Entry 0.5

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Not really Edited--

The TCA's we're near by, and everybody was excited for it. Well, except you know who......

Disney wasn't even sure of inviting Laura or Ross to the awards for what happened, but they had to. According to the papers, they we're both presenting best tv actor.

Laura sighed as she read the letter. She was supposed to come to TCA's. She huffed. Why did she have to go? She thought she would be banned from the Disney list.

Raura shippers we're still at it. Still writing fan fiction, Still spotting hope, still staying strong. Even Raia shippers we're having hope, and maybe even Rourtney shippers. 

But its not meant to be. Everybody knows that. They all know Raura wins and.... thats just about it.

Well, as the narrator, I have my own opinions.

BUT-- Haha I said butt- Wait, its not about me......

You know what, lets just get back to the story..

Laura slammed the letter on the table, and got up. The RDMA's we're in a few weeks.  The week after Rydel and Ellington's honey moon. Perfect timing. She sighed and left her hair straight, and put on skinny jeans with a white crop top. She looked in the mirror, looking at her tattoos. She sighed as she walked to the door, she will be visiting her son again.


Aubree was the only one awake. She had had a nightmare that they we're gonna find her, and kill her. She sniffled and wiped her tears. She walked to his room quietly. Once she opened the door, she looked around the room and sees broken photographs on the floor, ash trays, and beer bottles. She sees him in bed asleep, with only his boxers on. "Ross." She whispered. "Ross." She called again. He was a heavy sleeper. "Ross." She called again. He woke up. "Mm....?" He said. "I-I had a nightmare..." she said. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" 

He sighed.

He moved aside and pat down next to him. "Come on." He said. She climbed onto the bed, and laid beside him, snuggling close to him. As the first day she met him, he still smelt like cigarettes and beer.

But she didn't mind. She snuggled even closer as he wrapped his arm around her, and kissed her head.


"Alana?" Jamie said. "Yes?" 

"I believe you heard about Linger."

"Yes, I've heard. I'm searching for her." She said. 

"Doesn't look like it."

"I am. Now go. I have more searching to do." She said, and disappeared.

Essie giggled. She was so evil. She was planning on leaving Linger there forever. She used to be the youngest, until Linger came along. So Essie hated Linger. She just wanted her missing from the picture. And fast.

 "Ah. Essie. Its you." She heard a voice say. Her head swings the other way, finding Alana there, standing beside the white rooms door way. "What do you want..?" She said. She already knew Alana was the oldest of all angels. She was the most powerful-- besides God--- and shes protected over a million people.

That's a lot.

"Oh nothing much, have you heard of Linger going missing?" Alana said. Essie became nervous, and organized her things. "Um, no.." She lied. "Well. Its seems that she has. And I suppose you don't have something to do with it... Do you?" She said. "Of course not! Why would I do such a thing!?" She said. "Because I know you hate her for taking your spot as the youngest. Now your going to tell me where she is. Now." Alana said.

Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now