Entry 0.3

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here is a picture of Ross and Lauras neighborhood which further in the chapter ross and autumn walk together^^^Ross lays in bed, eyes wide open. He was curled up in his yellow blanket, but suddenly, Linger appears. "Hello, Ross Lynch." she says. "Linger? I haven't seen you in a long ass time." he said, sitting up from his curled-yet-comfortable-position. She glances at him, and lets out a breath. "I've been kind of busy." she sat at the corner of his bed, but it didn't sink in at all, because she was weightless.

"Busy enough you couldn't see me? You have plenty of time." he huffs. She fiddles around with her fingers. "Do you believe in god?" she brings up the question. He raises an eyebrow. "I think you know the answer to that, L." he said. "L? What type of nickname is that?" she lightly chuckled. "Eh. It just came." he said, looking at his fingers. "I um.... yeah. I know you're family is catholic, but... are you?" she said. "Look, I am not very religious."   

"So? What are you then?"

"An alien." 

"What does that mean?"

"It means that I'm annoyed by your questions. Yes I am catholic. Okay? Now can we please go back to a better subject?" he said in an annoyed tone. She sighed. "Alright. You still smoke?"

"You know the answer."

She chuckled. "Yeah, I know every step you take, and every step you do. I think you should stop smoking." she said. "It may seem 'cool' now, but, there are consequences in the future." she sighs, as he began to get up. He quickly slips a shirt on. "I know Linger. Thats the whole point of smoking. To kill me. Might as well die now. We're all gonna die one day, so whats the point of life?" he said, walking down the stairs with her. "You know, whats funny, is that you and Autumn, have asked the same bloody thing this week." she says. "What? You've been stalking my son?" he asked her, going to the kitchen counter. She chuckled, and sat in front of him on a stool. "No."

"Then where's his guardian angel. I wanna meet him or her." he said. She sighs. "You see, that is the thing." 

"What do you mean?" he asked, grabbing a beer. "Well... the job is not being done well...In my opinion I guess...." she sighs. He sat in front of her, as he chugged a beer. He put it down once it was half way done. "So he isn't being protected correctly? What the fuck then? What if my son dies or some crazy shit like that?" he exasperated. She sighed. He was about to grab a cigarette, but she stopped him. "No."


Ross leaned against the wall, as a group of kids sprinted out the school building. He sees his son being the last one to get out, people bumping into his shoulder as they ran home. Ross walked over to him. "Hey buddy." Ross tries to produce a fake smile. "You don't have to smile. I know that you are not happy. So why pretend to be happy? There is no point." he said. Ross sighed, and ruffled his hair up. "How was school?" he asks. Autumn looks at him. "What do you think?"

Ross furrowed his eyebrows and kneels to him. "What the hell happened?" he says worriedly, referring to the almost-black-eye and dried blood in the corner. "Stuff." he says simply. "Uh-Uh. Who's the asshole who did that to you?" he asks, caressing it. "Its not like you could do anything about it." he said, continuing to walk. Ross gets up, and walks with him. He sighed. "I remember the times where you talked like a little baby, and you we're only seven." 

"Hey. Don't judge me. I had dyslexia. I couldn't say words that well." he says. "Well there is a reason your mother and I signed you up for the speaking counselor." he says. "OK. Well I don't need it anymore. Okay?" he replies to him coldly. Ross took out a cigar, and lit it up quickly. He put the lighter away. "Hey, you promised you'd stop." Autumn says, raising an eye brow. "I know." Ross blows out a puff of smoke. He noticed the Polaroid camera hanging from his neck. "Nice." Ross says. "What?"


"Oh thanks."

"You know, you look salty today." Ross says. Autumn crosses his arms, and stopped walking. Ross copies his behavior, crossing his arms. Autumn rolls his eyes. "See?" he stopped. 

"It makes you look like an asshole." Ross chuckles.

"I'm eight."

"So? Any eight year old can be an asshole." he said. Autumn shrugs as they continued walking. "There is actually a rare condition that makes you friendly as hell. There was this one little girl with that disease. It makes her friendly as hell because she doesn't have enough chromosome."

Autumn stops, and looked at him. "Okay. So we're all assholes because of chromosome?"

Ross raises an eye brow at his son saying asshole. They finally reached his mothers house. "Well, I gotta go before she sees me." he said. "But.. I don't want you to leave." he whines. "Thats just how it is. And also, don't say asshole in front of her." he included.

"Remind me how many times we said asshole today." he says. "I'd count but I'm too uneducated for that shit." he kissed his sons forehead, and quickly ran off, before Laura could open the door. "Hey sweetie." she smiles, and kissed his forehead. He giggles as the thought, that whoever kisses his forehead, kissed the other one who kissed it before. "Why was your forehead wet?" she asks. He thinks of his father saliva. "Eh I don't know. I have homework. Goodbye." he rushed upstairs.

She shrugs, and shuts the door, thinking about Ross. 

Now is not a time to cry about your mistakes Laura. It is time to change everything.


hello there my majestic beings. this book is almost over... sadly.

its my one year anniversary of Wattpad, which I did not realize. 

2017 edit-- omg its been so long!! its my three year anniversary now!! omg time flies!

BUT YEA anyways:

fluff: if you think raura will happen soon. >.>
smut: if you think someone is gonna die very soon

FF: if you think that the family will encourage ross to stop doing drugs

and thats all I got.



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