Plan A.

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"Good luck baby." I say as I stand on my tippy-toes kissing Daniel gently on his soft lips. He wraps his arms around my waist, and enhances the kiss. "You're who I do it for." He says as he pulls away. I smile and start walking to my ride that's going to take me to the concert. I get in and wave at Daniel as the car starts driving off. I don't know where I'd be without him.

The car pulls up to the front of the building and Khalil is waiting outside looking nervous. I know he's looking for me. I get out of the car, moving hair out of my face. I could feel his stare as I did so. "Hey baby." He says grabbing my hand. I roll my eyes and he grabs onto my waist, pulling me on him. "Don't start that shit." He whispers into my neck. We get weird looks from people walking into the building because they know I'm Dan's girlfriend. I push him off me and walk inside and I hear him following behind me instantly. I swear there's something wrong with him.

Khalil's POV 

As we took our seats closer to the stage than I wanted, I decided to start my plan. I pull her close to me and start kissing her neck, looking for that one spot that makes her weak. "Khalil ge- mmmmh." She moans I grab her hands and slowly slide off her enagagement ring, just before she pushes me off her. "Seriously?" She says with attitude. I look at her neck and saw that I left a noticible hickey there. Just as planned. "I'm sorry babe, you just look so sexy." I say biting my lip. She rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to the stage. I slip the ring into my pocket and smirk at myself. She. Will. Be. Mine.

Diggy's POV

"You're on in 5." Perry says walking into my dressing room. I take a deep breath and look at the TV that showed the crowd of fans waiting for me. I've been doing this for too long to get nervous. I slowly make my way out of the dressing room and wait backstage until my name is called. "Hey, Dan." A female voice says from behind me, it sounded too familiar. I turn around to see Cassie standing there, with a really short dress on and her hair is now blonde. "Hey Cassie, I haven't seen you in forever." I say giving her a hug. I hear Spin call my name to tell me to come on stage and I pull away. "Umm, wait back here." I say pointing to a table. She nods and walks to the table, sitting down, but her eyes never left mine. I snap out of my trance I had on her and walk onto stage and begin the show. She looked amazing.

Khalil's POV ~After the show~ 

"Stop trying to hold my hand Khalil." Selena says as we start walking backstage. I grab onto her ass and she turns around, looking pissed off. "Stop." She says through gritted teeth. I lick my lips casually and say, "Don't front baby." She turns back around and continues walking. She see's Diggy and he's sitting down, next to Cassie, talking to her, just as planned. "Dan?" Selena says with a confused expression. "Sweetie, Cassie wants to see your ring." He says. I smirk at myself as she walks over to the table. I close my eyes waiting on her sweet reaction. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. "Where is it?... Where is it?!.. I just had it on!" She yells as her breathing intensifies. I open my eyes and see her looking around frantically. Her phone starts vibrating in my pocket signalling that all the men she met while Diggy was gone has texted her. "I'm going to go back in the stands." She says as she walks away. "Digg, I thing you need to see something." I say walking up to him pulling her phone out of my pocket. I open up her messages and he looks away. "I trust her." He says avoiding eye contact with the phone. "Come on, you deserve to know." Cassie joins. He slowly looks down at the phone. 

Diggy's POV

Jordan... Dwayne... Jarrod... Xavier... All these names throughout her messages. "This isn't real." I say in disbelief. "If your brave enough, look through the messages." He says. I go to a random conversation and look through it. One stuck out like it was meant for me to see. Come over again, I'm lonely.. I need you.. all of you. I felt myself tense up and my hands ball up into fists. "I'm sorry, I just thought you should know." He says as the phone locks itself. "Get out." I say barely audible. The look at each other confused. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yell and they get up, leaving out the back door. Selena walks back in crying rapidly. "I can't find it." She says through tears. As much as I want to scream at her right now, I'm going to make her life hell until she tells me. "It's whatever." I say getting up, making my way into the dressing room to get my stuff. "What do you mean? That meant the world to me Daniel." She says grabbing my arm. I snatch it away and continue walking. But she stops me again. "What?!" I yell making her jump. "Why are you treating me this way? I want my ring back Dan." She says sadly. "Maybe this was a sign that we shouldn't get married." 

She looks at me in disbelief and I walk into the dressing room slamming the door behind me. I never thought she would cheat on me. But I guess I was mistaken. "Daniel stop!...... think about the baby!" She yells as she slams her fists into the door. I walk up to the door and open it, grabbing her waist as I back her up against the wall. I lean into her neck and breathe lightly as I feel chills go down her back. "I thought you loved me." I whisper as I gently kiss her neck. She tries to feel my body, but I grab her wrists, pinning her arms to the wall. "Of course I love you." She responds. I laugh and continue kissing her as she begins to moan. "Would you ever lie to me?" I ask. "No."

"Have you cheated on me at all?" I ask tightening my grip on her wrists. "..No, why would you ask something like that?" She says. I claw my nails into her wrists and she bites her lip in pain. "Are you sure?" I ask looking into her pain filled eyes. "I've never cheated on you." She says with her eyes closed. I tighten my grip and I start to see blood make it's way down her arms. "Dan stop! That hurts!" She yells. I could feel my eyes start to water and burn really bad. "I'm going to ask you one more time... have you cheated on me Selena?!" I yell. "NO!" She responds. I let go of her wrists and wrap my hands around her neck tightly. "You'd better not be lying." I say as she begins to scream. "Shut up!" I yell trying not to let anyone notice us. She continues to scream louder. I slap her forcefully making her stop screaming instantly. I took a chance to examine what I've done, and when I saw all the blood dripping to the floor, I let her go, and look at my hands. I never wanted to hit her.


Okayyyy, sorry it's short but I still have writers block. But damn Digg, you done messed up. Foreal. But could everyone who read this comment some ideas, that would be sooooooo helpful. /: Please? No? Okay ._. :,(

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