Entry 0.5 ~Final~

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It was the morning after Ross' birthday. The day was bright, and surprisingly, the sky was clear. Curtains we're closed on most houses windows, except for one. 
Autumn quietly said goodbye to his mother, as she kissed his forehead. "Goodbye hun. Love you." Autumn looked up at her as she went back to her own height. "Love you too mom." he says, and he walks off and Laura nervously shut the door. Its time.

As Autumn went to school, he stopped by his fathers house. He knocked on his wooden door, hoping he was awake. He could just open it, but it seemed rude. Ross opened the door, and finds Autumn standing there. "Hey buddy." he says in his morning voice. "Hi Dad."

"Whatcha you doing here so early?" he asks. "I just wanted to say.. goodbye before I go to school for once." he says. Ross kneels to him, and holds his head to kiss his forehead where his mothers lips once we're. "Alright then. Love you. Don't forget that okay?" he says to him. Autumn nods. "Okay."

"Promise you wont forget?" 

"I promise. I wont." he said. Ross nods and gets up again. Autumn waves to him, and runs off to school.


Rydel smiled as Ratliff tickled Eliyah. Eliyah was 11 months old now. Ratliff put down the baby in his play pen, as he walks over to Rydel. "Hey."


"We missed Ross' birthday." he sighs. Rydel froze. "What?" 

"I know."

"I can't believe this! At the worst time ever we forget his birthday! I can't.." she frowns, feeling stressed out. "Hey, don't stress Delly. We'll visit him later on today okay? Don't blame yourself. We're really busy with Eliyah." he says. "But.. Eliyah really wanted to see Ross." 

"Its fine. She can see him any time. Don't worry okay?" he said. She nods. "Okay." she pecks his lips gently, as Eliyah began to clap.


Autumn walked through the hallways, as he held his lunch at hand. He always met Kellumoreth at the hallway, but sadly, she wasn't anymore. He never knew what happened between her and him-- scratch that. Actually, he knew. He just didn't know why. Everything was perfectly normal until that huge fight. Now, everything is changing.

He walks, but suddenly, he felt a rough push against him. His heart beat began to raise, as he fell to the floor, seeing who it was.

"Ben." he says. Ben was with him way back in Kindergarden. Ben was the guy who used to hang out with him, until he abandoned him for the "cool" kids.

"Ben." he mimics. "Yadadada. You worthless freak." he kicks him in the ribs, making Autumn squint. "Are you gonna cry?" another voice came along. It was the boy he had a fight with in the lunch room 2 days ago. They began to kick him harder, and as he tried to get up, tripping him again and again. Suddenly they pushed him on his back to the floor, and opened his mouth. They began to pour something in his mouth. He immediately choked, and squirmed around, trying to escape. 

It was alcohol.

And where in the word would 8 year old's get.. alcohol?

They began to write FREAK on his forehead. "No!" he squirms. They hit him again. They snickered, as they ran off, leaving Autumn laying on the floor. He was laying there, alcohol rushing through his veins, beat up, and miserable.


Laura walked and walked, wondering, Will it work? Will this plan work? Will I finally be happy again?

Will we finally be happy again? '

The fact that they we're separated, attracted her to him even more.  

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