Entry 0.5

487 36 13


Ross blew a puff of smoke, as he watched cars pass by. He was sitting on the grass. "Smoking is bad for you." A voice said. He looked up, and saw a girl about 13 standing in front of him. "I don't care."

"You can get lung cancer."

"Even better."

"No really. There is a lot of people  fighting for their lives, and your just here sitting, smoking, with the perfect life. In fact, you are famous and-"

He got up and pushed her against the wall. "You think my life is easy?" He asked. She nods. "I wanna die. I don't wanna live my life. Now don't you ever say something like that to a person, you barely fucking know." He said, and gripped her tighter, making her feel pain. "Am I clear." He said. She stayed quiet. His grip tightens. "AM I CLEAR?" He says louder. She nods, scared. He pulls away from her, and she runs off. "Fucking kids." He grumbled, sitting on the railing of his front door, still smoking. 


Autumn wakes up to the usual crying of his mother at night. He slept at the top bunk, and Aubree slept on the bottom. He brings his knees up to his chest, as he looks out the window. It was a dark night, but he could see street lights out the window. He suddenly hears cluttering downstairs. It was a little little noise, but he had a good sense of hearing for some odd reason. He stayed quiet, still hearing cluttering. He climbs down the bed, and tries to wake Aubree up. "Aubree. Aubree. Aubreeeee. Wake up. I hear something downstairs.." He shakes her. "Leave me alone! Go downstairs yourself." She groans, turning over. He huffs. He gets out the room quietly, and tip toes down the stairs. Once he reached downstairs, his eyes widened. 

Screaming came a long too.

A man in a mask pointed a knife at his mother. "Autumn, go back. NOW." She cried. He shook his head. The man was gonna swing the knife. Autumn screamed. "NO!!!!" And ran to her.

The knife swings quicker than anything.

"Autumn!! NO!!!" His mother yelled. The knife slashed against his forehead. The person smirked. She snatched the knife, quickly stabbing the person, multiple times. She finally stopped, and went to Autumn, who had a long cut across his forehead. He looked at his mother. "Honey? Are you okay? Does it hurt?" She asked. He shook his head. "It doesn't hurt." He said. She rushed to closet for the first aid kit, and went to Autumn. She wiped the blood, and she put alcohol against his forehead. "It stings." He said. She wrapped the bandage around his forehead, tying it tightly. She kissed his forehead, and called the police, who we're on they're way.


"Hold me a little closer, 

Hold on a little longer, 

we are almost there, 

why cant you see, 

Hold me a little closer

and hold on to me." Ross sang as he played the guitar. 

"This love is so hard, 

but we're almost there, 

Hold me a little closer,

 hold on to me

This love has never lasted

I love you why cant you see?

Why did you have to cheat?

Could have held on to me

Remember when we we're 15?

Riding on the swings?

I stared at you the longest

Your we're Hypnotizing

Your long hair in the wind,

Hypnotized my thoughts

I held on to you

And you held on to me

You've been running through my mind,

Have your legs been aching?

I have loved you too,

Why can't you love me?

Remember back on set,

Of Austin and Ally,

I sat on the counter,

You we're staring right at me

Kidnapped by your dad,

Shivering in pain

wished you we're by my side, 

Holding on to me

Now i'm suicidal

Afraid to ever love

Dying right inside

You left me to the side,

Hating all of me

Came back home drunk

Still thinking of you 

You have let me go

Now i'm thinking through

All I've got left

are the words that you said

Hold me a little closer

Hold on to me..." Ross had finished the song, tears streaming down his face. He put his guitar to the side, and laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.


Hello readerssssss

I'm having lady problems v_v

TMI? Sorry.....

If your wondering who owns and what song is that,  I own the song! <3 <3 Spend 3 days working on it. Your welcome! :)

Anyways, comment:

Spiders: If you think Rydel's water breaks during the honey moon (Ooooooooooh)

Ants: If you think a new character comes along (Doesn't matter right?......right?)

Caterpillars: If you think the TCA's are coming soon

Mosquitoes: if you think something that is just NO is gonna happen

Hope you enjoyed!

Share your thoughts! <3 <3 <3

Cya next time!



Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now