Entry 0.5

599 41 28

Not edited as usual

Rocky knocked at the door. A police answered the door.

"Hey. We came to drop her off."

"We're sorry. But this woman is arrested for kidnapping a young girl from the orphanage, and being involved in the kidnapping of Ross lynch." He said, and they took her away. 

She looked down. "So... I have to go back to the orphanage?" She asked. "Looks like you do.." Rocky said. She looked down. "Uncle Rocky." Autumn tugged on his shirt. "Yeah Autumn?"

"You guys look alike." He said.

He shrugged. "Have you ever had sex with anybody?" Autumn asked. Rocky looked at him. 'Autumn! Your not allowed to say-"

"Answer the question." He commanded.

"Yeah." He said.

"Condoms involved?"


"Baby involved?"

"Yeah. But then she said she didn't want the baby, and she just... took off with her."

"Maybe Lucy is your baby!" Autumn squealed.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah!" He said. "I'll have to check the orphanage files for that." He said. Autumn shrugged, and the three of them kept walking. 

"How do you know all this grown up stuff so well?" Rocky asked him. 

"Lets just say I have a friend." Autumn said.


"Autumn! Sweetie! Are you okay? Do you need anything!? How did it go Rocky-"

"Laura. Stop worrying. Everything is fine."


"Your dad is in jail." She said. She let out a sigh of relief. "What? Your worried about Ross-"

"What!? No.." She lied. She shrugged. "Well Im taking Lucy to the orphanage. Cya later Laura." Rocky said. He gave her a quick hug, and left. "So Rocky. Im hungry." She said. "What do you wanna eat?" He asked her. "Macaroni!"

"I love macaroni!"

"YAY! Lets go!" She squealed, and they went to a parlor.


Autumns eyes fluttered open as he heard the school bell ring. "Time for class..." He mumbled, and went inside the classroom. Kids snickered as he walked. Autumn rolled his eyes. "Dickheads." He mumbled. He sat at his desk. (A/N: Lmao lets face it. I started cursing when I was 8 or 9. But not as much as I do now.)

"Autumn?" He heard the teacher call. He looked up. "Why didn't you tell me you had dyslexia?" She asked him. He looked down as his bottom lip began to quiver. "Aw don't cry. You just need to tell me so I can help you with your school work okay? No need to be ashamed honey. We're all different." She smiled and rubbed his back, and she walked back to the front desk. He wiped his eyes.

"Alright little ones! Settle down now! To your seats!" She said. They sat down quickly. If they did it correctly, the teacher gives out a prize. If they were good the whole week, they get a pizza party.

The teacher was LOADED, so she didn't have to worry about buying enough stuff.

"Todays topic of the week!" She said. Kelly doodled on her paper.

"Bullying!" She said. Everyone looked up except Autumn. "Alright. So, can anybody tell be what bullying is?"

Emilia raised her hand. She was the nerd of the class. "Yes Emilia?"

"It is when someone is  target of being made fun of, or being beat up or something like that." She said.

"Mm. Correct, but a few more things added to that. Anyone else?" She asked. No one raised their hands.

"Well then." She said. She walked to her closet, and took out a bucket. full of water, and put it in the middle of the classroom.

"Kindness. What is that?" She asked. Kelly raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Its when your nice to someone." She said.

"Correct. So everybody is gonna do something good this week. And for each kindness, you will drop a penny in the bucket full of water. If anybody does something wrong, a penny will be taken out." She said. The teacher turned the board, and someone threw a paper ball at Autumn. The kids snickered. 


"Hello Ma'am." Rocky said. He was already at the orphanage. "Hvae you found the files yet?" He asked. "Why yes we did. Her last name was... lynch. At least thats what her mother said." She said. "Who's the fathers name?" Rocky asked impatiently. "Under the name.... Rocky lynch?"She said. His eyes widened, and he heart filled with so much joy. "Thats my name!" He said happily. She smiled. "I guess you'll be having her back." She smiled. He signs the papers. "Luciana. Come out please." She said. Lucy walked into the room, and she smiled widely. "Yes!" She squealed, and ran up to him, and hugged his legs. "I have a daddy! I have a daddy!" She sang. He smiled. "Well then. Have fun you guys. Bye." She smiled. They waved goodbye. "Goodbye Ma'dam San!" She said,  and they walked out the building. He picked her up and smiled. "Love you." He said. She smiled. "Love you too." 

And he put her on his shoulders as she hold onto his head, and they walked towards home. 

Real home.


"Thats not funny you jerk!" Rydel angrily said. She was soaking wet. "Sorry Rydel, but it is!" Ellington laughed. Rydel angrily picked up a water balloon, and threw it on his face. It was quiet. He growled playfully and picked her up. "No!!" She playfully yelled, and he threw her on the bed that was now wet, and they began to kiss.

"Best. Fight. Ever." He said.


Laura sung Autumn a lullaby, as he always loved hearing his mothers voice when he was a small little baby, and inside her tummy. When she was pregnant, he would always kick when she sang. 

"Night." She whispered, and kissed her sons forehead. She walked sleepily to her room. She laid in her bed, and cried herself to sleep, holding broken photographs.



Thanks for answering.

And thank you for the people who thought about answering!

I'm looking at you silent readers.

*Staring contest*

I think you won.

So yeah. :3

No thanks to the people who didn't give a SHIIIIITT!!

Lmao jk I love you all. :3

So um..

Yellow: If you think Ross is gonna die (WHYYY)

Red: Rocky's gonna find his ex-girlfriend.

Blue: If you think someones gonna go to the hospital. 

Green: If you think I'm gonna add another unexpected plot twist! :3

Thanks for that strategy ashleyfab!

Which is an author of one of my fav books! :3

Hope you enjoyed! BYEEE


Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now