Chapter 12

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Pete's POV

Running, I found Nash's house. It was enough, I can't anymore. Violently I opened the door making him jump. He looked into my eyes then smh said in weird way:

-What are you doing here? He asked confused

-I told you, I warned you but you didn't care you son of a bitch.

-How the fuck did you just called me? He yelled.

-You heard me. I told you to stop doing that but you did otherwise.

Laughing he looked at me then bitten his tongue smiling

-Oh come on. She's just a fat girl. Why would you even defend her? Or like her? He said laughing

-Maybe you see her like this but truly she's beautiful and perfect.

Seeing it was just a waste of time, I opened the door prepared to leave. He kept staring at me like at a loser but then when I wanted to close the door he yelled as much as he can that I shouldn't have done this. That's so pathetic but whatever he's not gonna touch her ever again. Outside it was pretty cold, people were getting in house fast. Easy I grabbed a cigarette trying to calm down a little bit but then from nowhere someone punched making me fall down. My head hurt, looking up I saw it was a blonde boy which scared grabbed me up apologizing for everything. He looked like a pretty decent guy and kind of nice. Curios I asked him what's his name and shy he said his name its Patrick.

-Nice to meet you trick. I said shaking his hand.

-Me too. He smiled blushing a little bit.

-Why are alone? He asked trying to understand something.

-I needed to get some air so. Hey, I heard you're a drummer, right?

Few days ago arma broke up because of a little fight n so yeah.

-Yeah, why?

-Joe told me his forming a band few days ago with u so I wondered if you do need a drummer.

-Another one? He said confused. Wait, oh, yeah. I forgot. That would be awesome. He said smiling.

This guy is freaking cute like omg look at these cheeks and awe so cute.

-It was a pleasure to meet you Patrick. See ya tomorrow?

-Sure. He smiled.

That's the best way I can find another band for Andy, I don't wanna see him sad over the fact arma broke up but maybe this band is gonna make him feel better. Outside everything turned out darker and darker, it was so confusing because I didn't know where I am till I got it I'm lost between streets. I grabbed the phone to see the clock, 7 pm, it was too late. Still not scared, I plugged the headphones and let the shuffle do what he wants, the first song was dead memories and it made me feel kind of lost there. Basically after a street there was another street. Stressed I runner over it trying to find another way to get out of this whole shit. Right then I saw a familiar face, it was Mikey. Yelling, I got him kind of confused but quickly I asked him how can I go home. He looked at me like at a insane puppy then figured out what I was meaning.

-If you want I'm gonna get you home. He said smiling

-Dude that would awesome. Thank you so much. I said hugging him tight.

There still was a nervous feeling in me even Mikey helped me with going home. I tried to calm down but then in my mind a image where created. The moment when everyone punched her. My mind exploded , I was so mad at myself, so mad because I couldn't have helped her, so mad that I didn't stop them. My chest hurt, the heart beaten up too fast, gasping for air in silent my eyes were full of tears. Then pics with momma came in my mind. I couldn't breath anymore. Mikey looked at me kind of scared then seeing what's happening he stopped the car asking what's happening and if I'm okay.

-Did we get home? I asked not caring about all these things.

-Yes but Pete that's not okay, we should call your dad, or your sister Patricia. He said worried.

-I'm okay mikey, thank you so much for helping me. I said getting out the car but unfortunately falling down and vomiting.

He came here then said we should go to the hospital. I don't wanna and I don't deserve it my answer were but he asked why because that's not okay. Raising I tried to walk a little bit but still falling down, I couldn't feel my legs anymore. He came again and said the same thing but yelling I told him that I don't wanna go to the hospital. He looked like he was about to cry and said at least if he can help me get inside. Placing on the sofa I said thank you seeing him leaving with a big sad expression on his face. I know he just wanted to help me but I'm sorry but I don't need it. I grabbed another cigarette in the hope everything will turn out again but seeing it didn't work I just stared at phone and at the messages Patricia left. Ugh I'm such a fail at being a decent boyfriend honestly. As I almost fell asleep I heard the door opening. A masculine voice could've heard and I knew exactly who it was. I tried as much as I can to look like I was sleeping and it worked. He left the living room going upstairs almost falling but keeping it he opened the door entering it. The smell of alcohol were everywhere, thanks god Darcy stays with Joe because I can't imagine what happened if dad, in this condition found her with Joe because everything would turn out into something violently full of screams and madness.

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