Chapter 4

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After the embarrassing moment From tonight, I didn't have any courage at all to look into Pete's eyes. I mean, yeah, Darcy asked how did I come that fast but I just said I u want to anymore and then we talked and talked. Seeing it was morning, I just woke up early bc yeah, I can't stay here the whole morning, I gotta go home but unfortunately, there was just me and a paper.

"Dear Patricia, I had leave earlier and Pete's probably at band practice. When you leave don't forget to close the door with the keys next to this paper. When you get to school, give the keys to Pete. Have a beautiful day! Darcy"

Perfect, k Patricia, you can do it.


I can't find Becca, where's Becca, or Josephine, where's everyone.

-Becca, I yelled as the crowd stared at me. Josephine? Guys.

Then, a white guy yelled.

-Hey new girl! Come here! He yelled laughing.

Is that going to be good or?

-What's your name? He asked smiling.

-Patricia. You're?

-I'm Frank. He said still smiling. Glad to meet you Patricia.

-Well... same Frank.

-What class do you have right now? He asked staring at one of his fingers.


-Then that means we're classmates. He said as his shiny smile took my attention.

-Yeah, I guess.

Then from nowhere appeared Pete along with Becca.


-What the hell do you want from me Pete? Becca yelled pushing me away.

-Nothing, I mean, uhm, the new girl.

That new girl, yeah, I could say I kind of like her? I don't know, these fucking feelings confuses the shit out of me. But more exactly, I need Becca's help for something little.

-Come on Becca, you know I can't do it on my own.

As mad as she was, she punched me right on the face then yelled.

-Okay. Fine! I'm gonna help you, but don't you fucking dare to hurt her. She said shaking. I know that you actually can hurt her but don't you fucking dare do the same thing you did to Rachel.


Still not clear, gonna explain again. Since Patricia came here and met Darcy, Becca and the others, I can admit I like her a little bit. But the big question is if she does as well. Whatever, fuck this shit. Fast, I went to my locker to grab all the books I needed, she was right there with Iero. I wanted to go there but I shouldn't.

-Yo dude, what you thinking about? Joe asked staring at my hand.

-Nothing. I said rolling my head. Just thinking.

-Awe, the small Petey likes someone. He said smirking

-No I don't.

-Yes you do.

-No I don't.

-Yes you do. He said laughing. Pete, I know you. You like someone and I feel like that someone is the new girl.

You got me. You fucking got me.

-Okay. That's it. You're right.

-I'm just gonna give you a lil advice Timmy. Be yourself but don't forget to change a little bit. He said whispering.

-Okay? What does that mean?

-You'll see it. He said running. Also, tell Darcy I'm back.


Maybe I should go right there and talk with her to be honest. I'm ready. As high As I can I yelled.

-Hey Patricia.

Scared she stared at me then blushed.

-Uhm hi. She said shaking.


Okay, I may seem like a asshole and 50% maybe I am but I've never had a extremely odd situation like this, especially with a girl. ESPECIALLY.

-Pretty good, what about you? She asked, smiling.


Okay I can totally admit I don't know what to say.

-Oh... cool. She said almost leaving. I forgot something, she shouted. Darcy told me to give you these. Have a great day.

Then she walked away. Mad, I pushed the locker and fell down on my knees, thanks god the bell rang. Goddamnit. Everything is so confusing, the way I feel is so confusing, my actions, my life. Fuck everything.


The break, my favorite thing I've been waiting For the all day long. She was right there, at the same table with Frank but my only question is, why the fuck is he there?

-Pete? Dude? Josephine yelled. What happened with you?

-Nothing I said throwing the food.

-Calm down. Brendon shouted from nowhere. What the fuck happened? You look mad.

-I am but I don't know why. I said staring at Patricia.

I need a break.

-Okay, it seems like something unusual is happening with you. She said shaking her hand.


They looked at each other and placed their food right here.

-Okay, I don't care, this whole time you're gonna explain us the way you feel.

-Thanks for caring about me but I prefer to not talk about it. I said leaving.

I hate talking about my sentiments. On the way to the locker, Nash one of the popular guys grabbed me.

-Pete, the hell happened with you? Why don't you stay with us anymore? He asked shaking.

-Ugh. I had some problems.

-Okay because I wanna tell you something. Do you remember our little game?

-That shit with hurting people by accident?

- Yeah. He said laughing. And I know who's gonna be the target.

-Listen up Nash. I don't think I wanna play that game anymore, I mean yeah.
-But the target is the new fat girl. Why? Did you forget how you chose all those targets. He yelled, mad.

-No I fucking don't. I said leaving.

-Okay. Then I guess we can actually beat the shit out of that new girl, Patricia.

Fast, I rolled my eyes and pushed him on the locker.

-Listen up, don't you dare do that to her or others cause I swear I'm gonna fucking beat your ass.

And I left. Full of madness I began looking after her. Dude, there are any chances for that to actual happen. No joke

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