Entry 0.3

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Lucy on the media--

Lucy stared out her window, watching her dad enter the car. He began to drive off, all the way to work, as she thought. She waited until his car was out of sight. And once it was, she ran down stairs, making sure here mother wasn't around. She wasn't.

She ran out the door, and took out a piece of paper.

The address.


Ross stared out the window longingly. He suddenly heard the door. What was with all the visits lately?

He walked over to the door, and opened it. He looked at the face, and he gasped, as flash blacks flooded his brain. "I-Its you..." He said. He walked towards Ross, getting close, and Ross backed off. "Get away from me you sick old man!" He yelled. "Now now Ross. Did I ever say I was finished with you?" He smirked.


Standing right there.

"What do you want from me!!" He yelled.

"I want to finish you. I want... to kill you."

And Ross felt a cloth cover his mouth and nose, making him fall into a deep sleep.

And this time, a sleep he might never wake up from.


Lucy knocked on the door. "I'm coming! Gosh!" She heard someone yell back. The door opened, and revealed a blonde boy. "Um... Hello?" He said. "Hi! Um... Does a brun-"

"Are you looking for my mom?" He asked.

She nods.

"She inside. Come in." He said. She nods. She looks at his face. He looked exactly like his father.

"Mom! Some one is here to see you!" He yelled.

"Coming!" She yelled. Minutes later, his mother came in. "Its you!" She said. She nods. "Where is um... Damiano?" She asked. "That doesn't matter right now. I need to say something. Its really important." She said. "Just say it then." Autumn said, and crossed his arms, leaning on the wall.

"Ross, is in danger." She said. "And how do you know him?" Laura asked. "Because I had live with him for 5 years." She said. "Wait, are you saying-"

"Yeah. My father is the one who kidnapped him." she said.

"U-Um.. where is he now?"

"He said work.." She said.

"Wait a second... he doesn't work anymore!" Laura realized.

"Then that means.."

"Oh no." Laura whispered.

"Here um.. Call this number for help. Autumn will tell the address." Laura passed her the phone a paper.

"Wait, aren't you coming?" Lucy asked. Laura shook her head. "Why not?" She asked. Laura crpssed her arms and shook her head. "I can't go back. I can't see him again. I just can't." Laura whispered. Lucy nods. "We understand. Autumn, lets go." She said.

"Wait who are you again?"

"Your Aunt."

"Wait a minute. But-"

"I'll tell you how later. We need to go!" She said. He went on his red bike and she went on her pink one, and began to ride to the location.

Laura sighed and shut the door. She went to the coffee table, and saw a picture standing there. A photograph of them. Him and her. Her and him. Ross and Laura. Laura and Ross.

A single tear fell down her eye, and she slammed the picture down, and ran up the stairs.


"Rocky, That puzzle piece doesn't go there." Riker said.

"I'm trying dude!"

"Maybe we shouldn't play puzzles."

"Your way in over you head."

"What do you mean?" He asked Riker. He shook his head. "Never mind."

They heard a knock at the door. If you didn't know, it was a rainy day in California. Weird huh?

"Ryland, go get the door. I'm trying to figure out this puzzle." Rocky said. He rolled his eyes at his brother. He was expecting it to be Savannah or something, but he was wrong. "Autumn? And a random girl!?" He said. Rikers ear tingles. "Did you just say Autumn?"

"Yeah because-"


"Right here you stupid head!" Ryland hollered.

Riker turned and saw Autumn standing there. "Autumn! Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah." He said.

"Wow, gee thanks. What am I? Dead fish?" The girl asked. "Oh. Who are you."

"I'm his Aunt!" She pat his head. "Wait a minute-"

"No time to explain. We need to get to your brother house, and fast, before its too late!"

"What do you mean-"

"I've been with Ross for the 5 years he's been missing, My dad is the one who kidnapped him, I helped him find an escape, and now my dad is back, and he's gonna kill him! Now lets go!" She said. "Who your dad?"

"The famous Laura lynch's dad. Damiano." She said, walking towards the car. Riker's eyes widened.

"We need to go. Now." She said. He nods and rushed to the driver seat.

"Can I drive-"

"Rocky. You can't drive at a time like this!"

"Okay! Just go go go!" Autumn yelled.


Rydel's eyes fluttered open to the smell of breakfast, and her fiance singing, 'Bacon pancakes.'

She smiled and got up from her bed, and her feet slipped into her slippers. She took a shower and got dressed into a white sleeveless blouse, and booty shorts/ jeans. She put her hair into a bun, and she wore white flats for once, and a bit of make up. She walked to the kitchen and found her fiance still baking and singing 'Bacon pancakes.'

She wrapped her arms around his waist. "Good morning." She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. "Morning."


"Ross! Open up-"

The door was already open. But Ross always locks the door.

This time they called the police. They entered the house, and the police looked around, pointing guns. "Clear." One of them said. They walked around. Riker looked around the house. And when he passed by the basement doors, he heard screaming.

Loud screaming.

Riker quietly opened the door, and his eyes widened.


Hey guys.

Still sick. :c

But I feel a little better. C:

Cya next time!


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