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~Next Morning~ Diggy's POV

I woke up from voices coming from downstairs. I groan, turning to my side seeing Selena wasn't next to me. I don't know why she's being so weird, first she says everything’s fine, and then she has a problem? I just don't understand. I drag myself out of bed and start walking downstairs, but I stop when I hear Selena's voice.

"You can tell me if you two did anything, nothing will happen to you, I promise." Selena says. I look into the living room and see Cassie sitting across from Selena. I sit on one of the steps listening in on their conversation. "I swear we didn't. Dan was really sad about you... you know... being gone, and he just needed someone to talk to. The only thing he would talk about is you. You are so lucky to have him. He treats you right." Cassie replies. I smile to myself knowing that I'll get to say I told you so. "Thank you Cassie, for clearing things up, and sorry for treating you the way I did at Dan's party, I was just worried." Selena says looking down at her hands. "It's okay and I completely understand."

They start walking towards the front door and I rush back upstairs, turning the tv on as I climb into bed. Soon enough, Selena walks in with her head down shamefully. "Baby I-" "Why didn't you believe me when I told you, but you believed her when she told you?" I ask. She bites her lip nervously. "I'm sorry baby, I was just scared." She says beginning to climb into bed. I grab onto her waist, pulling her on top of me. "You have to start trusting me Selena." I say sternly as I caress the small of her back. She looks down again and says, "I trust you Dan, I just don't know about you sometimes." I look at her confused and tighten my grip around her making her look at me again. She looks really sad. I hate seeing her this way. "Baby, if you think I'll cheat on you I promise to God it'll never happen. I have everything I need right here in my hands. My heart beats for you Selena, and if I didn't have you, I'd die. I know I tell you these things all the time, but I just want you to know I mean every word. I truly love you. Ever since we first met."

I see a steady tear flow down her face gracefully. "Don't cry, please." I say reaching up, wiping it gently with my hand. She hugs me tightly and I place soft, slow kisses on her neck. "I'm scared that one day you'll realize you could do better than me." She whispers hugging me even tighter. I know she didn't just say that. "Look at me." I demand. She rises up from my body, looking me in the eyes, giving me her full attention. "No one is better than you, and if I need to prove that to you I will." I say seriously. She looks down again. I'm just going to leave this alone because I know where it's going, and honestly, I don't ever want to have this talk with her. She's perfect in every way possible.

~3 hours later~

"Dan, I want a snow-cone." Selena says in the middle of the movie we were watching. It was one of my favorites too, 'Love & Basketball'. "Why do you want one all of a sudden?" I ask really not wanting to go anywhere. She pouts and says, "Because I just want one." "Go put on your shoes, I'll take you."

She smiles and walks upstairs and ten minutes later, she's back down. We walk out to my car and I start driving to the park. We didn't talk much, because the park is only a block away. I park the car and we get out, walking hand-in-hand to the stand. People spot me and start taking pictures and point at us. "I really hate the fact that everywhere we go this happens." Selena says referring to the people invading our privacy. "You'll get used to it." I respond.

"You're Diggy Simmons!" I girl says walking up to me. I hand Selena a fifty and she looks at me confused. "Lowest bill I had." I say. She smiles slightly and walks over to the stand. I turn back to the girl who looked about 19, had long brown hair, and bright blue eyes. "You must be a fan?" I ask following my normal routine.

After I finished talking to the girl and sign autographs, as well as take pictures, I start looking for Selena. I see her standing alone, looking at something. I walk up to her, hugging her from behind, and I look in the direction she was staring and I see a boy and a girl on the swings. They looked about 16, and the girl was crying while the boy tried to comfort her.

"You know what that reminds me of?" I ask. She smiles showing that she knows exactly what I'm talking about.


"Selena!!!" I yell running up to her, still in 'formal' clothes even though it's pouring down rain. "Go away!" She yells back. I sit on the swing next to the one she was sitting on and I try to look into her eyes, but I can't because of the rain. "What happened?! Why'd you leave early?!" I yell so she can hear me over the rain and thunder. She turns away from me and says, "Just leave me alone! Go back to your perfect cheerleader girlfriend!" I looked down sadly. I thought about saying, I didn't want to go with Jessica, I really wanted to go with you, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. She doesn't think of me that way. "I don't care about her! I care about you, so tell me!" I reply. "Can we get out of the rain first?!"

I take her hand and we run back to my car. After we get in I turn it on, turning on the heater. I take off my jacket, unbuttoning my shirt, and then I hand it to her. "Here, dry yourself off." I say, but I notice a bruise on her face, right under her eye. She looks down at my body, and then takes the shirt out my hands. She takes off her jacket showing the gold, strapless dress that made me reconsider my date with Jessica completely. She starts drying her hair and I watch her every move. Shit, I may not ever get a moment like this again. I watch as the water drops run down her chest making me bite my lip unintentionally. I guess I was too caught in the moment to realize that she noticed me. "Stop looking at me like that Dan, it's weird." She says snapping me out of my daze. "Oh, sorry, it's just that you look really beautiful tonight, and I mean that." I say making her blush. Wow, I've never made her blush before. "Thank you." She replies. "Tell me what happened."

She tenses up and looks down nervously at her hands. "Niko, he scared me." She says. I look at her confused. "Scared you how?" "He pulled me out of the gym and took me to an empty room downstairs then he tried to... strip me. When I tried to make him stop he hit me." She says pulling up her dress, over her stomach showing me a bruise. (Don't worry, she had shorts on.) "What the h-" "I'm not done. I managed to get away from him but he snatched me right back and hit me again." She says showing me the bruise I noticed earlier. “No…” I say in disbelief as I try to control myself from driving back to the school and beating the hell out of Niko. She starts crying rapidly as makeup travels down her face. I grab her hand and start driving back home. This can’t be happening.

I parked the car outside my house and look at Selena seeing she’s sleep. I walk over to the passenger’s seat and pick her up bridal style, beginning to carry her inside. As I’m walking upstairs, my mom see’s us and a confused look spreads across her face. “What are you doing? Why are you two wet?” She asks. “Long story” I reply opening my bedroom door. I lay Selena down gently on my bed looking at the bruise in complete disgust. I pull her dress off, leaving her in shorts and a bra. I run my hands down her soft body knowing she’s a heavy sleeper. But as I do this, my self-control becomes really hard to sustain. I lean in, kissing her on the lips. I pull away wishing she was awake, and was kissing me back. I put one of my button down shirts on her and pull back the covers, laying her softly under them.

I had my first fight with Niko the next day. Nobody put’s their hands on Selena. Nobody.

I had to re-write this chapter because I deleted it by accident so sorry if it’s different. /: 

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