Entry 0.4

642 43 20

Not edited as usual---

"So, who knows the answer to it?" The teacher asked.

Autumn was sitting in the back of the classroom, playing with his fingers. "Pay attention Autumn." Kellumoreth said.

"How many times did I tell you? Just call me Kelly stupid narrator!" She said. 

Right. Sorry.

"But how can I pay attention if I can't even-"

"Autumn! How about you? Please read the sentence on the board." She said. Autumn's eyes widened. "Um.. " He looked at the board. This is what he read:

"Alice lihed fo reab a lof mhen xhe mas liffle." He tried to read. The kids laughed. "Now now class. Settle down. Autumn. Meet me after school please." She said. He sighed and Kellumoreth shook her head and looked down. 

"Kelly! How about you?" She said. 

"Alice liked to read a lot when she was little." She read the board correctly.  "Excellent. Now class..." 

Autumn played with his fingers. "Can I come to your house today?" He asked her. "Kay."


"Andrew?! Why are you here?" Laura asked. 

"To make things right." He said. She sighed. "What is it?"

"I wanted to say if we can get back together, you know, since Ross is gone and-"

"No!" She said. Did she mention she got another tattoo?

It went across her chest. It said, Your the drug to my heart.

And under it, said Ross.


"It doesn't matter okay!? I love Ross!"

"But you guys-"

"It doesn't matter okay! I love him. I made a mistake of fucking you. I'm tired of being the bad guy. For once, I want to be good. I had a miscarriage, my fucking husband left me for what I did, my son is depressed, whats next?"shesaid."Its like being trapped in a depressing fanfiction. I hate it. I don't need any more problems in my life. So leave." She said. "But-"

"Leave. And never come back." she said. He left quickly, and she shut the door. 


"Fuck." She exhaled. She sat on the couch and ran her hands through her hair. What is happening to her? "Ma." She heard her son call. "Yes hun?" Shereplied."Who was that?" He asked. "Nobody. Just leave it." She sighed. "You look like you could use a hug." He said. He went over to her and hugged her tightly. She cried on his shoulder. "I love you so much." She sniffled. "Your the best thing that ever happened in my life." She said. "Right after dad?" He said.

"Just as much as him." She said. She squeezed him tight. "Your never leaving me right?" She asked. He hugged tighter. "Nope. " He said.

At least thats what he thought.


2017 edit - i have nothing against courtney anymore

Ross blew a puff of smoke out of his mouth. He put the cigarette to his mouth again, and blew once more. Suddenly, the door bell rang. He huffed and but the cigarette the ash tray, and fanned the smoke out the window. You could still smell. He picked up the alcohol bottle, and drank. He walked towards, the door and opened it. "Ross." She said. "What do you want Courtney?" He asked, clearly annoyed.She broke up with him when she found out he was dating Laura. Which means he cheated.

"I want your love." She said. 


"Why? Too hot for you?" She said. "No. As a matter of fact, I'd say my sister looks way hotter than you. And she's my sister!"

"Thats incest."

"No its not. Its called saying the truth. Is it so bad to call your siblings cute? All my siblings are cute in a way of their own." He said. "Oh please. You know you love me."

"I really don't."

"Yes you do."

"No. I don't. I hate you. Your not even pretty. Without make up, you look like a total mess. Like your on drugs. Laura looks way better than you without make up." He said. "Your still hooked up on that hoe-"

He slammed her onto the wall, making her gasp.

"You don't call Laura a hoe. Understood?" He said. She stayed quiet. He slammed her again. "Understood!?!?" He yelled. "Y-Yes."

"I'm not afraid to press this cigarette on your skin." He said. She smirked. "Try me." 

He picked up the cigarette and pressed it hardly on her skin. She screamed loudly, and sank onto the floor, crying. "F-Fuck.." She whispered. "I told you! You little bitch!" He yelled, kicking her over and over again. She cried loudly. "Wait until the police hears this." She said weakly. "Oh they wont be hearing anything. He smirked and gagged her, and muffled screams we're released.


"Rydel? Whats up? You spaced out for a bit." Ellington said. Rydel looked away from her boyfriend, biting her lip. "Whats up Rydel? Something wrong. I know it." He said. "Just leave it Ell. Its not important." She said. "Yes it is. Whats wrong?" He asked, wrapped his arms around her. She looked down. "Im worried about Autumn." She said. "What do you mean? He's in good hands." He said. 

"He's taking therapy Ellington! Therapy! He tried committing suicide! I don't know what the fuck is going on. Everything happening in my life is chaos!" She said. "Everything will be fine-"

"Stop lying to me Ell! You know thats not true!" She said hardly. 

He looked down.



How are you?

I'm doing terrible as usual!

So anyways, i'd like to talk about something.

Jk I have nothing to say. Except for an update, 9 comments. :3

Hope you enjoyed... i really hope so.... i kinda rushed a bit... well then,



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