After The Rain.

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Diggy's POV ~7 months later~

She's crying. This is our third argument today. Things haven't been the same since Maine. "Why won't you tell me what happened that made things like this?" She asks through tears. I stand up and walk over to the coat rack, grabbing my jacket putting it on as my eyes travel up and down her bruised body. "You should already know." I say just before I leave the room and walk downstairs and out the door to my car. I call Jason, a new friend I made for specific reasons that only me and Selena know about.

Jason: Hello?

Diggy: You got the good?

Jason: Of course bro, you on your way?

Diggy: Yeah.

Jason: Aight.

We hang up and I sigh as I begin to drive to his house. I never wanted my life to be like this but it's amazing what love will do to you.

'Jason's house'

I walked inside his unlocked house and saw smoke everywhere. "Jason?" I called out fanning the smoke out of my face. "In here." He replies from the living room. I walk to the room he was at and sat across from him at a table. "Yo bitch got you upset again?" He asks flicking the ash off the end of his blunt. "Yeah... I just don't understand why she won't tell me." I say looking away from him, staring at the lit candle at the corner of the room. "Here, this'll calm you down." He says passing me a perfectly rolled blunt. I light it and start letting it do it's magic. 

Selena's POV

I clean off the blood traveling it's way down my arms and the tears that always seem to be falling from my eyes. It's amazing I haven't had a miscarriage yet from losing so much blood. Everything is wrong and I have no idea what happened. I haven't seen Khalil since we flew back to New York seven months ago. It's like he.. disappeared. Now I wish he was here with me. I heard the door downstairs open and I  roll my eyes knowing Diggy is back either drunk or high. After he.. beats.. me  he goes to smoke or goes to a club with Jason, one of his 'friends' . I'm scared of Jason. Something about him scares the hell out of me. "Selena!" Diggy yells as he laughs walking up the stairs. I was going to close the bathroom door and lock it but I remembered that Diggy removed the door knob last week because he doesn't want me to hide from him. He walks into the bathroom, his eyes so low it looks like they're completely closed. "You're a stupid worthless bitch, you know that?" He says laughing loudly. I closed my eyes trying not to cry. Those words hurt every time. "But you give some good ass sex though." He continues. I throw away the napkin I used to clean up with and he grabs my arm, and kisses me forcefully. All I can taste is smoke. "Dan, get off me!" I yell pushing him off me. But he grabs me right back. He looks me in the eyes and I see steady tears travel down his face.

"Why did you do this to me? Why did you cheat on me Selena?" He asks looking back and forth at my right and left eye. "I never cheated on you Dan. Why do you keep saying that?" I ask. He leans in and kisses me again. "After that baby is born I want you out. I don't give a fuck where you go, just never come back."

~The next morning~

I woke up and Diggy was gone, like always. He leaves every night to do God know's what. I drag myself out of bed and check my phone. I saw I had a text from Daisha. Daisha: Daniel released a song this morning. I think you should hear it. {link} I go to the link and saw a song that was released last night. (--> I know it's by Drake, but we can pretend, right? If you cant see the video on the side, it's Falling Up by Drake. LISTEN TO IT, IT TOOK ME HOURS TO FIND. & ignore when he says his dad died, Diggy's dad didn't die.) As I listened closely to the words tears cascaded down my face. How could he make a song about our personal life? I didn't want anyone to know. All of a sudden I felt pain in my stomach and something wet run down my legs... it's time.

~In the car with Daisha~

"Selena calm down!" She yells as she speeds past people on the highway. "SHUT THE FUCK UP DAISHA!! IT HURTS DAMMIT!!!!!" I yell back. She parks the car in the parking lot of the emergency and everyone is already there, including Daniel. Just seeing him made me even more pissed off. They put me on a bed and rushed down the hall with Dan following behind. "Why didn't you call me?" Daniel asks as they pull me into a room and give me an epidural. "Because I fucking hate you, why would you put that song out?" I ask as I feel my body become weak. "To tell you and the world how I feel about all this shit. I just want the truth." He says. "I've told you the truth for seven months, why would I lie to you for that long?"

He looks down and the doctor comes in. "I think you're ready for labor." She says putting on gloves. They get me set up and I take a stressful deep breath. Daniel walks up to me and grabs my hand, but I snatch it away. "I don't want anything to do with you." I say. He looks down again. Pathetic, now he wants to feel sorry? "Ready Mrs. Simmons?" The doctor asks. "We're not together, just call me Selena." I say. Daniel looks at me with hurt eyes and the doctor starts a procedure. Screams fill the room as I begin to push. "One more push Selena." The nurse says as she wipes the sweat off my face with a napkin. I grab onto the sheets and turn to Daniel. "YOU DID THIS TO ME! I HATE YOU!" I yell at him then I begin to push again. "Wait, wait, wait. Somethings wrong!" The doctor yells. All the nurses crowd around her. "It's the umbilical cord!" She yells they all try to unravel it from the baby's neck. Please, God. Not another one.

The doctor walks back into the quiet room. "Mrs. Simm- I mean Selena, I'm so sorry-" "No. BRING ME MY BABY!" I yell. "We're sorry, but we couldn't save her." 

I broke down in tears and Diggy reaches across the bed and hugs me, rocking me side to side. He's crying too. "Why me?! Why does it always happen to me?!" I yell. He hugs me tighter. Everything is wrong. What have I done to deserve this?


I'm going to update again today and it will be the FINAL CHAPTER ^_^ Yeah I said it, final chapter guys. I had so much fun writing this and in the meantime, I'll be working on the SEQUEL ^_^ Yeah I said it, sequel y'all. But I just want to say thanks for all the support and without you, I wouldn't be writing right now. But I plan on making the chapters in the sequel a lot longer so yeah. :)  xoxoxoxoxoxo ~ MiMi 

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