Chapter 1

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Few months ago mom decided to move from New York to Chicago which was kind of hard for me. And not because of friends or other things, it's not like I had lot of friends because nobody ever liked me. Whatever, so it was kind of hard to just move on. Though I hope the high school is gonna be okay seeing today is my first day of school. Everything seemed alright, people seemed nice n cute n sweet. And I just, I don't know, I can't say I'm that excited for high school but as always everything is going to be okay. So, while I was walking through the street, a whole group of teenagers could've be seen right near the high school. Everything seemed normal, the students, the teachers, the classrooms, everything, but little problem, my locker. I'm new here, I don't know where it could be, but the principle or a teacher could help me, I hope.

-Patricia Anne Longstone! Someone yelled.

I rolled my eyes to see a white woman with some classy glasses, a decent costume, shoes with blue eyes and brown curled hair.

-I'm Mrs. Hale. The principle. she said, smiling.

-Oh. Cool. I smiled panicked.

-Your locker is number 05. she said showing me. Have a beautiful day.


I wonder, who's going to be my locker neighbor. I opened the locker, threw everything there but sudden, a hand grabed my shoulder.

-Hey new girl, you must be? she asked as her green eyes looked into mine.

-Uhm, I'm Patricia, and you are?

-Becca. she said, shaking my hand. Nice to meet you Patricia.

-Uh, same. I smiled.

I felt so awkward because, I'm a emotional person, I'm shy and awkward and barely can't even talk with someone but though after time and time I start socializing more.

-Okay, I see you're kind of shy. I'm gonna tell you something sweetheart, whatever is happening I'm here and I'm gonna help you.

Then she hugged me. It was so nice and so cute, I felt I'm finally safe and from the began I knew that girl is going to be a good friend.

-Okay, what classes do you have today? She asked jumping

-Biology, Math, Arts and Spanish.

-That means we're in the same class. And that's really good. She said smiling. Okay girl, we should go.

I couldn't say anything because I didn't have that power. She's nice and others but I don't know.

-You don't talk that much. Okay, let's begin, my name Is Becca Maria Reisenberg and I'm 16. She said holding my hands. Now you!

-Mine is Patricia Anne Longstone and I'm 16 as well. I murmured slowly.

-That's nice. So, where are you actually from? I mean, you don't seem like you're from Chicago or even Illinois but that's not a problem. She said smiling even more.

-Yeah, I'm from NYC actually so. Yeah...

-That's cool. Before we're gonna get there let me tell you welcome n others. She said hugging me again. And don't be afraid to talk with me. You're shy, I understand but don't be afraid to be opened. She said as we got in class.

The class was full of teenagers, every each of them seemed different. The last free place where I could stay was right in the face of a boy with black hair and brown eyes. He looked so handsome that I couldn't take my eyes from him before he gave me a weird face. His voice was so deep and so attractive, I really liked it. I wanted to began a conversation with him because he looked like a nice guy but seeing my brave level is 10%, I think I'm never gonna to talk with him.

-Okay everyone, sit down on your own places and now listen up. A man shouted kicking the classroom door. Before I'm gonna tell you all what's gonna happen in the next 3-4 weeks please let me introduce you all Patricia Anne Longstone, your new fellow. He said shaking his hand.

Confused I jumped, staring at everyone, especially at him.

-She's from NYC and little girl I'm just gonna wish you a great high school year. He said smiling at me.

That whole hour I couldn't be that concerned because of my thoughts. I'm just wondering how's gonna be everything, but a thing I know, I'm gonna be myself.

*Time skips until the lunch*

The hallways were full of teenagers, and from nowhere Becca grabbed my hand into a small room.

-What's this room? I asked staring at everything

-It doesn't matters, what it matters rn is that number 1 this high school doesn't seems what it seems to be, number 2 you're probably not gonna have lot of friends because most of the students are assholes, number 3 seeing we're friends I'm gonna introduce you to my bffs, Lydia and Josephine and 4 don't interact with Pete Wentz. She said with a serious face.

-Pete wentz? Who's him?

-The guy in your back at biology. You know, that one with black hair and brown eyes. She said shaking.


-Just listen, I don't wanna see you getting hurt or something like this. She said holding my hands. Okay, now we should go eat lunch. Let's go.

As hard as she can, she grabbed my hand and ran away really really fast. Gasping for air she said.

-Okay, we have more 30 minutes to take the friking lunch. She said laughing.

-30 minutes? Then why did we run that fast?

-because we need to be here early, duh. She said rolling her eyes. Look at you, you're so cute and so innocent, I can't imagine you being pervert as fuck while sex.

-What the? Oh my god. I said laughing. What was that?

-A joke. She laughed. no but really, you're too pure and innocent to bang someone.

-Okay? That was weird. *laughs*

Then, at our table two girls came.

-Oh, Patricia, these are Josephine and Lydia. She said introducing them.

-Hi. Lydia said shaking her hand.

-Yo bitch hole, have you ever tried to bang a gay? Yeah, same but I wanna do that. Josephit yelled.

-That's just something normal, don't worry sweetheart.

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