Entry 0.3

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  Stitched you up, put you together
With cotton and feather  

Laura sat by the window, as the sun shined against the frame. It was a hot day in California - No surprise. She was flipping through the pages of her old character, Ally Dawson's book.  She smiled slightly, when she found herself looking at the page where Ross doodled around. She flipped through it again. She looked at the page where she wrote Harry Potter over and over again. She remembers the time where the cast was playing truth or dare. She was dared to read a Raura fanfiction. She felt so awkward that moment. However, Ross felt more amused then awkward. That's what she found cute about him. But that's one thing.

She felt so happy when Ross finally came back home. More than happy. Beyond happy. But she felt sad as well. Looking at his broken face. She knew it was gonna be hard to stitch him back up. She was disappointed to see the marks on his skin the day his body was revealed to her.


  Gave you love, put my heart inside you

Oh what could I do  

She kissed Ross'  jawline slightly, and cuddle next to him. "C'mon. You never go to the beach anymore.." She whined. "I don't want to go, Laura." He said straightly. He just came back home from somewhere she doesn't even know. "Autumn really wants to go with you." She said. "Well that blonde headed kid should stay out of it for now." He said. "Ross! He's your son! Don't say things like that." She said. "I love him and all, but just don't fucking mention him." He said. She sighed. She stared at his back, which he was wearing a shirt. He got up, walking over to the bathroom. He opened the door, and closed it behind him. She sat up, staring at the door. 

"Ross!" She called. "Ross!" She called again. She grumbled to herself, and got up, walking over to the door. She opened the door. "Ross-"

She stopped talking as she catches her soon to be husband only in his boxers, cutting himself. Right where his veins we're. He looked at her, and swings the knife, pointing it at her. "Stay away from me."  he said. 

Fear, Pain, and Shock we're in his eyes. "What are you doing?"

Her eyes traveled to his back,  cuts, bruises, scars, burns catching her eye. "Ross. Its okay. Let the knife go." She said, tears burning her eyes. "N-no!" He said. Tears we're falling down his face.

It hurt.

"I love you Ross. Don't forget that. Let the knife go." She said. He refused. She quickly went to grab the knife, but he threw it to the side, and pulled her by her wrist tightly, and pulled her to his bare chest. "You don't tell me what to do." He said. "R-Ross... You're hurting me." She said. Tears burned his eyes as well. He held her tighter. "I don't care."

She smelt alcohol.

"You're drunk- Ow! Ross!" She said. He held even tighter. "Let go! You're hurting me Ross!" She yelled, crying lightly. He finally let go, frozen in place. "L-Laura.. I-I'm sorry." He whispered. She stared at her wrist with Ross' hand mark. He fell to the floor, crying. 

"Just stay away from me. I'm a mess." He cried, leaning to the wall. She sat on his lap, and looked at him. His eyes we're read, and tears we're still falling. She kissed him lightly, and he kissed back. They pulled away, and he sniffled. "Never will I ever stay away from you."


She suddenly remembers the moments when she messed around with three guys while Ross and her we're married. That wasn't the only thing that happened. She had a makeout session with a boy at the club every few nights.

God, you're so messed up.

Ross found out 2 days later, but because she loved her and she still loved him, he let it go. 


  When you started talking in your sleep

Saying things you'd do to me  

Laura and Ross we're in bed, and so was Autumn. Laura couldn't sleep. She was still thinking about Ross. Ross and her. She suddenly began to hear mumbling. She looked over at him, and he was still sleeping away. But she heard him talk in his sleep.

"I'm gonna fucking hit her."

"What a bitch."

"She hates me. I would fucking teach her a lesson if I could."

  I didn't care
I wasn't scared  

Laura heard loud and clearly.  But she let it go. She didn't care. She wasn't even scared.


Laura looked down in disappointment. "What a slut." She said to herself. "You messed one relationship up by just being the fucking slut you are." She said to herself.

"Mom raised you better than this." She criticized herself again and again. "Look what you've done." She said. Her lips quivered at the thoughts of Ross crying, seeing him broken and empty inside. "He's lost because of you." She said to herself. She sobbed into her hands. "I never asked for this.." She cried.


  Now I'm finding knives under the sheets

Crumpled photographs of me  

A few days later, Laura was sitting at the couch, still waiting for Ross to come home. At least she hoped he was coming. He still loves me right?

 Its been 5 fucking hours. 6 AM. She stayed up all night. Waiting for him to come. But he wasnt coming back. 

"You're mine. And mine only." She lied. 

He wont come back home to me. She thought. She walked up the stairs, passing by Autumns room, into her room. She sniffled, and tears threatened to come. You can cry. No one can hear you're pathetic cries, you slut.

She cried hardly and looked over at their bed. She found something odd. She walked over to their bed, trying to gather her tears back. There we're papers everywhere. Crumpled ones. She opened one up. It was her pictures. She uncovered the sheets, finding bloody knives. 


She shivered.

I'll still love you Ross.

Just don't leave this world. Stay for me. I love you.

I'm in despair

Should I be scared?


quick chapter before i go to hell (school)



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