he's just worried." She says. "You're right." I say. I start taking things out of the box and putting them into drawers and onto shelves. We both just need some time away from each other.

~2 hours later~

"How many more boxes?" I ask wiping the drops of sweat running down my face. "Like five or six." Daisha responds. "You want to go get some drinks and take a break?" She continues standing up stretching. "I can't drink." I respond. "Why not?" "Because I-" "Hey Daisha." Roger says walking into the room interrupting me. "Hey, uhh, you kind of just ruined a moment." Daisha says. Roger looks down at me sitting on the floor next to about a dozen empty boxes. "Oh, my bad Selena. I'll just... leave you two alone..." He says walking backwards toward the door. He finally leaves and Daisha turns back to me looking too interested. "Go on.." She says staring at me like she's looking into my soul. I take a deep breath and say, "I'm pregnant."

Diggy's POV

"[insert rap here honey boo boo chileeee}" I rap to myself. I'm writing a song for Selena for our wedding. The doorbell rings interrupting my thoughts and I put the notebook back on the table and walk to the door answering it. "I told you to stay away from her, didn't I?" Khalil says with rage filled in his eyes. "Man get the hell off my property." I say trying to close the door but he punches it making it fly out of my hand and hit the wall. "SHE'S MINE AND IF THAT MEANS KILLING YOU TO HAVE HER I WON'T HESITATE TO DO IT!!" He yells. "You just don't understand, she HATES you. You raped her, do you think she'll fall in love with the man that raped her? What are you? Psychotic?" I snap back. "DON'T FUCKING SAY I RAPED HER! I MADE LOVE TO HER!" He yells back. I laugh at the fact that he thinks he made love to her. "I don't think slapping her and calling her a hoe is making love to her. What the hell is wrong with you?" I say jokingly but I meant every word. "Just stay away from her." He says backing up. He walks to his car and drives off. I close the door and take my phone out my pocket calling Selena.

Selena's POV

"Oh my God!!!! You and Dan are going to have the cutest baby ever!!" Daisha yells grabbing my hands pulling me up from the floor. I laugh as we spin in circles. "Daisha chill!" I say as she stops spinning. My phone vibrates on the bed and I pick it up, answering it seeing it's Daniel.

Selena: Hello?

Diggy: I'm coming to pick you up now.

Selena: Why? We're not finished yet.

Diggy: Because I said so. Bye.

He hangs up and I look at Daisha worryingly. "What is it?" She asks. "He's coming to get me, something is going on Daisha, I know it." I say . "I'm sure everythings fine, he just misses you. Just go home and we'll hang out tomorrow." Daisha responds. This is what I love about her, she's always there for me. "Okay, and speaking of tomorrow.. my first appointment is at 11, would you go with me? Dan has to work." I ask. The doorbell rings and I know exactly who it is. "Of course." She says as we walk downstairs. She opens the door and Daniel is standing there looking straight at me. We basically stood there, looking at each other for five minutes straight. "Are we gonna leave?" I say breaking the awkward moment. He walks into the house and grabs my waist, kissing me like it's his last. He pulls away and hugs me tightly. "I love you so much." He whispers. What the hell is going on?


This chapter sucked ass but next chapter is gonna get reeeeaaaaallllll. I'll post it tonight or  tomorrow, but the rest of the week I won't be on here that much because I have state testing and I reeaalllyyy need to study for the biology one /: But thanks for all the support loves ^_^

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